Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The Powerplant fiasco has doomed the Liberals for Ontario.
People understand $$$
Rob Ford cost you $50k
Liberals are costing you $500 million and counting or whatever the hell the number is. :)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The power plant mess just pumped 500m into the economy, its not wasted, it went to some companies that employ lots of people and will now have an awesome Christmas party.
I'd liked to have used my share to buy a nice watch or maybe some groceries but Mcginty never asked what i needed.

As long as Hudak is in the Conservative chair they arent winning anything. He might speak again during the next election and give it away again.

Federally Harpers band of monkeys just gave Trudeau a victory, that pretentious little twat will get daddy's job, just like Bush did in America. We are so screwed.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

At least under Trudeau there is a chance that pot will be be decriminalized.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

At least under Trudeau there is a chance that pot will be be decriminalized.

That's what Chretien promised too.. Look how well that turned out :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You'll need a lot more than pot to drown your pain from the world of hurt our country will be in if Justin gets in.....

You mean whoever's running Justin? :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So maybe today, at 9:30am, we'll hear where Tommy Boy gets the good stuff?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!
"After Ford and Lisi met in person, detectives noticed a pattern. Later in the day, Ford, on his drive home, stopped in at the Esso at Edenbridge Rd. and Scarlett Rd., just a few doors east of the Ford home. While Ford was in the Esso station, which houses his favourite Tim Horton’s, Lisi would drive up in his Range Rover and place a package into Ford’s Escalade, then drive off."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They just confirmed in a press release on cbc that they have the cracks video.

Oh this will be entertaining now....We'll see if he can dodge this one and move on to win the next election.

Apparently there's nothing on the video that they could charge him with.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Apparently there's nothing on the video that they could charge him with.
That's a conclusion we drew a long time ago based on the original description of the video, so it's no surprise.
Reality check.... So IF they raise the 200K to buy a video from the drug dealers and IF the video turns out to be real and IF it actually proves he was smoking crack (that is the big IF) and not just intoxicated and smoking something from what looks like a crack pipe why would he resign, just because the left wants him to? Also can he be legally forced from office because it looks like he did crack? Pretty circumstantial evidence if it is just "well it looks like he is doing it."
If the video is ever made public he will still have to explain why he is pretending to use a crack pipe and all other circumstances surrounding the video.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's like Chris Farley re-incarnated!

On that note, everyone is now praising the Star for all of their Ford bashing.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Mmmh, since the video exists, can we start making fun of Ford's supporters now?

Just joking.

Ford Nation is now cracked... officially...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's like Chris Farley re-incarnated!

On that note, everyone is now praising the Star for all of their Ford bashing.

I'm not. The Star has fallen a fair way from what they used to be, and that isn't just about Ford.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm not. The Star has fallen a fair way from what they used to be, and that isn't just about Ford.

I agree with you there.

I'm still having trouble with 'traditional' news media, as it seems more and more are becoming too tabloid-ish with their 'news'.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There was a fair bit of understandable doubt from the public when the Star first broke the story and Ford steadfastly denied the allegations. I'm sure this had an impact on the Star's credibility then... but credit is owed where credit is due. This is a good example of the type of investigative journalism that Toronto would miss without organizations like the Star.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This is a good example of the type of investigative journalism that Toronto would miss without organizations like the Star.

So focusing their attention on slander and discrediting politicians is the kind of journalism we need MORE of?

ugh. Traditional media and newspapers haven't changed, but peoples sources for news have (i.e. more independent blogs, videos and word spread through the internet). It's only recently that the traditional forms of "media" are being exposed for over sensationalizing and exaggerating their stories for the sake of sales ratings.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fordy still has my vote if he chooses to run again. Seriously, what's the alternative? More Milleresque antics serving only the interests of the lefty liberal downtown core? Outright ban on private vehicles during rush hour so the cyclists can happily take over the streets singing kumbaya? It can happen.
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