Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I agree, I think it would be a real eye opener.

If they put the same amount of effort following Justin Bieber and Kanye West, into following Harper, Wynne, et all; it'd be a completely different ball game.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does not mean he didn't do it or he is forgiven or has an excuse BUT....

If the media went after the provincial and federal guys with the same zeal as they do/did Ford, they could have saved us a lot of money... Even if they went after Miller...

This blame-the-media thing was old many years ago, now it's becoming a festering disease.

At first the media hated him because they wanted to defend the gravy train entitlement lefty agenda.
Then the media had a personal vendetta against Ford because he's a fat redneck who speaks in plain language.
Now it's the media's fault that Ford got tripped up in this scandal because nobody could have withstood the unique scrutiny they put him under.

Of course it's all BS. There was no gravy train, there are plenty of redneck politicians who are not hounded, and most of all, there is no other elected or high-ranking official in the country, perhaps in the developed world, who would have failed the way Ford has if put under the microscope like he was. But Denial Nation pretends that ALL politicians are equally as bad! It's retarded!

Image if Miller or Harper were followed and watched by the media as closely as Ford, even in their personal lives, would there have been EVEN ONE incident to report, let alone 116 of them as is the case with our dear "leader" Ford? Here's the list:

Some of you really need to get a grip on reality, that Ford is an effing mess, personally and professionally.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does not mean he didn't do it or he is forgiven or has an excuse BUT....

If the media went after the provincial and federal guys with the same zeal as they do/did Ford, they could have saved us a lot of money... Even if they went after Miller...

What makes you think they didn't?

After all, the media is a business.
One of the many things they sell is dirt on politicians. We-the-people love that s****. The more we buy it, the more $ they make, and the more zeal they put into digging the aforementioned dirt.

If Miller was the same as Crack Ford, the media would have taken that opportunity to make $ off Miller’s dirt. To think the media is unfairly targeting Ford, and then finding dirt, is just disingenuous.

The media targeted Ford because he was sooooooooo dirty from day 1. The media is reporting on what they know will sell. You may as well stop blaming the media, and blame people in general, ‘cause we are the reason why they dig the dirt.

This Ford mayor is literally the gift that keeps on giving - for the media.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Image if Miller or Harper were followed and watched by the media as closely as Ford, even in their personal lives, would there have been EVEN ONE incident to report, let alone 116 of them as is the case with our dear "leader" Ford? Here's the list:

Some of you really need to get a grip on reality, that Ford is an effing mess, personally and professionally.

This pretty much sums up the whole thing right there. Especially the last part. The man needs to clearly step aside, seek help and then if he can try again. Seeing his mug in the paper and news daily is a sign that too much focus is on him and his "drunken stupors" and not enough on what else is happening with the gov't and Toronto.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All this talk about booting Ford is, well, umm, anti-democratic and goes counter to the rule of law.

Princess's Man's best advice is this: if you don't like Ford, you have your say: it's called an election. Until such time, you'll just have to put up with him.

And, Princess's Man's other words of wisdom: democracy isn't something you can put on pause whenever it becomes inconvenient for you. Just sayin'.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All this talk about booting Ford is, well, umm, anti-democratic and goes counter to the rule of law.

Princess's Man's best advice is this: if you don't like Ford, you have your say: it's called an election. Until such time, you'll just have to put up with him.

And, Princess's Man's other words of wisdom: democracy isn't something you can put on pause whenever it becomes inconvenient for you. Just sayin'.
Anyone in a position of authority looking to give Rob the boot is seeking legal ways of doing it. I'd just as soon he stayed in office and faced an election but there close to zero chance of that happening.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Just announced: The Ford brothers' talk show, on CFRB, is no more. The bros have decided to call it quits.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did Crack and Drug Ford decided to stop doing the show?
Or did the radio station cancel their show?

Interesting. As you may know, there is a group in Facebook promoting a boycot of any company that advertises in their radio show.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did Crack and Drug Ford decided to stop doing the show?
Or did the radio station cancel their show?

Interesting. As you may know, there is a group in Facebook promoting a boycot of any company that advertises in their radio show.

"The station said Friday the move to end the show, which first aired in early 2012, was a mutual decision."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Here's my advice to Rob Ford:

Yes, take some time off. Christmas is around the corner and it would do you and your family good if you took a leave (not resign).

Get some therapy for whatever is ailing you.

Hire a personal trainer and stylist.

Lose 10-20 pounds if not more.

Buy some nicer but not too nice set of suits, you want to look sharp but still be fiscally responsible. And get rid of the cheesy ties.

Start wearing a stylish pair of eyeglasses, even if you don't need them.

Trade in the Escalade for a Prius.

Return with a vengeance in the spring.

You'll be full of confidence and energy ready for the October election when voters will put you in the mayor's office for another 4 years.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Here's my advice to Rob Ford:

Yes, take some time off. Christmas is around the corner and it would do you and your family good if you took a leave (not resign).

Get some therapy for whatever is ailing you.

Hire a personal trainer and stylist.

Lose 10-20 pounds if not more.

Buy some nicer but not too nice set of suits, you want to look sharp but still be fiscally responsible. And get rid of the cheesy ties.

Start wearing a stylish pair of eyeglasses, even if you don't need them.

Trade in the Escalade for a Prius.

Return with a vengeance in the spring.

You'll be full of confidence and energy ready for the October election when voters will put you in the mayor's office for another 4 years.

If I knew how to post a pic it would be of the deaf ball girl from that Seinfeld episode say 'BINGO'
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Because it would be healthier. I've been obese and it feels really crappy.

Better yet, go to rehab and get your **** together.

Show real contrition.

Go on the Daily Show and say thank you to Jon S.

Tell him that he saved your life by showing you how far you had fallen and thank him for urging you to get clean.

Guaranteed re-election.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Its funny a Crackhead can out-think sober politicians. Something must be wrong
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's sad that a drunken crack-head was the best choice to run the largest city in the country.


Its a victimless crime. Don't even think a crime was committed. What's the big commotion??
Seems like some people hate him so much they're willing to commit murder
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