Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You guys have posted very interesting opinions on the press.
Just one comment to this:

Can the toronto star not be taken to court over this? I am sure there is some charge some lawyer can come up with. Something like slandering one's image? Or the citys image?

Yes, of course anyone can sue The Toronto Star, or any other media outlet, if they publish false reports.

EXAMPLE: Do you remember that The Star published some articles last summer about animal abuse at Marine Land? Do you know that Marine Land is suing The Star for $7,000,000.00? Libel and defamation.

Now, I am no legal expert but imo Marine Land is suing because the park can prove they are not cruel to animals, and the newspaper won't be able to prove the cruelty allegations in court.

As I posted in this thread a few weeks ago, the Fords will not sue because ALL the allegations are true. It would take very little to prove Rob Ford is an addict (blood work).

So that's why they are not suing The Star.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Now, I am no legal expert but imo Marine Land is suing because the park can prove they are not cruel to animals, and the newspaper won't be able to prove the cruelty allegations in court.

I have been in the storage/animal housing building behind the main stage at Marineland several hundred times. I know for a fact your opinion is wrong.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I have been in the storage/animal housing building behind the main stage at Marineland several hundred times. I know for a fact your opinion is wrong.

It is not about what happened, but what The Star can prove in court. I can use other words: I am no legal expert but Marine Land is suing because they have a fairly good chance of winning and walking away with millions.

If Rob was innocent, he would be suing The Star, and if Doug wasn't a drug dealer in his youth, he would be suing The Globe.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I have been in the storage/animal housing building behind the main stage at Marineland several hundred times. I know for a fact your opinion is wrong.

Oh dear, seems Marco did not synthesize all available news stories correctly. This is getting dire.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Read and absorbed your whole post. Looks like we have a different take on things. No need to drag it out further imho. But I would like to address the gambler as that's a good example.
That looks like a line I might read in an expose on problem gambling or editorials about bringing casinos downtown etc. It reads like a fact. That's my initial perception. But is it a fact? My intuition says probably not.

re: cognitive dissonance, well played. I do that myself sometimes:o

Not saying I have any problem with a bit of gambling. In fact I'm saying we all gamble a bit with every action given that we are solely motivated by our beliefs, and never by reality. Just watch any fail compilation and see how even grown adults don't always understand the reality they are in.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The guy who bets on red in roulette is not insane, but he's not motivated by reality either. He's motivated by his belief.

Not saying I have any problem with a bit of gambling. In fact I'm saying we all gamble a bit with every action given that we are solely motivated by our beliefs, and never by reality. Just watch any fail compilation and see how even grown adults don't always understand the reality they are in.

I made no mention that I thought you might have a problem with a bit of gambling. But I suspect I know why you think I did. I merely indicated that your above gambling scenerio could be in a newspaper article passed on as fact. The gamblers headspace is not known and could easily be opposite. I don't have time to watch a fail compilation right now but being in one atm should suffice.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I made no mention that I thought you might have a problem with a bit of gambling. But I suspect I know why you think I did. I merely indicated that your above gambling scenerio could be in a newspaper article passed on as fact. The gamblers headspace is not known and could easily be opposite. I don't have time to watch a fail compilation right now but being in one atm should suffice.

That's funny, I used the gambler as an example because I thought it made my point pretty obvious.

If not, then another way to come to the realisation that we don't operate based on reality, but on belief, is the fact that all of us disagree with others about something. Yet there is only one reality.

Anyways, I think I'm talking to deaf ears now so enough of this.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's funny, I used the gambler as an example because I thought it made my point pretty obvious.

It would make the point pretty obvious if it were true. Maybe he knows the roll of the dice is just a gamble, nothing more. Oh, wait maybe I should Google "gamble". Maybe it means something completely different than what I've always thought. That might clear up this uncomfortable situation. Maybe to-nite after work. In the meantime peace out brother.:)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It would make the point pretty obvious if it were true. Maybe he knows the roll of the dice is just a gamble, nothing more. Oh, wait maybe I should Google "gamble". Maybe it means something completely different than what I've always thought. That might clear up this uncomfortable situation. Maybe to-nite after work. In the meantime peace out brother.:)

There's nothing unique about this guy, everything we do is a gamble. Laying out your clothes for work the next morning is a gamble that there will be a tomorrow. There is nothing that guarantees us tomorrow will come, it is an act of faith that makes more sense than not believing it, because it's been pretty consistent that way over the past billion years. Someone who acted purely on reality would be lost to uncertainty. The laws of science are made up by humans based on the consistency of the universe, but there is no rule anywhere stating that anything has to remain the way it was.

That's the most extreme example of how everything we do is based on faith, but it just goes to show that when it comes to one's opinion on the mayor, there is certainly no reality for anyone to report, just faith.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There's nothing unique about this guy, everything we do is a gamble. Laying out your clothes for work the next morning is a gamble that there will be a tomorrow. There is nothing that guarantees us tomorrow will come, it is an act of faith that makes more sense than not believing it, because it's been pretty consistent that way over the past billion years. Someone who acted purely on reality would be lost to uncertainty. The laws of science are made up by humans based on the consistency of the universe, but there is no rule anywhere stating that anything has to remain the way it was.

That's the most extreme example of how everything we do is based on faith, but it just goes to show that when it comes to one's opinion on the mayor, there is certainly no reality for anyone to report, just faith.

The bold item does not sound quite right for some reason.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The bold item does not sound quite right for some reason.

Though it's an odd way to state it scientific laws are, in fact, a logical construct of human minds to create a best fit with observable phenomena.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

sure... we made scientific laws that sent us in space & throw a satellite in orbit.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

sure... we made scientific laws that sent us in space & throw a satellite in orbit.


uhm what about this gravity thing I hear about.
Who made those rules?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, you're not an anomaly, because we all think that we don't do this ;)

How do you know what everybody is thinking? You can't possibly be serious. Don't we all know people who gather as much data as possible before going forward? Making the best judgement based on available data is not the same as "we believe what we want to believe". It's knowing you did your due diligence and after that it will be what it will be, good or bad outcome. Help me understand what you mean, I know you can do it;)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How do you know what everybody is thinking? You can't possibly be serious. Don't we all know people who gather as much data as possible before going forward? Making the best judgement based on available data is not the same as "we believe what we want to believe". It's knowing you did your due diligence and after that it will be what it will be, good or bad outcome. Help me understand what you mean, I know you can do it;)

I have never known someone for long enough to see them make a number of decisions, without that person making a snap decision about something. I'm honest enough to say that despite my usual analytical approach, I've done it too.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

uhm what about this gravity thing I hear about.
Who made those rules?

I think it was that dude Newton. I curse him whenever I play basketball
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think it was that dude Newton. I curse him whenever I play basketball

ahhh that guy
well women curse him to end after they pass 25 years of age or so.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

sure... we made scientific laws that sent us in space & throw a satellite in orbit.


I think it was that dude Newton. I curse him whenever I play basketball

Funny you should mention that because Newton's laws have proven to be inaccurate based on the theory of relativity. They're close enough to be able to draw reliable conclusions for select events, like riding a motorcycle, but we wouldn't have GPS if we hadn't learned about relativity since then. We've make up and throw out scientific "laws" all the time through our history as we've observed more and more about reality. There's no question that some of the laws that we accept now will be discarded in the future as well.

I'm not saying that OUR laws of science can't be relied upon, I'm just saying that's a small act of faith.
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