Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Some other media outlets claim they were also given a chance but most have said they felt it was not ethical to be giving drug dealers 100's of Ks so they were not interested in viewing or buying (but of course have no issue regurgitating what the star is saying with the disclaimer we have not verified the video).

Also, I find it odd that you are all over Ford for an allegation of smoking crack but when it comes to Liberals they can do no wrong. See this thread:

Pretty hard McGuinty supporter on that one, guess it is OK to lie and cheat and steal, prologue parliament to prevent your energy minister from having to tell the truth or face criminal charges.... as long as you are a Liberal it is all just politics right? People give examples and you just keep asking for examples....

If you are a conservative, well if it looks like you may have done some drugs but do not steal from the tax payers, off with your head?

Sum it up:
Lie, Cheat, Steal, Waste Billions, Pervert the Parliamentary System = all OK?
Allegedly smoke some drugs = very bad?

Did I get it right?

Could say the same about the Federal Conservative Party, while you're at it ;)

Vote Rhino in the next election; vote for me. I promise to lie, cheat, and steal at the first opportunity, and that includes this post.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Some other media outlets claim they were also given a chance but most have said they felt it was not ethical to be giving drug dealers 100's of Ks so they were not interested in viewing or buying (but of course have no issue regurgitating what the star is saying with the disclaimer we have not verified the video).

Also, I find it odd that you are all over Ford for an allegation of smoking crack but when it comes to Liberals they can do no wrong. See this thread:

Pretty hard McGuinty supporter on that one, guess it is OK to lie and cheat and steal, prologue parliament to prevent your energy minister from having to tell the truth or face criminal charges.... as long as you are a Liberal it is all just politics right? People give examples and you just keep asking for examples....

If you are a conservative, well if it looks like you may have done some drugs but do not steal from the tax payers, off with your head?

Sum it up:
Lie, Cheat, Steal, Waste Billions, Pervert the Parliamentary System = all OK?
Allegedly smoke some drugs = very bad?

Did I get it right?

You got it quite wrong. I never supported McGuinty in that thread, I only challenged his detractors to substantiate their accusations against him. No one did. And I have said nothing bad about Ford smoking crack, and in fact I don't hold it against him. It's a health problem that he should get help for. It's his incompetence as mayor that should get him sacked.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Let's assume that video is not real for a moment. Let's assume there is no video.
Ford will win an election again.
The Liberals and NDP of constantly attacking him just riles up the Conservatives base.
They will come out and vote for Ford as an in your face for attacking "us".

The Liberals have weak candidates.
The NDP has Miller's legacy and the garbage mess.
This is why Ford will win. It's a very easy message to deliver.
Gravy boat 2 featuring the Ornge and powerplant fiascos complement of the Liberals.
That issue will be a hot point during the next election.
done and done

So the Liberals only hope is that video is real or every Liberal comes out and votes.
Conservatives have the guts, Liberals not so much.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Let's assume that video is not real for a moment. Let's assume there is no video.
Ford will win an election again.
The Liberals and NDP of constantly attacking him just riles up the Conservatives base.
They will come out and vote for Ford as an in your face for attacking "us".

The Liberals have weak candidates.
The NDP has Miller's legacy and the garbage mess.
This is why Ford will win. It's a very easy message to deliver.
Gravy boat 2 featuring the Ornge and powerplant fiascos complement of the Liberals.
That issue will be a hot point during the next election.
done and done

So the Liberals only hope is that video is real or every Liberal comes out and votes.
Conservatives have the guts, Liberals not so much.

The "conservative base" votes for a "conservative" candidate. The "liberal base" votes for a "liberal" candidate.

The undecided make the decision.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

guess it is OK to lie and cheat and steal, prologue parliament to prevent your energy minister from having to tell the truth or face criminal charges.... as long as you are a Liberal it is all just politics right? People give examples and you just keep asking for examples....

You could almost be talking about the Federal Conservatives there also. corruption is not a Liberal vs Conservative thing.

What the Liberals have done in Ontario is bad. The Mayor of NA's 4th largest city smoking crack is bad. Can we not demand better government without having to take the sides of bad politicians?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You could almost be talking about the Federal Conservatives there also. corruption is not a Liberal vs Conservative thing.

What the Liberals have done in Ontario is bad. The Mayor of NA's 4th largest city smoking crack is bad. Can we not demand better government without having to take the sides of bad politicians?

I truly agree and I want the RCMP to investigate what is happening with these senators. How in the world can you defraud your employer of 90K and get off the hook by just paying it back (and not even be fired). If anyone else did that they would get jail time, and so should they.

My Liberal angle was for another poster that was working hard to defend McGuinty ("it is just politics") for big things but is all over Ford for comparably little things.... There are much bigger fish to fry (left and right) in the country than than Ford.

Smoking crack is bad but if it is not true or even a one time incident.... Of course unless the video proves:

-He did it on "the job"
-He expensed it
-He is doing it all the time
-He Bogarted....
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I truly agree and I want the RCMP to investigate what is happening with these senators. How in the world can you defraud your employer of 90K and get off the hook by just paying it back (and not even be fired). If anyone else did that they would get jail time, and so should they.

My Liberal angle was for another poster that was working hard to defend McGuinty ("it is just politics") for big things but is all over Ford for comparably little things.... There are much bigger fish to fry (left and right) in the country than than Ford.

Smoking crack is bad but if it is not true or even a one time incident.... Of course unless the video proves:

-He did it on "the job"
-He expensed it
-He is doing it all the time
-He Bogarted....

Smoking crack is rarely a one time incident. Coming from someone who is a public figure it will be just another in a long line of incidents showing a complete lack of judgement or brain cells for Mr. Ford.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My new t-shirt...

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Smoking crack is rarely a one time incident. Coming from someone who is a public figure it will be just another in a long line of incidents showing a complete lack of judgement or brain cells for Mr. Ford.

True, it's rarely a one time incident, but there must always be a FIRST time.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Arguably smoking crack would make one a more well rounded person. Another life experience to draw on. Remember, a community encompasses all types of people.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Arguably smoking crack would make one a more well rounded person. Another life experience to draw on. Remember, a community encompasses all types of people.
undesirable ones get removed from the community, i can't say some one who smokes crack (or coke) are wanted in the community.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

undesirable ones get removed from the community, i can't say some one who smokes crack (or coke) are wanted in the community.

I'm not talking raging crackhead and all the associated problems.
I "experimented" with drugs back in the day. It didn't take. But now I don't have to wonder what everybody's talking about, I can relate. Imagine if there's a plausible reason Rob Frod smoked crack? Doesn't sound like it would fly in this "enlightened" society. Sometimes it seems like we learn nothing with the passage of time.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My Liberal angle was for another poster that was working hard to defend McGuinty ("it is just politics") for big things but is all over Ford for comparably little things.... There are much bigger fish to fry (left and right) in the country than than Ford.

It's OK, you can name me. I won't be offended.

Yes, Rob's mistakes are tiny compared to any of the provincial Liberal's. But the errors themselves aren't the point, in part because we are all human and we all make mistakes regardless of private sector, public sector, left or right, municipal or federal. The problem with Ford is that all his little errors point to the same huge, glaring problem of his mayoralty, and that is the harm that his approach would do to Toronto. You can't grow a healthy, thriving, metropolis by cutting everything in sight. It doesn't help the city's economy to make people more reliant on cars. There are real economic costs to social degradation, and like any other cost, deferring them just makes them more expensive to fix later. The city's debt was always well under control. It's the infrastructure that has been neglected for decades that is our real burden. And just as with excess debt, we are benefitting by doing nothing now, at the cost to future generations.

These aren't exactly outlandish observations, they're pretty simple and straightforward. But Ford demonstrates every single day that he is too arrogant, ignorant, juvenile, combative, and incompetent to even consider these views. There's only one way to lead according to Ford Nation: Cut, cut, cut! It's the simpleton's guide to governance, and it gets votes because people don't appreciate anything they have, only what gets taken away.

My objections with Ford have never been about all the stupid little scandals that keep cropping up, and in some cases I have defended him against them. Check this thread again. My objection is purely to do with his twisted political mentality.

As for the Liberal scandals, they are unfortunate but as I said, to a certain degree they are inevitable. None of them suggest either malevolence or incompetence (except for e-health) on the part of the Liberals. The ORNGE problems were corrected as soon as they were uncovered, and since no party is prescient, their response is as good as we could ask for. The power plant closures were going to be one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" things because there was such strong opposition to them, even from parties now complaining that they were cancelled! Understandably, the liberals chose the option that helped them retain power. And while I'm hardly a defender of McGuinty, (it just looked that way because I kept insisting on substantiation for complaints about him that nobody ever provided), he was always going to be far better than any cut, cut, cut Conservative.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's OK, you can name me. I won't be offended.

Yes, Rob's mistakes are tiny compared to any of the provincial Liberal's. But the errors themselves aren't the point, in part because we are all human and we all make mistakes regardless of private sector, public sector, left or right, municipal or federal. The problem with Ford is that all his little errors point to the same huge, glaring problem of his mayoralty, and that is the harm that his approach would do to Toronto. You can't grow a healthy, thriving, metropolis by cutting everything in sight. It doesn't help the city's economy to make people more reliant on cars. There are real economic costs to social degradation, and like any other cost, deferring them just makes them more expensive to fix later. The city's debt was always well under control. It's the infrastructure that has been neglected for decades that is our real burden. And just as with excess debt, we are benefitting by doing nothing now, at the cost to future generations.

These aren't exactly outlandish observations, they're pretty simple and straightforward. But Ford demonstrates every single day that he is too arrogant, ignorant, juvenile, combative, and incompetent to even consider these views. There's only one way to lead according to Ford Nation: Cut, cut, cut! It's the simpleton's guide to governance, and it gets votes because people don't appreciate anything they have, only what gets taken away.

My objections with Ford have never been about all the stupid little scandals that keep cropping up, and in some cases I have defended him against them. Check this thread again. My objection is purely to do with his twisted political mentality.

As for the Liberal scandals, they are unfortunate but as I said, to a certain degree they are inevitable. None of them suggest either malevolence or incompetence (except for e-health) on the part of the Liberals. The ORNGE problems were corrected as soon as they were uncovered, and since no party is prescient, their response is as good as we could ask for. The power plant closures were going to be one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" things because there was such strong opposition to them, even from parties now complaining that they were cancelled! Understandably, the liberals chose the option that helped them retain power. And while I'm hardly a defender of McGuinty, (it just looked that way because I kept insisting on substantiation for complaints about him that nobody ever provided), he was always going to be far better than any cut, cut, cut Conservative.

Ford is a hammerhead, pure and simple, but if you think that the city's budget and debt have been well managed prior to his taking office, then you're fooling yourself. The infrastructure has been neglected, precisely because the city's finances have been mismanaged. To put it in perhaps over simplistic terms you don't buy a flatscreen and renovate your kitchen, if your roof is full of holes and the foundation is crumbling. Previous mayors paid for festivals, supported art galleries, and bought buildings that they allowed to fall into disrepair while ignoring century-old waterworks, letting roads and bridges fall apart, and failing to improve transit in step with the increase of population. One of the ways that they made themselves look good was to aim high on their budgets and then crow about how far under that they had come, at the end of the fiscal period. Some of that money, that wasn't spent, was set aside for maintenance of The Gardiner. You do the necessary spending first and then, only then, do you consider discretionary spending. For far too long this city has put the discretionary spending first.

Having a fiscal conservative get elected was a long time coming. Unfortunately the first person who came along saying the right thing turned out to be a low grade moron.

As to the Provincial Liberals foibles they have been the result of incompetence, arrogance, and lust for power at any cost. Building new power plants within a short distance of the communities that they would serve was an unpopular decision, but it was the right one. If it was the wrong one, as they have been saying most recently, then that decision should never have been made. It wasn't the wrong one. Other local plants, that are more polluting, need to be closed and torn down. Undoing the deals, thereby costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, was the wrong decision. eHealth was an absolute debacle, caused by a failure to manage. Similarly, ORNGE was a failure of oversight. Failure after failure, after failure and the Liberals have been re-elected. Why? Because the opposition are equally power mad and stupid, failing to galvanize the hearts and minds of voters. Horwath is hobbled by a desire to spend and memory of NPD (now Liberal?!) Premiers past, while Hudak stamps his little feet and shouts "NO!!" like a petulant 3 year old, thereby removing himself from any chance of making deals to further his party's platform. He's too busy wanting to be King of the Popes.

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Politics is so confusing. It almost seems like there's two sides to everything. I saw a full one hour interview of Hudak by Steve Paikin on TVO. Hudak came across nothing like a foot stomping, petulant 3 yr. old. I thought I had him pegged and was looking forward to the cohesive society I know Ontario can be, sane voters be willing. This hope now seems dashed with the new information coming to light above.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Politics is so confusing. It almost seems like there's two sides to everything. I saw a full one hour interview of Hudak by Steve Paikin on TVO. Hudak came across nothing like a foot stomping, petulant 3 yr. old. I thought I had him pegged and was looking forward to the cohesive society I know Ontario can be, sane voters be willing. This hope now seems dashed with the new information coming to light above.

How he sounds in an interview is somewhat at odds with his political actions. He stated that he would, in no way, support the current government. In a minority government system, with three political parties, that's a patently stupid thing to do as it hands all political leverage to his absolute opposition; the NDP. Idiotic. He has made himself, and his party, completely inconsequential.

In politics, there are rarely only two sides to an issue. A failure of current politicians is to try and break everything down into black and white, polarizing issues as far as is humanly possible. The right thing to do is most frequently something that involves reconciling disparate viewpoints and working out concessions, which cannot be done if people are standing on opposite sides of a brick wall.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

More than two sides!? That adds a level of complexity I couldn't begin to unravel, even at a city level. This black and white thing might prove a viable modality pandering to the great unwashed masses. I see you chose to dabble in that yourself by reducing Hudak to a foot stomping, shouting, petulant (did I miss anything?) 3 yr. old.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

More than two sides!? That adds a level of complexity I couldn't begin to unravel, even at a city level. This black and white thing might prove a viable modality pandering to the great unwashed masses. I see you chose to dabble in that yourself by reducing Hudak to a foot stomping, shouting, petulant (did I miss anything?) 3 yr. old.

You'll please note that I was rather egalitarian, in laying a pox on all of their houses. I think that it's a pretty good analogy for Hudak. Another might be, "I'm not in charge so I'm taking my ball, and going home." If you want a similar statement about the other two parties then for the Liberals it's "They are buying your vote with a credit card, under your name", and for the NDP it's "When you're already bankrupt, why not max out the credit cards too?"

Trying to reduce everything to black and white might well help to create a definitive split between voters, but it also does two other things; fails to inform voters of real issues, and disenfranchises people who would otherwise take the time to vote. Ford managed to get elected by staying on message, but providing absolutely no substance behind the claims. McSquinty managed to get RE-elected, time and again, despite having patently and repeatedly lied to voters, to the point of running coal fired generators with shovel-fulls of thousand dollar bills. Horwath makes an endless string of demands on the sitting Provincial government, to the point that people become sick and tired of her, because Hudak has empowered her to be a pain in the butt by sitting on his hands.

Does that break the grey areas down well enough for you?
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