Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fords usual M.O. is:

1) do/Say something stupid
2) Deny it (usually this stuff is easily provable like his Leafs game story)
3) Lie more to try and get out of it.
4) Attack anyone who tries to confront him with the truth. Bully and belittle others
5) Only once concrete evidence is proven against him he admits to wrong doing and then claims its cause he is honest.
6) Apologies all around. Usually hollow and never taking actual blame for his actions. Its always somethings fault that got him there
7) repeat.

I can think of someone else who used the exact same strategy; Lance Armstrong.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So how does this work? Mayor gets accused of all sorts of things before it was proven. He was even accused of sleeping with a coworker /prostitute. He "allude" Dale to be a pedophile & dude's got his panties in a knot?

Am I missing something?

Sent from my tablet using my paws

Yes you are. Think about it. How would you feel if someone in an important position and as "in the news" as Ford, suggests that YOU were a pedophile? Someone that speaks to millions of people, and that almost half believe, whatever nonsense he spouts. A man's integrity/reputation/honor is all he has, and that's what this liar has put into question/jeopardy for this reporter. Ford had the opportunity to come clean or even just soften his lie both during his interview with Black and when questioned later where he said that he "stood by every word" he said.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What Ford calls gravy others call services. For those planning on voting for Ford. Tell me what services you would no longer like that you receive?

He did privatized garbage. These people no longer need to worry about these guys holding the city hostage in the summer. I don't recall hearing a strike this summer so that's something good he did for the city
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I can think of someone else who used the exact same strategy; Lance Armstrong.

I heard they train together :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He did privatized garbage. These people no longer need to worry about these guys holding the city hostage in the summer. I don't recall hearing a strike this summer so that's something good he did for the city

In Etobicoke we were always envious of the rest of the city, getting much better service from municipal employees over the crap we got from Turtle Island. At least that'll stop and we'll all be miserable together :D
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

In Etobicoke we were always envious of the rest of the city, getting much better service from municipal employees over the crap we got from Turtle Island. At least that'll stop and we'll all be miserable together :D

Maybe I'm not following you, but I don't think we get exceptional service
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Maybe I'm not following you, but I don't think we get exceptional service

Didn't say that but still miles ahead of TI.. Missed pickups are frequent, cans thrown in the middle of the road, left upright with lids open in heavy rain... That's what happens when you hire a company with a neutered union whose staff doesn't get paid a living wage.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yup, that's about it, and the know nothings will continue to be mad until politicians cast aside their hidebound doctrines and start looking at the real situation, in order to create their political platforms.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I remember reading some time in the beginning of the year that Dale was peeking over his yard on a cinder block. I don't know which rag I read, but I guess its a case of "stupid meet stupid"

Well, it looks like that is a lie started by Ford.

If you still believe that version, obviously Ford's apology was not clear enough. He lied, get it? Everything he said about the incident is false.

He should have been forced to go on camera and read his apology letter on live television, followed by Q&A.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well, it looks like that is a lie started by Ford.

If you still believe that version, obviously Ford's apology was not clear enough. He lied, get it? Everything he said about the incident is false.

He should have been forced to go on camera and read his apology letter on live television, followed by Q&A.

He'll never speak those words because the moment that he does, it will become clear to anyone listening that he doesn't mean it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If I was still in Toronto as I was for the past 15 years and you gave me a better candidate, I will vote for that Candidate no questions asked.

I will be interested in Karen Stintz, we will see, at least she is not as much as a ****** bag politician as others it seems

A "better candidate" is shaping up to be David Soknacki at this point:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't buy that commonly accepted explanation for Ford's election in 2010. The way I figure, he was just the most outwardly charming of a bunch of really unappealing options.
There probably was a protest vote in reaction to Miller, but that wasn't the bulk of Ford's support IMO.
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