Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
I have to say I am really amazed by this thread. It's amazing to see that guys basically think and feel the same way about relationships as women. Everything you guys are complaining about, my girlfriends and I complain about as well.

That said, men should still be men in relationships ;) Don't make women do all the work - woo them!

I will use this quote as she is indirectly referencing the leakage occurring.
I respectfully disagree with you. I would tell them once in person (and email). The next time I would knock them out.
I don't have "friends" nor would I want friends that need to beat up on women.

One can wonder if birds of a feather beat together.

You surely can't say that with a straight face? Below you talk about harsh. There are none so blind as those who cannot see..

Sounds kind of harsh without some context.
What do you mean by "I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face"?

I'm starting to like you.

No homo.

Same here, army..and what's with this no homo crap? I keep seeing it and it makes me shake my head, cuz I think it's just sad that some day some one, decided they had better say that..and before u know it, we all feel like we need to make that distinction. IMO, we should feel confident enough in our masculinity that the obvious shouldn't have to be pointed out..anyway no getting on anyone's case..just typing out loud a thought I've had about it since seeing it for the first time about a month or so ago. Crazy world we have..

Anyway...ya...I pictured army diving across the camp and knocking this guy senseless. Poor girl had better of thanked him unconditionally...and girled-up in the future and dumped his pathetic *** and KNOW WITH CONVICTION, that she doesn't need to take that **** off of ANYONE. Otherwise the risk he took (army) mighta been, unfortunately, in vain.
You surely can't say that with a straight face? Below you talk about harsh. There are none so blind as those who cannot see..

Same here, army..and what's with this no homo crap? I keep seeing it and it makes me shake my head, cuz I think it's just sad that some day some one, decided they had better say that..and before u know it, we all feel like we need to make that distinction. IMO, we should feel confident enough in our masculinity that the obvious shouldn't have to be pointed out..anyway no getting on anyone's case..just typing out loud a thought I've had about it since seeing it for the first time about a month or so ago. Crazy world we have..

Anyway...ya...I pictured army diving across the camp and knocking this guy senseless. Poor girl had better of thanked him unconditionally...and girled-up in the future and dumped his pathetic *** and KNOW WITH CONVICTION, that she doesn't need to take that **** off of ANYONE. Otherwise the risk he took (army) mighta been, unfortunately, in vain.

You seem to be stringing along segments from different messages to make your own context.
I have to say I am really amazed by this thread. It's amazing to see that guys basically think and feel the same way about relationships as women. Everything you guys are complaining about, my girlfriends and I complain about as well.

That said, men should still be men in relationships ;) Don't make women do all the work - woo them!

So then in the words of Martin Lawrence "What the problem is?"
I have to say I am really amazed by this thread. It's amazing to see that guys basically think and feel the same way about relationships as women. Everything you guys are complaining about, my girlfriends and I complain about as well.

That said, men should still be men in relationships ;) Don't make women do all the work - woo them!

I do think that men and women often complain about the same thing (it sounds like the same thing), but they want something fundamentally different from their relationships.

I believe that men need a woman whom they believe will stand behind them no matter what happens.
While women need a man that will give them the feeling that no matter what happens, everything will be ok. ( I think the posts by yourself and Medic support my view)

I look for the former, I try to provide the latter.
Every girl that I have ever dated have told me the same thing in one version or another, which is "I feel safe when I am with you". It may not be the most story book kind of comment, but its one that lets me know I am doing my job.

You may or may not agree with that, but I guess thats just my theory.
I have to say I am really amazed by this thread. It's amazing to see that guys basically think and feel the same way about relationships as women. Everything you guys are complaining about, my girlfriends and I complain about as well.

That said, men should still be men in relationships ;) Don't make women do all the work - woo them!

You sure got my attention with your thoughtful/insightful posts here, dodging..although I suspect I might have a few years on ya..probably a decade and a half or more.. :wink:
Now that I think of it, pretty much every post you've made in the last month has been an inane opinion on a trivial subject, which you then dig your heels in and defend to the death when someone has a counterpoint. Kinda describes every argument I've ever had with a woman.

Wow, lol

whats wrong with video games? im such a man in call of duty its insane

Wait till I start pwn'ing those noobs. That takes reflexes and smarts
This is going to sound harsh but ain't it ironic that a thread about the emasculation of men degenerated into a bunch of guys taking about how butt-hurt they are about their past relationships?

I lol'd irl.

But the thread wasn't about the emasculation of men, it was about the femininity of some men in their everyday lives, then degenerated into why men don't need women, THEN degenerated into a discussion on relationships in general. You helped it go off topic plenty with that great post.
This is going to sound harsh but ain't it ironic that a thread about the emasculation of men degenerated into a bunch of guys taking about how butt-hurt they are about their past relationships?

I knew you would get this or say something along the lines, hence me posting the term leakage
I tried asking them to take it to pm or start another thread to discuss their present and past "feelings" as this is how they are coming across which you have pointed out. Oh well, carry on the male drama " As the wheel turns".
I do think that men and women often complain about the same thing (it sounds like the same thing), but they want something fundamentally different from their relationships.

I believe that men need a woman whom they believe will stand behind them no matter what happens.
While women need a man that will give them the feeling that no matter what happens, everything will be ok.
( I think the posts by yourself and Medic support my view)

I look for the former, I try to provide the latter.
Every girl that I have ever dated have told me the same thing in one version or another, which is "I feel safe when I am with you". It may not be the most story book kind of comment, but its one that lets me know I am doing my job.

You may or may not agree with that, but I guess thats just my theory.

I sure do agree with that. Just recently a friend asked me what was one of the most important things that I would want in my girl, and I said simply, "for her to have my back". Exact words. And of course that is only if I NEVER gave her reason not to in the past. If I've never failed you before, then I'll thank you to have my back. Solid.
And I can relate to the other comment you made about being credited with them always feeling safe with me.

I haven't always realized the having my back was important to me. I only learned this relatively recently in my life, a couple years ago. But I have always had protective instincts.

Sorta have a hard time with the 'taking for granted' that we, men and women, tend to do with each other..often too easily it seems..and if one is doing all the giving/in, then the other, by default, is always on the receiving end. Eventually a person gets tired of not being appreciated.
You know whats really manly? Discussing what women think :lol:
8 pages. 8 freaking pages. It's real simple folks. Men will do ANYTHING to get laid. ANYTHING!!!!

Even Motley Crue wore baby blue and pink on stage and eye liner back in the day.

I remember dudes dressing like Boy George to get close to the ladies.

Guys will pretend to be gay to get close to vagina.

Guys do stupid things for pussy. And that will never change.

Roasted nailed some of the enviro factors. Jobs in general have changed over the years too. Less Freddy Flintstone work and more computer, financial, office fellas and ladies have joined in on the fun. Does this breed more femmy behaving boys?

I don't know. I don't care.
What about the other way around? Women being more "masculine"? Sometimes I think I'm more of a "man" than many men I know (and I'm a woman). My video game collection and the fact I work on my cars and play sports aside, I'm the one that steps in to protect people when nobody else will. I have had no trouble stepping in, breaking up fights and protecting people I think are being assaulted while others (including men) just walk by or watch.

And honestly, I don't think that should be a "man's" job. That should be an everyone job. We've become much too selfish and self-centred as a society. We don't want to get involved if it could potentially be a hassle for us, and that frankly disgusts me about how society is turning out today.

Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities. I also don't know if I buy the whole thing about men being intimidated by beautiful, educated, independent, and successful women, since it makes no sense to me. I would think that that is what a man would want, rather than someone they need to coddle and take care of? Do men really like women/girls like that? The high maintenance ones they need to pamper? They frankly annoy the crap out of me...

^This is so true, highlighted my favourite points.

Back on topic, most women want a man to be a man. It's ok to look good in the process, but if a guy is more like a girl than we are that is a total turn off.
Those guys in that picture are the metrosexual "look at me, I'm prettier than you" kind of guys that are stuck on themselves and "too good" to do real work and get dirty. They're likely too in to themselves to give a damn about you, your needs, goals etc as they would consider you lucky just to be able to get on your knees for them.

By the way, for the record, I really hate how this ^ stereotype goes hand in hand with being in good shape. It really doesn't matter what kind of person you are, if you have a fit, ripped body people will label you as a selft absorbed ********* before you even open your mouth. Also, women automatically label you as a player that sleeps with anybody they want. Having a good body makes getting laid easier but makes getting into relationships SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER since even if you're into a girl right off the bat she thinks you're a player who can get any girl and even if you show interest in her she assumes that it's just a show to get in her pants so she can be your bang # 1232454959.

It's kind of like how many people assume that any attractive girl is a "*****".
Right. A drunken fight isn't worth the trouble. That's a situation where backing down is the right thing... What are you fighting over?

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.

Street justice man! I think you did the right thing, a man laying hands on females and children who cannot fight back is an act of cowardize.
here is what i think...

I was having lunch with a female friend and one of the things she asked are why are guys such wimps today, why can't they be more like you, just more of a guy. I asked her what she meant and she went on to say the following:

1. they are looking more like girls down to hairless body (i am ok there but not like a bear)
2. they are starting to act more like girls (like how? example)
3. they seem to lack balls to stand up for themselves (my balls are too heavy for me to stand)
4. they don't know how to talk to women, they just stand there thinking we are going to break the ice for them (how would they like us to talk to them)
5. they don't know how to banter and create that sexual chemistry ( i hate chemistry, but i love sex)

Oh, and one point that was really emphasized she asked "WTF are with all these guys and video games?" (when girls can't pleasure us enough we turn to video games, so start pleasuring us!!!!)

What says my fellow riders guys and gals alike?

Please keep it civil.

btw- No need to be negative and childish by aiming your remarks at me (not referring to you Kool)
It is just a point of discussion that someone brought up.
By the way, for the record, I really hate how this ^ stereotype goes hand in hand with being in good shape. It really doesn't matter what kind of person you are, if you have a fit, ripped body people will label you as a selft absorbed ********* before you even open your mouth. Also, women automatically label you as a player that sleeps with anybody they want. Having a good body makes getting laid easier but makes getting into relationships SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER since even if you're into a girl right off the bat she thinks you're a player who can get any girl and even if you show interest in her she assumes that it's just a show to get in her pants so she can be your bang # 1232454959.

It's kind of like how many people assume that any attractive girl is a "*****".

Stop it, your have a rep to maintain dammit!
By the way, for the record, I really hate how this ^ stereotype goes hand in hand with being in good shape. It really doesn't matter what kind of person you are, if you have a fit, ripped body people will label you as a selft absorbed ********* before you even open your mouth. Also, women automatically label you as a player that sleeps with anybody they want. Having a good body makes getting laid easier but makes getting into relationships SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER since even if you're into a girl right off the bat she thinks you're a player who can get any girl and even if you show interest in her she assumes that it's just a show to get in her pants so she can be your bang # 1232454959.

It's kind of like how many people assume that any attractive girl is a "*****".

Couldn't agree more with you. Seriously since i have been in shape, this is the exact attitude i get from some of my female friends. but i don't give a ****.
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