Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
So typical - blame it on the women. Everything is HER fault - SHE made me eat the APPLE! :rolleyes:

See, I haven't changed into a pussy like all the other men. Now, why are you on the computer by yourself? Where is my dinner???!!! It's 5 pm woman!!!!

edit: just realized I was asking a woman a question. I should have just smacked her and demanded my dinner.

Nooooo!!!!! I'm kidding. Poor taste in humor. I'm not like that. Honest.
this thread being here and being started by a dude proves men are more feminine BECAUSE MEN DONT CARE!

9 pages of male existential-angst, and this ^ is the real answer. :p

Seriously, I thought that women had it rough, but the male obsession with the notion of "what makes a man" makes me shake my head in bewilderment.
I think the real men are whom have read this thread, laughed, moved on for a ride and forgot about it.
I agree with a whack of different stuff in this thread. Our thirtysomething generation is the last of the world to grow up in a world of no cell phones, road hockey and unsupervised playing outside. Men are becoming more feminine simply for the fact that less is required of them nowadays. Women have become much stronger for themselves over the years, so maybe its not that men have become more "feminine", but women have become more "masculine"? I put that in quotations cuz is there really such a thing anymore?

I remember back in the day when you were in a scrap, either u or the other dude was getting knocked out, those encounters and how we presented ourselves on the street to other people helped shape who we were as men. Now we've grown up and we try to teach our kids to stick up for themselves, they try and they get shot by some pussy kid scared to get punched. So what do we do, we lock up our loved ones indoors and drop em in front of a TV with a PS3 for hours to keep them busy. So ya, youre gonna find alot of boys who aint used to that growing up a little timid and confused about how to approach a woman. We're in an impersonal time in the world where people would rather send a text message to avoid having to actually speak to the other person. I remember when I wasnt married women were complex, imagine a dude who spends most of his time interacting with females over Facebook and Twitter, he's gonna have no game because like alot of people in the world today, they feel as if everything should be handed to them, including the p***y! I feel for the ladies who say that the men are gone, the generation theyre attracted to have gotten married, gotten old, still banging other random women and dont wanna settle or just plain gotten desperate to the point they arent attractive to a woman anymore. Youre trying to find a good man, nothing good ever comes easy.....just ask my wife ;)

About the video game thing, I have a PS3 and a wife I've been with for over 12 years. Its never been a problem, in fact my wife figures its either me at home doin that or me on the road somewhere. My wife is at the center my universe and I make an effort to make sure she knows that, when your chick is in some hot lingerie and your telling her to hang on cuz your in the middle of a clan battle online, things start getting f***ed for people, but that goes for anything in life. You start neglecting the one u say u love for PS3, friends, weed, booze, even motorcycles for some couples, youre gonna lose that person to someone who gives them their undivided attention.
Shhh, men are talking.

Quoted again because it's still hilarious

I'll never "Beiberize" myself because that is what pop culture is telling me girls want.

Son of a beotch, I was going to start shopping for a chrome Fisker. Damn you all to hell.

Wait, some rapper buddy conned him into buyng a Desmo Sedici. Stain in 3, 2, 1...........Fiskers will be cool again by next summer.
Wait, some rapper buddy conned him into buyng a Desmo Sedici. Stain in 3, 2, 1...........Fiskers will be cool again by next summer.

Nah, it's just an 848 EVO. I have a hard time imagining anyone who owns a Desmosedici selling it to Beibs ... though it would be pretty funny.
I've with stupid ^. School is more expensive than ever, and so is housing in Toronto. People also don't get married at 20 years old like they used to so have to do the moving out on a single income or wait till they get hitched. Staying with parents through most of your 20's is the only logical choice for many in Toronto.

I got a job out of college moved to my dads PMQ in Downsview for 6 months until I found a place to live. My first apartment was in Markham. I had a car, insurance and apartment all in my name at 20 living on my own. It is perfectly doable if someone is independent enough. Ok granted my cousins who are only just now moving out at 25 have the money for a down payment on a condo. I have my bike and still my own place and can say everything I own I have bought and paid for myself.

I think the real men are whom have read this thread, laughed, moved on for a ride and forgot about it.

No, they are too busy to even bother with this website.
My first apartment was in Markham. I had a car, insurance and apartment all in my name at 20 living on my own. It is perfectly doable if someone is independent enough.'re making me feel like a looser for moving out at 29. lol

But I know a chick that moved out at 18, .......she was living off oats, was flat broke and eventually moved back's doable yes, but it ain't easy.

LOL! "Mama, it's too hard, can you tell the big bad boss guy I can't possibly be in till like 2ish, I was up 'campaiging' last night."

There are good parents out there but it's not as common as it used to be. I actually had a parent (Mom) show up to an interview once, she "wanted to be sure this was the right environment for her <Johnny>". I thought I was on a hidden camera show, surrealistic.

Expectations of this generation? Out of whack. There's no way I could have afforded a home fresh out of school, I paid rent for many years and lived in some less than ideal situations until I could save enough for my first place etc. If I had lived at home I would have been more of a Mama's boy as well, it's just too cushy to have your laundry done, bills paid, meals ready etc. it makes you soft. Some parents will make you work or pay rent but nothing like a slumlord would hit you with.

Grow a pair and start supporting your own skin, your expectations are way too high, your parents worked hard to build their home, now it's your turn.

Why am I so hard ***ed on this? Seen it too many times, made these same mistakes with my own son. As long as I was willing to support him, her was willing to suck it up. I gave him some jobs to do around the house and he expected to be paid. He still owes me money for damages to my home and his lawyer and and and... I'll never see it, he thinks I'm a dick for not paying his gas so he can come visit me so I can feed and entertain him for the weekend.....
I moved out at 18 went to college, graduated college at 22 rented for 2 yrs and bought my first house at 24. I am now 37 and am doing well for myself like the song says "son life just aint that hard". Sure thing have happened I am now separated which was a bit of a financial setback but if you can carry on you will be fine. And my first job was in TO where I rented an apartment but GTFO of the city soon after.
I feel for anyone just trying to carve out a life for themselves these days. I see alot of peeps trying to do it right and get an education, but when they finish and try to come out in the workforce there are no jobs and now theyre saddled with a student loan for their troubles. Then you got peeps like myself that have been working since an early age and have on job experience as opposed to education and do ok for themselves. Things arent always as black and white as it seems. I got a brother in law whos spoiled to ****** with all his Uni med education, rent and food paid for while my wife couldnt even get her mom to pay for college. Now hes a deadbeat with a degree living at home, got fired from a job at Tims cuz "He couldnt deal with people" R u effin kidding me? Now me and my wife got a house and my grandparents live with us cuz they let us live rent-free while we saved to get our first condo to flip, at 23 and 20 yrs old. Her mom is starting to get into retirement age, I feel for her, but she aint staying wit us. She wasnt there when we was hustlin to get it she sure as ****** aint gonna be living high off my hog now that we got a little sumthin for ourselves. Am I selfish for feeling that way? I hope not're making me feel like a looser for moving out at 29. lol

But I know a chick that moved out at 18, .......she was living off oats, was flat broke and eventually moved back's doable yes, but it ain't easy.

I never said there was a right or a wrong so why feel like a loser? Honestly... I'm jealous of my cousin. Hes going to own a brand new condo. Not jealous that its in Barrie but to each their own. Im just saying its doable. As for the girl eating oats. I wasn't that bad off. Ate rather healthy. Now granted I stopped buying meat which dropped my grocery bill from $300 a month to $150. And I'm still vegetarian. Steak doesn't taste the same after a few years being vegetarian :( which sucks. That's the only meat I miss.

I moved out at 18 went to college, graduated college at 22 rented for 2 yrs and bought my first house at 24. I am now 37 and am doing well for myself like the song says "son life just aint that hard". Sure thing have happened I am now separated which was a bit of a financial setback but if you can carry on you will be fine. And my first job was in TO where I rented an apartment but GTFO of the city soon after.

Another example of it being doable.
I feel for anyone just trying to carve out a life for themselves these days. I see alot of peeps trying to do it right and get an education, but when they finish and try to come out in the workforce there are no jobs and now theyre saddled with a student loan for their troubles. Then you got peeps like myself that have been working since an early age and have on job experience as opposed to education and do ok for themselves. Things arent always as black and white as it seems. I got a brother in law whos spoiled to ****** with all his Uni med education, rent and food paid for while my wife couldnt even get her mom to pay for college. Now hes a deadbeat with a degree living at home, got fired from a job at Tims cuz "He couldnt deal with people" R u effin kidding me? Now me and my wife got a house and my grandparents live with us cuz they let us live rent-free while we saved to get our first condo to flip, at 23 and 20 yrs old. Her mom is starting to get into retirement age, I feel for her, but she aint staying wit us. She wasnt there when we was hustlin to get it she sure as ****** aint gonna be living high off my hog now that we got a little sumthin for ourselves. Am I selfish for feeling that way? I hope not

I went to college with a guy who graduated but admitted he would never touch architecture again. He was offered a manager job at the grocery store he'd been working at since he was 16. Was going to make a **** load more than a first year arch tect. And he was promised to move up over time.
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