Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
The dudes who were architects back in the day are still in the workforce doin their thing. All these higher education desk jobs aren't as physically demanding so you can bet with the way money is these days alot of these ppl are doin it well past retirement age! I had a senior dude at my work tell me straight up he was waiting for his ex-wife to die before he would retire so she couldn't have any of his pension(which I kinda had to laff at in my head cuz this dude looks like he's on his last leg on a good day) how nuts is that? People are living much longer than ever so demand for those kinds of jobs is gonna be messed up. My family doctor has got a Michael Jordan thing goin on, keeps saying every year he's gonna retire, but even as doctor, especially in this country, my man still has to hustle.
There's a BIG correction coming. So much intrinsic knowledge has been lost through attrition and very few transition plans in place. If you have the knowledge and experience on these old systems, there's going to be a HUGE demand when the busines finds they can't support or convert them. In my world that's computer systems and software, but the same applies to any form of infrastructure.
There's a BIG correction coming. So much intrinsic knowledge has been lost through attrition and very few transition plans in place. If you have the knowledge and experience on these old systems, there's going to be a HUGE demand when the busines finds they can't support or convert them. In my world that's computer systems and software, but the same applies to any form of infrastructure.

AS/400 operators, baby. Could made a good living doing that for the past ten years if I was a little smarter, but I wouldn't start out doing that *now*. Seems like some places are finally phasing them out.
Just cause someone is living with their parents doesn't mean that mommy cooks for you every day and washes your undies. I've been cooking for myself, cleaning after myself, doing my own laundry, etc. since I went away to Uni but was living with parents between age of 24-29. Not that that's anything to brag about, but just doesn't have to be quite that pathetic. lol

OH yes, and it's LOSER, I know....I'll get it eventually.
AS/400 operators, baby. Could made a good living doing that for the past ten years if I was a little smarter, but I wouldn't start out doing that *now*. Seems like some places are finally phasing them out.

I worked with a couple of charter companies that relied solely on as/4, could've ripped my hair out working with it sometimes, but then they tried to switch over to a widows based GUI, omg I was begging for them to bring it back, lol. As/400 was reliable, I will give it proper due for that, but not easy to look at after a few hours nonstop. What's it bein phased out by anyway, hopefully something much more user friendly?
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Moving out early is sort of a North American thing. Moving out just so you can call yourself independent? At what, the cost of 1000 per month? Seems a little like an ego-driven concept if that's the case. I'd rather stay home and pay off their mortgage than give the money to some random person which really doesn't do anything for MY capital or assets. At least the house might be mine at some point.

Some asian/foreign parents judge white parents for making their kids pay rent or pressuring them to move out, while white parents scoff at foreign ones for "giving their kid the easy route". I think a little more attention needs to be paid to how different cultures are.

One of the more common reasons to explain it is "old wealth". People who are settled down here already have old wealth from previous generations; while asians/foreigners don't. It's a lot easier to kick out your kid when you own the house - I'd imagine it's a lot harder when you're trying to get things together, yourself, as an immigrant. When you own the place, you see the kid as a freeloader. When you don't own the place, the kid's struggling just like you, except without the life experience or assets.

Many foreign cultures have housing, food, and education as an obligation for parents, while that isn't necessarily the case here (at least not all 3). I'm usually the token asian dude at all of my jobs (predominantly white environments) and when they hear that I've got a bike, car, paying for university, insurance, all my expenses, etc. it's not a big deal 'cause they were all able to do it (with their old wealth advantage). But then an asian parent hears it and I'm the son they wish they had. Like I said before: culture/context is everything.

I made enough to move out years ago, but I'm staying for the food. My compromise is that I'm paying to get the basement done, so I can have my own place with privacy. I'm only ever home for a couple of hours to sleep or eat, anyway. I'll move out as soon as I pay off my parent's mortgage (probably before I'm 25).

But sometimes I hear/see/know about how parents kick their children out because they consider them self-entitled freeloaders, and I wonder how much of that has to do with how they were raised.
I worked with a couple of charter companies that relied solely on as/4, could've ripped my hair out working with it sometimes, but then they tried to switch over to a widows based GUI, omg I was begging for them to bring it back, lol. As/400 was reliable, I will give it proper due for that, but not easy to look at after a few hours nonstop. What's it bein phased out by anyway, hopefully something much more user friendly?

Psh, how much more user friendly do you want it to be? Just try to think of whatever you're trying to do and phrase it as 3x three letter acronyms. WRKOBJPDM, bam. :P

Seriously though, when you first start working on one seems like every single person who designed it was completely nuts, but as you get used to it things start making crazy amounts of sense. I've got a lot of respect for it, but it usually isn't the right tool for the job these days.
I like feminine men...
Interesting thread I must say. I think we need to begin with a definition of just what it means to be male or female, and how you draw that distinction. I won't go very far into it, because as some of you nay know there are university courses and even majors designed around this issue. We live in an age where not even the sexual organs you possess can define you as a male or female (weve all seen the kids who play with barbie over gijoe and swear they should have been born a girl and vice versa)

No I do believe there is no such cut and dry definition of a man. Not every man is cut out to be a golden gloves fighter who excels in any sport and can charm any woman he pleases. We can't all be six feet tall. That very same man may be by all means just a simpleton, great at throwing a football and looking good but when it comes down to making an income he's got nothing short of a ufc or NFL contract to his advantage.

Let's just say I'm not the biggest man, and I was never the all star in sports, and I've never been a pro at talking to a woman, but I wouldn't say I am not a man. I work and provide for myself, i do all the "woman" duties since I live alone, I'm interested in "manly" things, I don't mind getting dirty. Funny thing is everything ive mentioned women do today as well, so how do we draw a distinction other than a biological one, which as I said earlier doesn't even seen to be enough today?

I am just a human being on this planet who was endowed (very well I might add) with a penis some time during the gestation period.

As far as dating goes, I'm 24 and got out of a three year relationship a few months ago. I honestly thought id live my days out with this girl. She broke up with me two days after valentines (it was a great day btw) saying she didn't feel the same anynore and hadn't for a while. Okay then.. that would have been nice to know when we were cuddled in bed holding hands until we fell asleep, hearing her say she wouldn't know what to do without me, how she wants to get married and have kids etc. Oh but she wasn't feeling it the whole time right? **** off.

Then you hear the proverbial "theres always someone out there who is better" and in my experience there always has been. But that begs a question and implies something too. If there is always someone better then how do we know if weve found the one? Is ltrue love really just the ultimate conpromise? Why put all my eggs in one basket if another nicer basket is always out there? What if I miss the nicer basket?

I think a lot of people my age are starting to realize this today.. compound all that with the fact that women get to have their cake and eat it too and its no wonder guys just want to have casual relationships and maybe see where they go witout giving too much of themselves up to another person. I know girls feel the same way too..

But is a casual sex having society really one we want? Personally I've never been too keen on the idea of dating and ******* multiple people at the same time. I don't want to know that some girl I'm really digging is gonna go out on a date with someone else in two days and **** them, but its probably going to happen, and yeah, it doesn't stop me from doing the same, but it just doesn't feel right, and let's face it, girls have the full advantage here. They can play the helpless women from old days or a new age woman, and play into the varyibg new styles of men. They can go out and pick a new mate each and every night, all they gotta do is go out and look good and someone will approach them. All a girl has to do is say yes.

Of my last maybe 50 approaches none have ended successfully, and I am certainly not sloth from the goonies.

So I've just about given up. Why bother? I'm sure sonehibg will come along and ill wait and focus on myself until then. If everyone is broken by then and I end up a cowboy spaceman millionaire well, I guess I can still be happy.

In short it seems the only benefit to a relationship is having a vagina to stick my Dick into and someone to talk to at all times and cuddle with etc..and yeah while its nice, I've gotten used to not having it and its not the end of the world. I'd rather wait than BS my way into some shallow meaningless dates that may lead to getting my dick wet.

It is what it is
Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense to me. Also explains some of the very odd conversations I have had with young guys I have went out with lately. They all seem very weary of getting involved with someone who is trying to use them for money or to help them fix stuff around the house. It's really weird.
that's right ....i worned people on this forum about your intent and it's not really weird, that' how you come across. a sugar momma looking looking for a boy toy.
Also I've gotta say I find it hard to relate to girls in my "dating range"

I work full time, upwards of 60 hours a week and live on my own. Once all lifes necessities are out of the way there isn't time for much else and a lot of young people just don't understand that it seems. When I get home after a 12 hour day, make food and eat and prepare for the next day, do some household ****.. its time to go to bed, not tome to go chopping girls or going on dates. Just dating sacrifices the little time I have for me, or the things i need to do.

I just feel like I cannot relate to a girl (or even guys now that used to be good friends) who lives at home, goes to school and doesn't work or only does part time, who has no responsibilities other than their school. Sure they may be great people but they just don't understand the life I lead and it leads to issues. I have no meals when I get home, my growing pile of laundry and dishes isn't going to do itself.. no one is going to go grocery shopping or tell me I need to see a dentist..

So really if I want any me time for personal growth, there is no time for dating. My dad and boss and other older people tell me I need to shack up with a wife so we can split the duties and so there is no wasting time going on dates and seeing each other cause they're always there... It'd be nice but easier said than done... And when she decides she can do better and takes my house where am I then? Worse off than had I stayed single.. albeit with a few years of goodness. And a lot of spite.
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I hear that Bieber's got a 12 inch penis. Unfortunately it belongs to Usher and it's up Beiber's a*s... :agave:

Then you hear the proverbial "theres always someone out there who is better" and in my experience there always has been. But that begs a question and implies something too. If there is always someone better then how do we know if weve found the one? Is ltrue love really just the ultimate conpromise? Why put all my eggs in one basket if another nicer basket is always out there? What if I miss the nicer basket?


Are you sure you're a man?
that's right ....i worned people on this forum about your intent and it's not really weird, that' how you come across. a sugar momma looking looking for a boy toy.

Wow. I had no idea how horrible I was being. Thank you Stewart for being there to show me what I am doing wrong. I'm going to turn over a new leaf. From now on I will no longer scope this site for young, eager, muscular, men to use as my personal sex slaves in return for keeping them living the high life off all my money. That's really wrong and now I see how awful I was. Using helpless young men for their bodies and stamina is evil. I'm going to start wearing a kaftan and this sunday I am going to join a church and start going to regularly.
Thanks Stewart. You caught me before I could have ruined so many of these innocent young studs. Just think of all those you have saved!!!
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Wow. I had no idea how horrible I was being. Thank you Stewart for being there to show me what I am doing wrong. I'm going to turn over a new leaf. From now on I will no longer scope this site for young, eager, muscular, men to use as my persoanal sex slaves in return for keeping them living the high life off all my money. That's really wrong and now I see how awful I was. Using helpless young men for their bodies and stamina is evil. I'm going to start wearing a kaftan and this sunday I am going to join a church and start going to regularly.
Thanks Stewart. You caught me before I could have ruined so many of these innocent young studs. Just think of all those you have saved!!!

Roflmao! What's a kaftan? Wow I'd swear u were roaming this site trollin mofos the way some people trip on u! I guess pimpin still ain't easy XD
I wanted to reply on this thread....but then I started talking about investing and decided to delete my post.

I'll just summarize it: live with your parents, invest your money, buy a house when you're 35. Anything else is stupid unless you don't want a million bux for free.
From now on I will no longer scope this site for young, eager, muscular, men to use as my persoanal sex slaves in return for keeping them living the high life off all my money..

Hold on a minute there missy. I could always use another bicycle or five. Let me pop over to Fortino's and grab a case of Grecian Formula.

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