Interesting thread I must say. I think we need to begin with a definition of just what it means to be male or female, and how you draw that distinction. I won't go very far into it, because as some of you nay know there are university courses and even majors designed around this issue. We live in an age where not even the sexual organs you possess can define you as a male or female (weve all seen the kids who play with barbie over gijoe and swear they should have been born a girl and vice versa)
No I do believe there is no such cut and dry definition of a man. Not every man is cut out to be a golden gloves fighter who excels in any sport and can charm any woman he pleases. We can't all be six feet tall. That very same man may be by all means just a simpleton, great at throwing a football and looking good but when it comes down to making an income he's got nothing short of a ufc or NFL contract to his advantage.
Let's just say I'm not the biggest man, and I was never the all star in sports, and I've never been a pro at talking to a woman, but I wouldn't say I am not a man. I work and provide for myself, i do all the "woman" duties since I live alone, I'm interested in "manly" things, I don't mind getting dirty. Funny thing is everything ive mentioned women do today as well, so how do we draw a distinction other than a biological one, which as I said earlier doesn't even seen to be enough today?
I am just a human being on this planet who was endowed (very well I might add) with a penis some time during the gestation period.
As far as dating goes, I'm 24 and got out of a three year relationship a few months ago. I honestly thought id live my days out with this girl. She broke up with me two days after valentines (it was a great day btw) saying she didn't feel the same anynore and hadn't for a while. Okay then.. that would have been nice to know when we were cuddled in bed holding hands until we fell asleep, hearing her say she wouldn't know what to do without me, how she wants to get married and have kids etc. Oh but she wasn't feeling it the whole time right? **** off.
Then you hear the proverbial "theres always someone out there who is better" and in my experience there always has been. But that begs a question and implies something too. If there is always someone better then how do we know if weve found the one? Is ltrue love really just the ultimate conpromise? Why put all my eggs in one basket if another nicer basket is always out there? What if I miss the nicer basket?
I think a lot of people my age are starting to realize this today.. compound all that with the fact that women get to have their cake and eat it too and its no wonder guys just want to have casual relationships and maybe see where they go witout giving too much of themselves up to another person. I know girls feel the same way too..
But is a casual sex having society really one we want? Personally I've never been too keen on the idea of dating and ******* multiple people at the same time. I don't want to know that some girl I'm really digging is gonna go out on a date with someone else in two days and **** them, but its probably going to happen, and yeah, it doesn't stop me from doing the same, but it just doesn't feel right, and let's face it, girls have the full advantage here. They can play the helpless women from old days or a new age woman, and play into the varyibg new styles of men. They can go out and pick a new mate each and every night, all they gotta do is go out and look good and someone will approach them. All a girl has to do is say yes.
Of my last maybe 50 approaches none have ended successfully, and I am certainly not sloth from the goonies.
So I've just about given up. Why bother? I'm sure sonehibg will come along and ill wait and focus on myself until then. If everyone is broken by then and I end up a cowboy spaceman millionaire well, I guess I can still be happy.
In short it seems the only benefit to a relationship is having a vagina to stick my Dick into and someone to talk to at all times and cuddle with etc..and yeah while its nice, I've gotten used to not having it and its not the end of the world. I'd rather wait than BS my way into some shallow meaningless dates that may lead to getting my dick wet.
It is what it is