What about the other way around? Women being more "masculine"? Sometimes I think I'm more of a "man" than many men I know (and I'm a woman). My video game collection and the fact I work on my cars and play sports aside, I'm the one that steps in to protect people when nobody else will. I have had no trouble stepping in, breaking up fights and protecting people I think are being assaulted while others (including men) just walk by or watch.
And honestly, I don't think that should be a "man's" job. That should be an everyone job. We've become much too selfish and self-centred as a society. We don't want to get involved if it could potentially be a hassle for us, and that frankly disgusts me about how society is turning out today.
Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities. I also don't know if I buy the whole thing about men being intimidated by beautiful, educated, independent, and successful women, since it makes no sense to me. I would think that that is what a man would want, rather than someone they need to coddle and take care of? Do men really like women/girls like that? The high maintenance ones they need to pamper? They frankly annoy the crap out of me...
I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face... I think I do address some of these in my post above, if that makes any sense to you.