Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
What about the other way around? Women being more "masculine"? Sometimes I think I'm more of a "man" than many men I know (and I'm a woman). My video game collection and the fact I work on my cars and play sports aside, I'm the one that steps in to protect people when nobody else will. I have had no trouble stepping in, breaking up fights and protecting people I think are being assaulted while others (including men) just walk by or watch.

And honestly, I don't think that should be a "man's" job. That should be an everyone job. We've become much too selfish and self-centred as a society. We don't want to get involved if it could potentially be a hassle for us, and that frankly disgusts me about how society is turning out today.

Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities. I also don't know if I buy the whole thing about men being intimidated by beautiful, educated, independent, and successful women, since it makes no sense to me. I would think that that is what a man would want, rather than someone they need to coddle and take care of? Do men really like women/girls like that? The high maintenance ones they need to pamper? They frankly annoy the crap out of me...

I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face... I think I do address some of these in my post above, if that makes any sense to you.
I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face... I think I do address some of these in my post above, if that makes any sense to you.

Sounds kind of harsh without some context.
What do you mean by "I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face"?
Harsh? how so, its just a personal view.

I spent my twenties trying to make it work and almost got married twice, now I am in my thirties, I have a house and a good job and cash left over for a nice bike and I don't worry so much about settling down.
What about the other way around? Women being more "masculine"? Sometimes I think I'm more of a "man" than many men I know (and I'm a woman). My video game collection and the fact I work on my cars and play sports aside, I'm the one that steps in to protect people when nobody else will. I have had no trouble stepping in, breaking up fights and protecting people I think are being assaulted while others (including men) just walk by or watch.

And honestly, I don't think that should be a "man's" job. That should be an everyone job. We've become much too selfish and self-centred as a society. We don't want to get involved if it could potentially be a hassle for us, and that frankly disgusts me about how society is turning out today.

Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities. I also don't know if I buy the whole thing about men being intimidated by beautiful, educated, independent, and successful women, since it makes no sense to me. I would think that that is what a man would want, rather than someone they need to coddle and take care of? Do men really like women/girls like that? The high maintenance ones they need to pamper? They frankly annoy the crap out of me...

My fear is the fear of being screwed over once you open your life to someone. I've given it enough tries and found enough crazy girls that I'm now like a dog that's been beaten too much. Viewing how many people get together and then split up in nasty splits, or like my dad who is an amazing guy, provided for his wife and their kids who had his wife one day wake up and just say "sorry" and walked away from the marriage... Why would I put myself in to that situation?
I'm single, have been for quite a long time. I'm not out playing the field, or sleeping around. I haven't been on a real date with a girl I actually liked for a few months. The last girl I dated was needy and that was the problem I had so yes, I'm after a girl that has her own life going for her, someone that is my "equal".
I was with someone, where I was in that slelfless type of love. I was sacrificing things to make her happy and that in turn made me happy and proud that I could do that, that I found someone that to me was worth anything in the world. I was actually going to hold back my racing for her (something I've always said I would NEVER do for a girl.) So not every dude is afraid of the commitment, we are just waiting for someone to show up that makes us feel that way, and it's rare to find someone that you enjoy to that extent.

I think you are referring to my comment. I have just seen how emasculated he felt when we witnessed a girl being beat up by her boyfriend and he had to pull me away from getting into it as he pointed out he would be the one getting his *** kicked not me. I don't think it would matter if he were capable of fighting, ie; had the confidence in his skills, but more that he didn't even feel it was an option. Since then whenever I start a fight at a club or a bar I make sure I am alone, :rolleyes:
I have discussed this at length with some of my male friends as well, as I have sons and one of my sons was getting challenged to fight at school by an older kid regularly. Seems like knowing how to at least be able to defend yourself is still a good skill set to have even in this day and age.

Can't worry about the size of a guy! I'm not that big of a dude, but you can't back down if it needs to be done. Sure, you might get smashed, but sometimes I think taking the easy way is worse in the end, depending on the reason for the confrontation. The size of a guy, or muscles don't mean the guy can hit or move.

Wasn't there a thread about your son being picked on?
Sounds kind of harsh without some context.
What do you mean by "I think that comes from spending your twenties trying to settle and having it blow up in your face"?
See this below:

Harsh? how so, its just a personal view.

I spent my twenties trying to make it work and almost got married twice, now I am in my thirties, I have a house and a good job and cash left over for a nice bike and I don't worry so much about settling down.

That's where I am. 28, had enough "bad" for too little "good" and have all the good things going for myself and don't see the point in being with someone to disrupt what I have going.
Still looking of course, but I sure don't put forward the effort and enthusiasm I used to. Plus the older I get, the more and more baggage that the girls my age bring along with them (kids and broken minds from past relationships)
See this below:

That's where I am. 28, had enough "bad" for too little "good" and have all the good things going for myself and don't see the point in being with someone to disrupt what I have going.
Still looking of course, but I sure don't put forward the effort and enthusiasm I used to. Plus the older I get, the more and more baggage that the girls my age bring along with them (kids and broken minds from past relationships)

I actually just think it might be that we actually learn...

When we were younger. I used to think... man this girl is the best girl i am gonna get and if I don't do all of this I am gonna die alone... and you do all of that stuff and it doesn't work anyway.
Then you meet someone else and the same thing happens..

After a while, I think we all learn that, we will always meet someone else... and that sense of urgency goes away. We become more choosey and our standards actually go up. Just my thoughts.

The way I see it. i am going to live my life, and if its a good life, people are going to want to share that life with me. Its as simple as that.

Actually I am 29, almost 30, I sometimes feel older than I am though.
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No you were making a generalization about men or at least about the men who liked that post based on what you gleaned from it. Maybe you should re-read the post, you seem to be a little of today based on your arithmetic.

Yes, my previous response was meant for this post, I apologize to rmemedic.
Hey RM and OpenGambit,
Can you guys start your own thread or using pm as you are going off topic mostly RMMedic.
My fear is the fear of being screwed over once you open your life to someone. I've given it enough tries and found enough crazy girls that I'm now like a dog that's been beaten too much. Viewing how many people get together and then split up in nasty splits, or like my dad who is an amazing guy, provided for his wife and their kids who had his wife one day wake up and just say "sorry" and walked away from the marriage... Why would I put myself in to that situation?
I'm single, have been for quite a long time. I'm not out playing the field, or sleeping around. I haven't been on a real date with a girl I actually liked for a few months.

Can't worry about the size of a guy! I'm not that big of a dude, but you can't back down if it needs to be done. Sure, you might get smashed, but sometimes I think taking the easy way is worse in the end, depending on the reason for the confrontation. The size of a guy, or muscles don't mean the guy can hit or move.

Amen to the above.

I typed out a very long detailed post about my last 4 year relationshit, then I decided that it's not worth it, so I'll stick to the above sentence and end my post there. The point is, the good guys always get beat down, stepped on, emasculated, and treated like gutter trash then women go around asking "where did all the good guys go?" much like chivalry, women killed them.

To IV.'s point though, I "blame" pop culture, I say blame cause I can't think of another word.
Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities.

So true.
Hey RM and OpenGambit,
Can you guys start your own thread or using pm as you are going off topic mostly RMMedic.

It's kind of silly trying to control where a thread is going, especially rather nonsensical ones :P - it's a conversation - it's going to flow - might be in a different direction then you expected. Are you a control freak? lol.
Amen to the above.

I typed out a very long detailed post about my last 4 year relationshit, then I decided that it's not worth it, so I'll stick to the above sentence and end my post there. The point is, the good guys always get beat down, stepped on, emasculated, and treated like gutter trash then women go around asking "where did all the good guys go?" much like chivalry, women killed them.

I don't agree with that, one should always be chivalrous. That is a reflection of who you are as a person and your values and you should always do that regardless of whether someone had slighted you before. To suggest that someone should treat all women less well because one didn't work out is petty, and indicative of someone who doesn't take responsiblity for his own acts.
Hey RM and OpenGambit,
Can you guys start your own thread or using pm as you are going off topic mostly RMMedic.

Shhh, men are talking.
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I don't agree with that, one should always be chivalrous. That is a reflection of who you are as a person and your values and you should always do that regardless of whether someone had slighted you before. To suggest that someone should treat all women less well because one didn't work out is petty, and indicative of someone who doesn't take responsiblity for his own acts.

Oh I still am, I go out of my way to do things like that in my daily life. The sad thing is as my generation doesn't see anything past "what will this accomplish for me". I was mainly referring to that mentality.

I also don't plan on acting any differently in future relationships, I'm just saying that after going through hell and somehow coming out of it intact, I have no plans to try again in the near future and have no idea if I want to or am capable of trusting another person that way again.
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I also don't plan on acting any differently in future relationships, I'm just saying that after going through hell and somehow coming out of it intact, I have no plans to try again in the near future and have no idea if I want to or am capable of trusting another person that way again.

Of course you are capable. its a relationship, not PTSD.

If you can't find it in yourself to give your next relationship 100%, its going to fail, and this time, its gonna be your fault. The only person losing out is you.

( i am not trying to be mean, just saying what I believe is true )
Of course you are capable. its a relationship, not PTSD.

If you can't find it in yourself to give your next relationship 100%, its going to fail, and this time, its gonna be your fault. The only person losing out is you.

( i am not trying to be mean, just saying what I believe is true )

With respect, you weren't there and you don't know about my upbringing. Plus almost 4 months later, there's still fallout from that relationshit affecting my daily life.

That's the reason I'm not dating even though I "could" date a great girl right now. Not interested in being a clingy whiny doorknob so I'm staying single till I want to again.
If you can't find it in yourself to give your next relationship 100%, its going to fail, and this time, its gonna be your fault. The only person losing out is you.

( i am not trying to be mean, just saying what I believe is true )

I agree with this 100% and it can also be said in response to :
I sure don't put forward the effort and enthusiasm I used to.

That's not fair to you or the other person. I think the energy you put out plays a huge role in the whole thing. If you have negative energy i.e: baggage, cant let go of the past etc., you've already shot yourself in the foot. Better to stay single and learn to let all of it go before you move forward into another relationship.
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