Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
I think some people are overthinking this life we have. It's tough enough ffs. Dive in, make a few mistakes and spend time getting thru them. It's called life. Get on with it. Trying to overthink and overanalyse every situation is wasting too much time. Unless you all think you're gonna live to be 100?
Of course you are capable. its a relationship, not PTSD.

If you can't find it in yourself to give your next relationship 100%, its going to fail, and this time, its gonna be your fault. The only person losing out is you.

( i am not trying to be mean, just saying what I believe is true )
Yep. I'm sort of in the same frame of mind as Mac, but I know some day some girl will come along that will make me want to risk myself that way again, and when I do I'll know she is worth the work.
If I can take anything good from my ex, it's that I now know how I'm supposed to feel about someone I'm in a relationship with, and that's the feeling I'm waiting for again.
And I think you're right about our standards going up over time. I'd rather wait for someone I'm crazy about than waste time on someone I'm not totally sure of, since it won't work if you start off thinking that way already.

I agree with this 100% and it can also be said in response to :

That's not fair to you or the other person. I think the energy you put out plays a huge role in the whole thing. If you have negative energy i.e: baggage, cant let go of the past etc., you've already shot yourself in the foot. Better to stay single and learn to let all of it go before you move forward into another relationship.
Agreed... And that's why I don't date. If I see someone I want to put all that old energy and effort in to, then I'll know she's worth it. I'm past my "baggage" stage, I'm just a bit older and wiser and playing it smarter.

this is a motorcycle forum. all these topics have already probably been discussed in places like these ---->> unless you just want to complain. then carry on.

my job is done if you feel offended.
Nope, try again :p
You and Mac need to stop being such tortured souls... There is nothing you guys went through that billions of other guys haven't went through before.

What would Humphrey Bogart do?
You and Mac need to stop being such tortured souls... There is nothing you guys went through that billions of other guys haven't went through before.

What would Humphrey Bogart do?
I'm enjoying single time, 'cause some time I won't be able to. What I went through was really no different than what almost everyone experiences at some point... I don't dwell on it, I'm actually glad she is gone and I'm not stuck with her BS (found out recently she has bigger issues than I thought).

Stop going after girls on POF. :D lol!!
Yep, that problem has been remedied lol.
this thread being here and being started by a dude proves men are more feminine BECAUSE MEN DONT CARE!
Men dont notice as well

Thats why he's like "yo guys, are you all like... gayer than you used to be? kthxbye"
Can't worry about the size of a guy! I'm not that big of a dude, but you can't back down if it needs to be done. Sure, you might get smashed, but sometimes I think taking the easy way is worse in the end, depending on the reason for the confrontation. The size of a guy, or muscles don't mean the guy can hit or move.

Wasn't there a thread about your son being picked on?

Yeah, maybe, I get really stressed about any little thing with my boys because I am their only guidance and I don't want to **** it up.
It is not the size as much as it was some kid who took ju jitzu or something. My son wanted nothing to do with me getting involved so after I spoke to some of my "macho" friends for advice, I sat down with him and told him he needed to kick this kids *** and that he may lose and it might hurt but after that no kid would likely mess with him and he would not be scared to stand up for himself in the future. Trying to raise me some honey badgers ;)
I sat down with him and told him he needed to kick this kids *** and that he may lose and it might hurt but after that no kid would likely mess with him and he would not be scared to stand up for himself in the future. Trying to raise me some honey badgers ;)

It's not how many fights you win, it's how many you show up for..
Yeah, maybe, I get really stressed about any little thing with my boys because I am their only guidance and I don't want to **** it up.
It is not the size as much as it was some kid who took ju jitzu or something. My son wanted nothing to do with me getting involved so after I spoke to some of my "macho" friends for advice, I sat down with him and told him he needed to kick this kids *** and that he may lose and it might hurt but after that no kid would likely mess with him and he would not be scared to stand up for himself in the future. Trying to raise me some honey badgers ;)

You, are seriously one awesome mom. Seriously, no sarcasm in this post at all.
You, are seriously one awesome mom. Seriously, no sarcasm in this post at all.

Lol yeah, my mom's been single since I was 2 and her reaction was the same when I got suspended in high school. Much respect Red :p
Right. A drunken fight isn't worth the trouble. That's a situation where backing down is the right thing... What are you fighting over?

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.

I'm starting to like you.

No homo.
It's not how many fights you win, it's how many you show up for..

That's a good one, I will remember to tell my boys that.

You, are seriously one awesome mom. Seriously, no sarcasm in this post at all.

Thanks, I'm trying! Boys are a bit of a mystery to me, lol. Kinda thought their dad would have been more involved but it doesn't always work out that way.

Lol yeah, my mom's been single since I was 2 and her reaction was the same when I got suspended in high school. Much respect Red :p

Thanks :)
I have to say I am really amazed by this thread. It's amazing to see that guys basically think and feel the same way about relationships as women. Everything you guys are complaining about, my girlfriends and I complain about as well.

That said, men should still be men in relationships ;) Don't make women do all the work - woo them!
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