Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
Some of us are teachers and require a spotless criminal record. Which means "backing down" from some drunk idiot who wants to fight because you bumped into him at a club.

I think most people don't want the criminal record..most smart people that is..
Some of us are teachers and require a spotless criminal record. Which means "backing down" from some drunk idiot who wants to fight because you bumped into him at a club.

Fighting was not mentioned as a point of being "masculine".
I think you missed the point of that post completely. It wasn't that we want those things it was that we don't need women to do those things for us.

If you say so. Personally I don't think your twenty words sums up everything being said in the post. I was just responding to some parts of it and what I saw was missing from the rant that the post started. It's all off topic from the original thread topic generally if thats what you mean.
If you say so. Personally I don't think your twenty words sums up everything being said in the post. I was just responding to some parts of it and what I saw was missing from the rant that the post started. It's all off topic from the original thread topic generally if thats what you mean.

No you were making a generalization about men or at least about the men who liked that post based on what you gleaned from it. Maybe you should re-read the post, you seem to be a little of today based on your arithmetic.
K, just to make it clear I don't hate life and women lol

I just think that we went through that whole shift in gender roles and we haven't quite adjusted to it all yet. Women are getting less out of relationships now too. I mean, they have to work and make their own money too now and most guys like me now adays will split bills/costs with girls and not pay for everything. I also do think there is a hormonal issue with men too causing them to not go after women as much. And the cause of this? Well, here is a possible explanation:


^I honestly think there might be some truth to this

Great video - fascinating. I definitely think there's truth to it. So who doesn't watch porn raise your hands. :D lol.

redridernl: Regarding my inability to count - I didn't include your first sentence, and I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your comments - I'm always amused when someone starts desperately searching for any way to insult another poster because they can no longer validly contribute to the discussion.
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Some of us are teachers and require a spotless criminal record. Which means "backing down" from some drunk idiot who wants to fight because you bumped into him at a club.

Right. A drunken fight isn't worth the trouble. That's a situation where backing down is the right thing... What are you fighting over?

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.
Great video - fascinating. I definitely think there's truth to it. So who doesn't watch porn raise your hands. :D lol.

rmemedic: Regarding my inability to count - I didn't include your first sentence, and I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your comments - I'm always amused when someone starts desperately searching for any way to insult another poster because they can no longer validly contribute to the discussion.

Where did I attempt at insulting anyone? Did I say anything about someone not being able to count?
Was it my analysis on those pretty boys in your picture that you didn't like?
I'm confused here...

If I wanted to insult you, I would. And I have no reason to. You haven't yet been one of the people on the board that I dislike.
Wow a lot of embittered people... What I see from these shallow posts of "oh it used to be I'd get a good meal, and a clean house and now feminism blah blah and women don't know how to cook anymore" and all the proverbial thumbs up from the guys about this post - is zero value being put on what I believe are the most valuable attributes to be gained from a good relationship - respect, honesty, openness, loyalty, trust, a desire of both people to nurture each others genuine welfare and personal growth, support and encouragement through trying times in life, and to plan a future of happy shared memories. These are all INTANGIBLE assets in a relationship that make it worth it.

I have dated a lot, and I only date people I am totally crazy about. I have loved every girl I ever dated and i mean that. But what I found is that in addition to all of the things that you stated, there has to be a vision of the future together, and in a sense, that includes some decision about division of labour.

There has been a few times where that vision has been - we are both partners at law firms and don't see each other enough, our kids see our nanny more that us, we eat out all the time and never have any family time or vacation time. Unfortunately, no matter how much i love someone, I just can't see that as my future, and so it doesn't work. (though to be fair the book isn't closed on a particular one so maybe I'll change my mind one day).
Right. A drunken fight isn't worth the trouble. That's a situation where backing down is the right thing... What are you fighting over?

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.

Lucky for you, Cops, Crowns and most people in general are all very sympathetic to those situations.
And Personally, my profession can suffer an assault charge, so I don't worry too much about that kind of thing.
Right. A drunken fight isn't worth the trouble. That's a situation where backing down is the right thing... What are you fighting over?

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.

See bold.
And there in lies some of this. So it took you the stranger to deal with this matter vs. his "friends" that seem to condone and tolerate it.
You should have slapped them around too:D
Lucky for you, Cops, Crowns and most people in general are all very sympathetic to those situations.
And Personally, my profession can suffer an assault charge, so I don't worry too much about that kind of thing.
Yeah, lucky there for sure... But it's not something I thought of honestly. I'm sure I'd get arrested, stories would come out and I'd be free to go or expected in court to clear things up.

See bold.
And there in lies some of this. So it took you the stranger to deal with this matter vs. his "friends" that seem to condone and tolerate it.
You should have slapped them around too:D
It's hard as a friend, to stand up to a friend and possibly lose that relationship. I'm sure some of them had said something about it to him before and only took it that far. Maybe if they had seen it in person they would have stopped it the way I did?
My hands are busy.

You jumped on the wrong poster. You were talking about me. Which just strengthens my point that you probably didn't read that post properly. I genuinely wasn't going out of my way to insult you but it happens sometimes. I'm an *******, what can I say?

lol thanks man, I was going back in posts to figure out what it is I said and still couldn't figure it out.
Yeah, lucky there for sure... But it's not something I thought of honestly. I'm sure I'd get arrested, stories would come out and I'd be free to go or expected in court to clear things up.

Its ok, its a dumb thing to think about, do what you gotta do and let god sort it out. I actually don't have the most spotless background myself, but its all stuff like that, no regrets.
Yeah, lucky there for sure... But it's not something I thought of honestly. I'm sure I'd get arrested, stories would come out and I'd be free to go or expected in court to clear things up.

It's hard as a friend, to stand up to a friend and possibly lose that relationship
. I'm sure some of them had said something about it to him before and only took it that far. Maybe if they had seen it in person they would have stopped it the way I did?

I respectfully disagree with you. I would tell them once in person (and email). The next time I would knock them out.
I don't have "friends" nor would I want friends that need to beat up on women.

One can wonder if birds of a feather beat together.
Fighting was not mentioned as a point of being "masculine".

It was mentioned in an earlier post.

But, sometimes a fight is needed to do the right thing.
Ex. Was at a public camp ground a bunch of years ago on a long weekend, and through the noise of the party at our site I heard a dude yelling at a girl. I grew up in a home where my mom was beaten up about once a month so I'm protective of girls, especially when it comes to domestic violence. I turned my attention to what was going on at this other site, she was crying sitting on a picnic table and he was right in her face yelling... Still not my issue, but then he grabbed her throat, I took off running at the guy, ran him over, ended up on top of the guy and went to town on his face until my friends stopped me.
Sure, I could have walked up, tried to "talk" the guy out of it, but I know how those situations go "f you buddy, this isn't your business", or I could call the cops but by then she's already beaten and he has took off somewhere. Same scenario I saw enough times with my mom.
We ended up sticking with the guy until his friends showed up (guessing they were on a beer run) and they took him home... Surprise, this wasn't the first time he's hit her and they were actually glad someone intervened, and said he had it coming.

Would I have taken an assault charge? Sure, and I would have known I did the best I could.

In terms of self-defense, yes, you must defend yourself or those you care for. But there are situations where fighting can be avoided by using your words or simply walking away.

I probably would have called the police before walking over there. Though I don't blame you at all for running at him. To play devil's advocate, the girl could have taken his side when the police showed up and said that you attacked first (worrying about the consequences later and not being in the right frame of mind). That scenario is one that would be pretty difficult to hold back at; I talk like I know what I'd do but you never really know, heh.
What about the other way around? Women being more "masculine"? Sometimes I think I'm more of a "man" than many men I know (and I'm a woman). My video game collection and the fact I work on my cars and play sports aside, I'm the one that steps in to protect people when nobody else will. I have had no trouble stepping in, breaking up fights and protecting people I think are being assaulted while others (including men) just walk by or watch.

And honestly, I don't think that should be a "man's" job. That should be an everyone job. We've become much too selfish and self-centred as a society. We don't want to get involved if it could potentially be a hassle for us, and that frankly disgusts me about how society is turning out today.

Here's what my thinking about the modern man has been about though lately, particularly men in their 30s, who are old enough that one would think this would not be an issue. Why is there such a fear of commitment? Men I've met want to casually date, but are too afraid of being with the wrong person and missing some other opportunity, that they won't commit to any one person and even try. Relationships have become scary. Could be the same cause - we have a "me" generation on our hands. Entitled, selfish, and since relationships require selfless compromises at times, they are in conflict with egotism. So many men stay single to "play the field" and I watch my girlfriends (truly beautiful, educated, and successful women) get treated like commodities. I also don't know if I buy the whole thing about men being intimidated by beautiful, educated, independent, and successful women, since it makes no sense to me. I would think that that is what a man would want, rather than someone they need to coddle and take care of? Do men really like women/girls like that? The high maintenance ones they need to pamper? They frankly annoy the crap out of me...
I probably would have called the police before walking over there. Though I don't blame you at all for running at him. To play devil's advocate, the girl could have taken his side when the police showed up and said that you attacked first (worrying about the consequences later and not being in the right frame of mind). That scenario is one that would be pretty difficult to hold back at; I talk like I know what I'd do but you never really know, heh.

Funny, I know someone that had that happen to him and he has a criminal record as a result....
Men are not men anymore, woman have taken the spot

That's all i have to say

Zx out
Some of us are teachers and require a spotless criminal record. Which means "backing down" from some drunk idiot who wants to fight because you bumped into him at a club.

I think you are referring to my comment. I have just seen how emasculated he felt when we witnessed a girl being beat up by her boyfriend and he had to pull me away from getting into it as he pointed out he would be the one getting his *** kicked not me. I don't think it would matter if he were capable of fighting, ie; had the confidence in his skills, but more that he didn't even feel it was an option. Since then whenever I start a fight at a club or a bar I make sure I am alone, :rolleyes:
I have discussed this at length with some of my male friends as well, as I have sons and one of my sons was getting challenged to fight at school by an older kid regularly. Seems like knowing how to at least be able to defend yourself is still a good skill set to have even in this day and age.
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