Are men more "feminine" today?

Are men more "feminine" today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 73.3%
  • Perhaps/Maybe

    Votes: 17 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.


Soooo true
Counter-point - Singing In The Rain.
Lmao you got me there. Point refuted

I have noticeably whiter teeth than the average guy, get a haircut every 2 weeks, I'm into fashion, wear pants that fit, and I shave my pubes

*hangs head in shame* :(
I think it's about time men were held to the same high standards of physical attraction as women. I don't think it makes them any less masculine. What makes a man attractive to a woman has a degree of subjectiveness, some women like guys who look like hairy apes, other's don't. It doesn't mean the ones who don't are on birth control.
If a guy spends more time in the bathroom than me he's not making the cut. I'm pretty dam low maintenance too.

But this is about more than grooming habits. When I'm doing all the yardwork year round, working full time, cooking, cleaning, painting and installing flooring by myself while the man is glued to video games it's not a relationship any more.

YEs I'm bitter and no man will tempt me again. I can hire a male escort and be perfectly happy on my own!
LOL...good thing I am married.....cuz I have no idea what you're talking about.


I'm not sure either, but if I were to take a guess at it, I suspect it has to do with how The Pill messes with their hormones and estrogen levels..

Women who want their men super hairless, might as well finish coming outta the closet and just grab themselves another woman...cuz I suspect deep down that's what they'd prefer.

Men wearing mascara and crap? I know they've been doing it for least way back when Keith Richard's probably still had some peach fuzz..but I don't get it. But then I don't get the desire to pierce holes in one's body each their own though..

If a guy wants to be girly, ya gotta admit he has quite a few tools at his discretion. Not so for a woman wanting to be masculine...she's pretty much shut down right outta the gate :D
I think they there is more general acceptance of men being more sensitive, into their looks and fashion, etcetera. Also, growing up a lot of kids were sheltered from fighting and bullying and so they are less "tough" perhaps. My ex has never been in a fight and there were a few times where things happened where he avoided confrontations because it would be guaranteed to lead to a physical fight and he had no idea how to fight or punch someone. That really bothered him.
I was chatting with a male friend of mine about how younger guys it seems these days, act really kind of rude and like they are doing women a favour by going out with them and he told me it is a new thing guys do and he doesn't get it but chicks go for it for some reason. Not sure if that is related but my guess is it would be.
Trying to get a bunch of guys on a biker forum to admit men are bigger pussies in general these days might be a stretch.

Back in the day a guy having a girlfriend/wife meant many many perks. It meant you got regular sex, dinner made for you every day, the house clean, etc. etc. Women were the prize. It was harder for a single guy to get laid without paying cause people would generally get married early and not as many women were willing to have sex before marriage.

Than things changed, the birth of feminism came and there was more of an equalization between the genders. Most women work now, MANY young women don't even know how to cook and certainly have no interest in staying home and catering to a man's will. On the other hand many men now became MORE independent out of necessity. We cook our own meals, do our own groceries and look after our own houses. We don't NEED women for any of this stuff. Most men I know in their 40's and 50's don't even know how to make tea!!! Now most of the "hot girls" in their teens and twenties are the ones who don't know how to turn on an oven let alone cook you dinner.

So what do I, as a guy get from being in a relationship now? Someone to take care of you? Nope? Warm meals? Nope. Clean house? NOpe....get married and divorced and you will have NO house. Regular sex? Ok, that's still true. But if a guy wants to just bust a nut now there is SOOO much freely available porn on the internet now that you can access in about five seconds and than instead of having to listen to a girl nag for the next two hours you can go back to some entertaining video games. Of course sex is better, but how much better? Does it justify the effort you have to put in?

And here lies the final nail in the coffin. Now adays women actually have BIGGER egos and expect the guy to put in MORE effort to have sex and/or date them than before. So wait a minute. As a guy now there is far fewer benefits to having a gf but the amount of effort to obtain one is greater? YOu know what? Maybe I'll just stay home and play video games and look at some porn. I think when you look at most men dating age now you will see they hold a similar opinion.

PS: I have a girlfriend and she's great. But if I'm getting into a relationship I do expect MORE from a girl than just having a vagina, and a pulse. I expect her to put in at least close to as much effort into a relationship than me.
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Back in the day a guy having a girlfriend/wife meant many many perks. It meant you got regular sex, dinner made for you every day, the house clean, etc. etc. Women were the prize. It was harder for a single guy to get laid without paying cause people would generally get married early and not as many women were willing to have sex before marriage.

Than things changed, the birth of feminism came and there was more of an equalization between the genders. Most women work now, MANY young women don't even know how to cook and certainly have no interest in staying home and catering to a man's will. On the other hand many men now became MORE independent out of necessity. We cook our own meals, do our own groceries and look after our own houses. We don't NEED women for any of this stuff. Most men I know in their 40's and 50's don't even know how to make tea!!! Now most of the "hot girls" in their teens and twenties are the ones who don't know how to turn on an oven let alone cook you dinner.

So what do I, as a guy get from being in a relationship now? Someone to take care of you? Nope? Warm meals? Nope. Clean house? NOpe....get married and divorced and you will have NO house. Regular sex? Ok, that's still true. But if a guy wants to just bust a nut now there is SOOO much freely available porn on the internet now that you can access in about five seconds and than instead of having to listen to a girl nag for the next two hours you can go back to some entertaining video games. Of course sex is better, but how much better? Does it justify the effort you have to put in?

And here lies the final nail in the coffin. Now adays women actually have BIGGER egos and expect the guy to put in MORE effort to have sex and/or date them than before. So wait a minute. As a guy now there is far fewer benefits to having a gf but the amount of effort to obtain one is greater? YOu know what? Maybe I'll just stay home and play video games and look at some porn. I think when you look at most men dating age now you will see they hold a similar opinion.

PS: I have a girlfriend and she's great. But if I'm getting into a relationship I do expect MORE from a girl than just having a vagina, and a pulse. I expect her to put in at least close to as much effort into a relationship than me.

Best post in this thread.
whats wrong with video games? im such a man in call of duty its insane

Yeah, you can totally bang and play WoW at the same time. Just gotta shift focus during the raids. (True story).

There's nothing wrong with guys being "feminine", that's not to say I'm a fan of it. It gets frustrating dealing with women on a regular basis and then having guys acting the exact same. My breaking point was "Let's go to the cottage and build a new deck" and only 3 people were in with me, the other 4 were "But there's bugs, and no running water, and no plugs, and beer has carbs, and I don't waaaaant to eat deer, and I might run out of tampons!!!"

Okay maybe there's something wrong with it. I think Roasted nailed it. I love being single cause I can do all that **** myself xD and regular sex is pretty easy to come by.
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As just stated above ^^^ men had to evolve from the separated roles of 'woman does this, man does that' and differences are more accepted therefore people will do what the f* they want.

I dont dress with just t-shirts all the time (although i love em)
I groom the pubes because, well makes me sweat less and therefore cleaner (b.o. is never your friend)
I love spending time in the sun, but playing sports in the sun, works on my tan too (refer to profile pic)
I'm self-conscious about my appearance because...well i look not looking like ****?!

Ive seen very high-maintenance guys and i dont know how they do it, shaving all the time/waxing, tanning salon, etc etc its kinda over the edge to me but hey,
different women have different tastes. Maybe those women in the 40s would've like their man to be able to do that kinda stuff but they didnt have much of a word as it wasn't seen as acceptable in society.

I'm thinking people are more inclined to be themselves and to do what they feel comfortable with as opposed as before where you had to fit in a pre-made mould of what the woman/man figure should be like.
Because you aren't sure and need to ask the internet?



Back in the day a guy having a girlfriend/wife meant many many perks. It meant you got regular sex, dinner made for you every day, the house clean, etc. etc. Women were the prize. It was harder for a single guy to get laid without paying cause people would generally get married early and not as many women were willing to have sex before marriage.

Than things changed, the birth of feminism came and there was more of an equalization between the genders. Most women work now, MANY young women don't even know how to cook and certainly have no interest in staying home and catering to a man's will. On the other hand many men now became MORE independent out of necessity. We cook our own meals, do our own groceries and look after our own houses. We don't NEED women for any of this stuff. Most men I know in their 40's and 50's don't even know how to make tea!!! Now most of the "hot girls" in their teens and twenties are the ones who don't know how to turn on an oven let alone cook you dinner.

So what do I, as a guy get from being in a relationship now? Someone to take care of you? Nope? Warm meals? Nope. Clean house? NOpe....get married and divorced and you will have NO house. Regular sex? Ok, that's still true. But if a guy wants to just bust a nut now there is SOOO much freely available porn on the internet now that you can access in about five seconds and than instead of having to listen to a girl nag for the next two hours you can go back to some entertaining video games. Of course sex is better, but how much better? Does it justify the effort you have to put in?

And here lies the final nail in the coffin. Now adays women actually have BIGGER egos and expect the guy to put in MORE effort to have sex and/or date them than before. So wait a minute. As a guy now there is far fewer benefits to having a gf but the amount of effort to obtain one is greater? YOu know what? Maybe I'll just stay home and play video games and look at some porn. I think when you look at most men dating age now you will see they hold a similar opinion.

PS: I have a girlfriend and she's great. But if I'm getting into a relationship I do expect MORE from a girl than just having a vagina, and a pulse. I expect her to put in at least close to as much effort into a relationship than me.

Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense to me. Also explains some of the very odd conversations I have had with young guys I have went out with lately. They all seem very weary of getting involved with someone who is trying to use them for money or to help them fix stuff around the house. It's really weird.
Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense to me. Also explains some of the very odd conversations I have had with young guys I have went out with lately. They all seem very weary of getting involved with someone who is trying to use them for money or to help them fix stuff around the house. It's really weird.

How's that weird? My ex (high school) was with me cause I had a nice car, I was with her because she would put out. Pretty straightforward when both parties know what they're in for. Now I'm not anywhere near being that person anymore and she's gotten much much worse, so you can see why guys my age (early 20s) have little to no desire to date. Period.
Back in the day a guy having a girlfriend/wife meant many many perks. It meant you got regular sex, dinner made for you every day, the house clean, etc. etc. Women were the prize. It was harder for a single guy to get laid without paying cause people would generally get married early and not as many women were willing to have sex before marriage.

Than things changed, the birth of feminism came and there was more of an equalization between the genders. Most women work now, MANY young women don't even know how to cook and certainly have no interest in staying home and catering to a man's will. On the other hand many men now became MORE independent out of necessity. We cook our own meals, do our own groceries and look after our own houses. We don't NEED women for any of this stuff. Most men I know in their 40's and 50's don't even know how to make tea!!! Now most of the "hot girls" in their teens and twenties are the ones who don't know how to turn on an oven let alone cook you dinner.

So what do I, as a guy get from being in a relationship now? Someone to take care of you? Nope? Warm meals? Nope. Clean house? NOpe....get married and divorced and you will have NO house. Regular sex? Ok, that's still true. But if a guy wants to just bust a nut now there is SOOO much freely available porn on the internet now that you can access in about five seconds and than instead of having to listen to a girl nag for the next two hours you can go back to some entertaining video games. Of course sex is better, but how much better? Does it justify the effort you have to put in?

And here lies the final nail in the coffin. Now adays women actually have BIGGER egos and expect the guy to put in MORE effort to have sex and/or date them than before. So wait a minute. As a guy now there is far fewer benefits to having a gf but the amount of effort to obtain one is greater? YOu know what? Maybe I'll just stay home and play video games and look at some porn. I think when you look at most men dating age now you will see they hold a similar opinion.

PS: I have a girlfriend and she's great. But if I'm getting into a relationship I do expect MORE from a girl than just having a vagina, and a pulse. I expect her to put in at least close to as much effort into a relationship than me.
hey bro, thats been so beautifully put, you should write seriously as a journo
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