2022 Gas Prices - Will $2(+) per Litre slow you down?

We took my brother and his wife out for a day trip on the boat. She enjoyed it and said if we did it again she'd pay for the fill-up. I mentioned $400 and she backed out.

lol this is the exact reason i only go with my buddy on his boat when he needs company.. i don't mind pumping full tank into car or bike but not into huge boat or plane :)

p.s. I envy ppl who can pay for the ride on space rocket
I'm guessing if most factor in the cheap fuel after covid started, it kinda evens out like the average price over time is probably around $1.30 a litre.
Now if it stays like this for the foreseeable future, that's going to suck
The gas prices in Germany already 2.5CAD (2USD) - they have taxes on gasoline way higher than here in N-A, plus inflation...

I dunno if that is a good / bad thing. They produce barely any oil. Canada has what like the 3rd largest oil reserve, so more then enough to go around and lot's to export.
Met a guy in Trenton , from TO , he and his buddy motor quietly to Trenton , sleep over night and motor home to TO after filling in Trenton . He said the almost .30c a litre compared to the Humber river station made a difference when your resetting the pump because it kicks out at $1000.00 , and you only filled one side . Boats …..

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We took my brother and his wife out for a day trip on the boat. She enjoyed it and said if we did it again she'd pay for the fill-up. I mentioned $400 and she backed out.
My buddy has a pilot's license and he took me out in a Piper Cub a few years ago. Since he was paying for rent of the plane I offered to pay for gas....2hrs of flying...$275.

I didn't think it was that expensive in all honesty, but not worth the time for flying that thing.
I've got a jetski ordered coming in the spring. Not super excited about the gas consumption especially since I'm planning to do some longer trips on it.

In regards to vehicles, highly unlikely that you will end up saving money by switching vehicles for one with better mpg. The money you loose on the trade in, depreciation, taxes, etc. is years worth of gas. If you're driving 50k km/yr it might make sense, but not if you're driving 10k.
If your smart about it ( and really who is?) you can trade around a bit and be ok. My F150 is worth 28K trade and i owe 16K ( I buy never lease) , so with the tax savings I'm getting 30ish value, and getting the thirsty truck out of my life this year. My last jeep had positive equity when i dumped it. I was driving 40-50k pre covid, I dont see that going forward but i still burn $400 month easy.
I think its ok if your careful about it .

We wont talk about the Missus and her fetish for M series BMW's, super premium gas and special oil, made from unicorn sperm apparently.
It was 10$/gallon at the end of the Tran Taiga when we did it 3-4 years ago. All part of the adventure.
If your smart about it ( and really who is?) you can trade around a bit and be ok. My F150 is worth 28K trade and i owe 16K ( I buy never lease) , so with the tax savings I'm getting 30ish value, and getting the thirsty truck out of my life this year. My last jeep had positive equity when i dumped it. I was driving 40-50k pre covid, I dont see that going forward but i still burn $400 month easy.
I think its ok if your careful about it .

We wont talk about the Missus and her fetish for M series BMW's, super premium gas and special oil, made from unicorn sperm apparently.

really depends on the choice of vehicle too. trucks n some SUVs hold value really well.
and as others have said, current used vehicle prices are ridiculous.
best time to trade in for a new car if you can wait and there are no markups.
May be closer than we think....

Not that long ago, $100 bbl of oil translated to $1/L gas. Like housing, the connection between the cost to produce and the cost to buy has long since broken. Gas prices are based on what people will pay, they have very little to do with the cost of the input.
because there aren't a lot of new vehicles available in the grand scheme of things :(
Felicity Ace sank today after burning for almost two weeks. That's ~4000 VW/Porsche/Lambo not getting delivered and one less ship to transport future vehicles. Apparently the fire was complicated by burning EV's aboard. Not sure if the majority were Taycans or ID's.
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