get a life
D should be stumping for a stunting law for bicycles, too. It only makes sense.
D should be stumping for a stunting law for bicycles, too. It only makes sense.
btw- and just how did we end up with those stunting laws...
The same way we end up with all dumb laws... someone like you freaks out over some one-in-a-million event and a knee-jerk legislative reaction follows thereafter.
get a life
Yep, the law passed because they tugged along the idea that street racers are running amok killing women and children..... then 172 is implemented and the only people getting busted are soccer moms in minivans and Random Joes driving to work doing 150kmh. But yeah, street racing!
At least this thread describes very neatly the oddball mindset of typical sheeple who demand legislative action for the dumbest reasons possible :lol: (not pointing any fingers)
D should be stumping for a stunting law for bicycles, too. It only makes sense.
there is another contradiction...they are supposed to follow the rules of the road...right?
I noticed none of you answered my questions.
How does one follow the rules of the road when they were never tested yet they are told they can be on the road?
uhm and there is another contradiction...they are supposed to follow the rules of the road...right?
I noticed none of you answered my questions.
How does one follow the rules of the road when they were never tested yet they are told they can be on the road?
If you are on the road they can charge you if they wanted because ignorance of the law is not a legal excuse.
But back to step one, you tell these ppl they can be on the road without having to demonstrate basic road knowledge.
Sounds like a well thought out system there.
:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:so do we impound bicycles if someone pulls a wheelie?
Because silly questions are not always worth answering
The questions that should be asked is why should a bicycle have to follow the exact same rules as a 6000 lbs motorized vehicle? and why is such emphasis/effort on this notion? it could be more simply addressed by educational campaigns with emphasis on responsibility for ones person safety on a bicycle.
We could learn a thing or two from the commies. I'm betting a Cuban would be fine with a scratch or two.
uhm you mean like texting and driving oh wait and soon texting and walking mean like drinking and driving, or seat belts or motorcycle helmets or ...
Because any of the above has any relevance to the question I addressed(or a dent in poor D's door for that matter) ...
Whatever message you're trying to push losses any sway when you change the line of discourse from one post to the next simply for the sake of winning the argument. Moreover, when the reaction to a logical solution regarding 'how somebody could know the rules of the road without testing' is an irrelevant, sarcastic remark, you look the fool, as does your position. Like I said, silly questions are not always worth answering, and you just reminded me why I feel that way.