Bicyclists should have insurance...

More rules aren't going to help, the current ones aren't enforced

They've spent millions over the years on studies and you pretty much summed up the results in one sentence.

The last time I checked, in Toronto the maximum age for riding a bicycle on a sidewalk was fourteen. I used to think it had something to do with wheel size.

A couple of weeks ago I was driving along Bloor and about to make a right turn. I notice a definitely not spring chicken riding her bike in the same direction and estimated that we would arrive at the side street at the same time. I gave her a beep of the horn as I slowed to avoid a collision. She snarled "I have the right of way." I snarled back "No you don't. You're over 14 so get off the sidewalk." She continued on the sidewalk.

One problem is that the sidewalk usage regulations are municipal laws and could change as you cross the dotted line on a map.

I can understand cyclists preferring the sidewalks but where are the pedestrians supposed to walk?

Skateboards, roller blades, pogo sticks etc, wherever they want.

Even my Goldwing would fit on a sidewalk but I doubt I would get away with it. Some time back there was a thread about the legality of walking a disabled bike on a sidewalk.

Continuing with the idiocy, I see joggers on the roads where there are good sidewalks, mobility scoots on the roads after the city spent millions cutting every curb at every corner so they could use the sidewalks. I've seen cops on their copcycles riding on the sidewalks.

Bicycle insurance could be covered by a rider on a homeowner policy just like a small fishing boat.
Stop giving politicians ideas! I already pay to play -to the tune of half of my paycheque. I already license my Jeep and motorcycle, and probably pay more in gas taxes than most on here. I already pay more than my share.

Mosts cyclists are reasonable and careful law abiding folks- when I go out, I stop at red lights, stop signs, and try to ride as close to the gutter as I can so as not to impede traffic. When I'm driving, I allow plenty of space when I'm passing bikes, and want/expect the same from others.

Yes, some cyclists are asshats that seem to have no common courtesy, but how about cracking down on those tools instead of bringing in more legislation, that won't be enforced, and ultimately do nothing but cost us more tax dollars?

We are not talking about the road riders like what you do. I used to do that also.
I am talking about everyone on a bike downtown. The numbers are increasing because they are getting bike lanes etc...

Think about it, everyone would be protected. As a cyclist if you get hit by another cyclist or uninsured driver then you are covered.
They run a pool start at $20 and let them pay for how much coverage they want...just like us now with the new style auto insurance.
They've spent millions over the years on studies and you pretty much summed up the results in one sentence.

The last time I checked, in Toronto the maximum age for riding a bicycle on a sidewalk was fourteen. I used to think it had something to do with wheel size.

A couple of weeks ago I was driving along Bloor and about to make a right turn. I notice a definitely not spring chicken riding her bike in the same direction and estimated that we would arrive at the side street at the same time. I gave her a beep of the horn as I slowed to avoid a collision. She snarled "I have the right of way." I snarled back "No you don't. You're over 14 so get off the sidewalk." She continued on the sidewalk.

One problem is that the sidewalk usage regulations are municipal laws and could change as you cross the dotted line on a map.

I can understand cyclists preferring the sidewalks but where are the pedestrians supposed to walk?

Skateboards, roller blades, pogo sticks etc, wherever they want.

Even my Goldwing would fit on a sidewalk but I doubt I would get away with it. Some time back there was a thread about the legality of walking a disabled bike on a sidewalk.

Continuing with the idiocy, I see joggers on the roads where there are good sidewalks, mobility scoots on the roads after the city spent millions cutting every curb at every corner so they could use the sidewalks. I've seen cops on their copcycles riding on the sidewalks.

Bicycle insurance could be covered by a rider on a homeowner policy just like a small fishing boat.

not always because you assume they all have a home or rental insurance
you are on the bike you pay for that item
we can be nice and let them transfer the 'tag' to their other bikes unlike us motorcycle riders that have to get policy for every bike....we can only ride 1 at a time.

Unless you have driven bike or car downtown Toronto recently then your position is not well informed.

Also remember, most of the downtown cyclists likely never driven a car or have their car license hence the cycle and TTC for them.
You can tell a non driver, they do dumb things as if a car can magically stop on a dime for them.
We are not talking about the road riders like what you do. I used to do that also.
I am talking about everyone on a bike downtown. The numbers are increasing because they are getting bike lanes etc...

Think about it, everyone would be protected. As a cyclist if you get hit by another cyclist or uninsured driver then you are covered.
They run a pool start at $20 and let them pay for how much coverage they want...just like us now with the new style auto insurance.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but more legislation only hands over more $$ to the pricks at Queens Park; and the rats that get them elected.... I'll live with the slim chance I'll have a run in with an ***hat cyclist..
Also remember, most of the downtown cyclists likely never driven a car or have their car license hence the cycle and TTC for them.
You can tell a non driver, they do dumb things as if a car can magically stop on a dime for them.

install a dashcam and let it happen. Darwin suggest the problem will sort itself
install a dashcam and let it happen. Darwin suggest the problem will sort itself

one has to consider the impact of the ripples of an event...your life and their family.

you will spend money fighting law suit from their family for pain and suffering
one has to consider the impact of the ripples of an event...your life and their family.

you will spend money fighting law suit from their family for pain and suffering

TV at front of room with bonehead move on repeat should dissuade any frivolous lawsuits. Besides, I have insurance which makes it their fight not mine; and they have better lawyers

I think most people are frustrated with cyclist these days, but more legislation, I can not get behind.
D is the type of Wynne voter who loves to dig himself into a deeper whole unwittingly. He'll come up with a thousand excuses for more regulation because that's exactly the mentality our society fosters. The thought of citizens being able to do something properly without a gov issued licence is simply unfathomable to these people.
Now tell me how many tickets have been handed out for that?
We already know there are laws, as CruznGirl mentioned, they are not enforced, hence my response.

Just stand on any major street downtown and you will see 75% of bikes with no lights and riding next to cop cars.

They don't hand out tickets because it's just not that important.

Except to you.
So you have eyes in the back of your head?
Or while you are focused ahead you can react from the side?

You did not answer the question, who pays for damages?
It's a damn bicycle, not a torpedo.

If you can't react to a bicycle, you need to wear your helmet at all times and stay inside.

My insurance pays for it.

This is the stupidest thread yet and there has been some stupid ones this year
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What if it's a REALLY REALLY big mountain bike and your door gets a DING man

Is d for real? We have mandatory liability insurance as a minimum for a reason, yo.
Why do people insist on driving really nice cars? Why are they even made this way? Even some of the generic offerings are like road jewellery. How do people not get the environment cars are subjected to daily? And that's in the best weather. Never mind wet, cold or freezing. Now you're going to get dinged by a bicycle. The horror. You might have a case if you're driving behind velvet ropes. Nobody does that but they still want the white glove treatment. Ok, if the bike's stuck on like a barnacle, scrape it off on a fire hydrant or mail box. That I get.
Another golden GTAm thread ... Christ, they keep coming faster than I can notice them .... Would definitely read again .... oh yeah more rules pleaaaaase!
"The world is that the*intelligent people*are full of doubts*whilethe*stupid*ones are full of confidence."
How about we start with the cops enforcing the rules on them in the first place. I don't know how many times I've seen bicycles run reds right in front of cops and nothing happens.

If that was me on my motorcycle I'd have a ticket no questions.

How about for starters that cyclist have to carry ID when on the road.

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How about we start with the cops enforcing the rules on them in the first place. I don't know how many times I've seen bicycles run reds right in front of cops and nothing happens.

If that was me on my motorcycle I'd have a ticket no questions.

How about for starters that cyclist have to carry ID when on the road.

Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk


mmmm and the like don't know what they are talking about, they are funny and make me laugh with their replies.
seriously injure or kill one of them and you will learn what reality is a clue, insurance covers you to a point.

also making a claim on your car for bike damage will cost you as they will ding you as a collision
call your insurance company and ask them if a cyclist hits your car and takes off if you will be charged as a collision then ask them if you are in a parking lot and a shopping cart dings your car what them so you have the reply in writing.

Do me a favor, call your dealership and ask them how much to repaint e.g. 2012 and newer sedan say Honda Accord
find out the cost to fix a dented door and repaint the just that door never mind the entire side likely scratched up or they have to blend the paint back in

oh, and remember you are paying for the first $500 or $1k deductible
oh but wait, you did nothing wrong right, but there you are with the bill

It was posted above that insurance is $38 likely be cheaper in Ontario die to the amount of riders...I mean that is the logic they tell us when comparing motorbike rates with the US or other Provinces, lol

Actually I do want regulation. Helmets for ALL on the road not in a car.
How does one get on the road and supposedly magically know the rules of the road?
So some road users (cyclists) are exempt from testing but they have to follow the rules of the road and in an accident they are subjected to the rules of the road BUT how can they know the rules of the road when they never read the road guide or did a simple written test to demonstrate knowledge of the rules.
Does this make sense to you?
Interesting, I was googling this up ..

THERE IS INSURANCE AVAILABLE IN CANADA !!! These guys are in the province of SK :

I used the online quote and for 1 million liability insurance its only $38 / year !!!

Here's another one ...

if the cost of is $38 / year, then that isn't a whole lot this should be mandatory for everyone.

Then given we have more riders the cost should be in the $20-$25 range as I mentioned.
$25 get you insurance and some sort of tag to be placed on the front bar and matching 'bike id license' identification card.

I have to pay to use the roads and pay for insurance to protect myself and the other road users then SO SHOULD YOU.
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