mmmm and the like don't know what they are talking about, they are funny and make me laugh with their replies.
seriously injure or kill one of them and you will learn what reality is...here is a clue, insurance covers you to a point.
also making a claim on your car for bike damage will cost you as they will ding you as a collision
call your insurance company and ask them if a cyclist hits your car and takes off if you will be charged as a collision then ask them if you are in a parking lot and a shopping cart dings your car what happens...email them so you have the reply in writing.
Do me a favor, call your dealership and ask them how much to repaint e.g. 2012 and newer sedan say Honda Accord
find out the cost to fix a dented door and repaint the just that door never mind the entire side likely scratched up or they have to blend the paint back in
oh, and remember you are paying for the first $500 or $1k deductible
oh but wait, you did nothing wrong right, but there you are with the bill
It was posted above that insurance is $38 likely be cheaper in Ontario die to the amount of riders...I mean that is the logic they tell us when comparing motorbike rates with the US or other Provinces, lol
Actually I do want regulation. Helmets for ALL on the road not in a car.
How does one get on the road and supposedly magically know the rules of the road?
So some road users (cyclists) are exempt from testing but they have to follow the rules of the road and in an accident they are subjected to the rules of the road BUT how can they know the rules of the road when they never read the road guide or did a simple written test to demonstrate knowledge of the rules.
Does this make sense to you?