So, how about this instead? Mandatory identifiability, be it a one time $5 plate or something, but that's it, but you MUST have it visible on your bicycle otherwise you get a steep ticket. No insurance needed, no annual sticker, no reason for anyone to complain about the cost or the deterring factors that insurance would cause.
This way, you follow the rules of the road and don't smash into others people's things and cause potentially thousands of dollars of damage, and you have no issue, and no costs. But if you do, the victim has a plate number that they can use to identify you and the issue can be pursued that way instead.
And then have the police ticket the crap out of the bicyclists who think the rules don't apply to them...the ones we all see blasting through red lights, nearly knocking over pedestrians, and generally riding like entitled goons.
This way, you follow the rules of the road and don't smash into others people's things and cause potentially thousands of dollars of damage, and you have no issue, and no costs. But if you do, the victim has a plate number that they can use to identify you and the issue can be pursued that way instead.
And then have the police ticket the crap out of the bicyclists who think the rules don't apply to them...the ones we all see blasting through red lights, nearly knocking over pedestrians, and generally riding like entitled goons.