Bicyclists should have insurance...

So, how about this instead? Mandatory identifiability, be it a one time $5 plate or something, but that's it, but you MUST have it visible on your bicycle otherwise you get a steep ticket. No insurance needed, no annual sticker, no reason for anyone to complain about the cost or the deterring factors that insurance would cause.

This way, you follow the rules of the road and don't smash into others people's things and cause potentially thousands of dollars of damage, and you have no issue, and no costs. But if you do, the victim has a plate number that they can use to identify you and the issue can be pursued that way instead.

And then have the police ticket the crap out of the bicyclists who think the rules don't apply to them...the ones we all see blasting through red lights, nearly knocking over pedestrians, and generally riding like entitled goons.
you can debate this for another 5 pages, never going to happen, crackdowns in cities like Toronto on bicycles and rules last one week every second yr. Ebikes get a pass which is stupider. Not fixing this in our lifetime.
Mandatory chip implants and tracking beacons would be easier.
All of these insurance ideas are great especially mine but I don't think anyone in government or the insurance industry would get out of bed for less than $10 million. How many door dings do we get and can the $10M be justified?

Yes it P's me off that a person can walk away giving you the finger but it's worse at the mall parking lot. You suck it up.

If you insure your bike what about your skis, canoe, golf clubs, camp stove, firearms, fishing kit. All of these things can hurt someone and if yours can hurt them theirs can hurt you.

The personal insurance protection idea is great but I have no idea of how an underwriter would calculate the risk / cost factors. In essence, insure me for anything I might ever do to anyone, any where, any time with anything.
Actually I do want regulation. Helmets for ALL on the road not in a car.
How does one get on the road and supposedly magically know the rules of the road?
So some road users (cyclists) are exempt from testing but they have to follow the rules of the road and in an accident they are subjected to the rules of the road BUT how can they know the rules of the road when they never read the road guide or did a simple written test to demonstrate knowledge of the rules.
Does this make sense to you?

Oh ****, so I guess we'll need helmets for pedestrians? I mean, cuz as soon as you cross the road on foot, you become a "road user", and technically, you should learn the rules of the road, especially what to do and how to to cross the road effectively.

What has happened to you to cause you to be such a dick to cyclists?

IMO, Cyclists don't obey all the rules of the road (stop signs and red lights being the biggest example), because the risk is mostly ALL on them; not from a legality aspect, but from a survival aspect. If I'm riding through a quiet neighborhood street and come to a 4-way intersection, and there isn't a moving car anywhere in sight, I'm not stopping, and nor should any cyclist. And I think that's OKAY. If there is anything questionnable about the intersection I'll be travelling through while on a bike, or on foot, w/e, I'll stop. Cuz the whole point is to survive.
ironically your canoe is covered under most household policies, watercraft under 9hp.
And some guys are insuring bicycles, your 20K Cervelo crashes at 30kph and its a possible 5K repair. But it doesnt cover public liability.

Now if the guy hits you in the door, and you can prove who he is, the venue is a law suit and his home owners policy may cover it, or not. But it has to be worth your chasing him through the courts. And if the cop decides your at fault, your fixing his bike and paying for his time off work.

Two dogs chasing each other and one runs head first into my passenger car door, the dog owner paid for the door through home owners insurance and had to bury the dog. Sad true story.
Oh ****, so I guess we'll need helmets for pedestrians? I mean, cuz as soon as you cross the road on foot, you become a "road user", and technically, you should learn the rules of the road, especially what to do and how to to cross the road effectively.

What has happened to you to cause you to be such a dick to cyclists?

IMO, Cyclists don't obey all the rules of the road (stop signs and red lights being the biggest example), because the risk is mostly ALL on them; not from a legality aspect, but from a survival aspect. If I'm riding through a quiet neighborhood street and come to a 4-way intersection, and there isn't a moving car anywhere in sight, I'm not stopping, and nor should any cyclist. And I think that's OKAY. If there is anything questionnable about the intersection I'll be travelling through while on a bike, or on foot, w/e, I'll stop. Cuz the whole point is to survive.

Oh ****, so I guess we'll need helmets for pedestrians? I mean, cuz as soon as you cross the road on foot, you become a "road user", and technically, you should learn the rules of the road, especially what to do and how to to cross the road effectively.

What has happened to you to cause you to be such a dick to cyclists?

IMO, Cyclists don't obey all the rules of the road (stop signs and red lights being the biggest example), because the risk is mostly ALL on them; not from a legality aspect, but from a survival aspect. If I'm riding through a quiet neighborhood street and come to a 4-way intersection, and there isn't a moving car anywhere in sight, I'm not stopping, and nor should any cyclist. And I think that's OKAY. If there is anything questionnable about the intersection I'll be travelling through while on a bike, or on foot, w/e, I'll stop. Cuz the whole point is to survive.

I feel the same way when I'm driving in my truck...
Why should anyone else have to stop in that scenario?
Teen on a bicycle, on his way to school, ran into the side of my neighbor's Dodge Journey a couple months ago. Neighbor was stopped and kid wasn't paying attention, hit the driver's side, near the back.... $3500 in damage.
A few years ago....
4 day old 100K car parked in my driveway. 8 year girl from up the street, racing her younger brother on the bicycle I just gave her a couple days before, loses it and crashes into the side of the car... $1700.
So, how about this instead? Mandatory identifiability, be it a one time $5 plate or something, but that's it, but you MUST have it visible on your bicycle otherwise you get a steep ticket.

Remember those bicycle license plates in cereal boxes years ago? Totally dope. Only the extra-extra sugary brands had them though and my folks didn't fancy the dental implications, so I had to make my own with cardboard. "Skool Sux" was particularly popular while the fad lasted, but it never came back, unlike yo-yos.

If we only had better stunt driver training, motorists could gently nudge nuisance bicyclists out of the way and all would be well. Paint jobs and bodywork are governed by thermodynamics and scientists are to blame for that idea.
Teen on a bicycle, on his way to school, ran into the side of my neighbor's Dodge Journey a couple months ago. Neighbor was stopped and kid wasn't paying attention, hit the driver's side, near the back.... $3500 in damage.

A few years ago....
4 day old 100K car parked in my driveway. 8 year girl from up the street, racing her younger brother on the bicycle I just gave her a couple days before, loses it and crashes into the side of the car... $1700.

I guess some ppl have cars worth $500 or they just get a can of spray paint and fix it themselves, lol.

And no the other posts about canoes and people crossing the road...they are not riding a bicycle.
Clearly the other person against helmets did not think it through. You ride a motorcycle, you have to wear one.
What do you think it costs all of us in healthcare bills for head injures that could have been prevented by a $25 helmet?

I was going home from work one day, waiting to turn right a couple cars back from the light. Car gets run in to by this #@$% stick on a bike, turns in to the variety store at the corner, I pull in and get out of the car, the #sshat can barely form a sentence he is so piss drunk... dropping empties all over the parking lot from his grocery bag.

my car has a mark, but what am i going to do, he's piss drunk, surely has no licence, no ,money, no insurance , no job....

I figure i could call the cops, but hell be gone before they arrive, and if they do show up, given some of the foolish things they have done, id probably get blamed as we were on the road at the time...

My car is just a car, nothing great and nothing new, move on, learn the lesson to watch for drunk cyclists in the future in my mirrors. if i wanted to get the scuff fixed, its going to cost me a ton for deductible....

unfortunately there isn't any glory in pummelling the crap out a drunk a**hat in a parking lot
Someone once ran a shopping cart into my Benz.

Licence shopping cart users.
Someone once ran a shopping cart into my Benz.

Licence shopping cart users.

This example clearly shows how vexing this situation is. What to do? Everybody wants to be made whole. It's a natural human reaction, some might even want to call it a human condition. Should people drive sensible cars like you would wear sensible shoes on a rainy day? No, I don't think that's any kind of first world solution. This is going to require some deep thought.
The sensible solution is autonomous AI taking care of our needs. You can sit at home and government AI will do your chores and get you groceries. No cars, no bicycles, only utopia.
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