Bicyclists should have insurance...

slow down there son, clearly you living in the wrong times

Move to Kitchener and you can whine about the Mennonites driving their horses and buggies on your road with no license, plate or insurance, as well. Once you've successfully lobbied that issue, you can move on to those pesky farmers and their uninsured/plated tractors and combines.

Look up the term "grandfathered", son.
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its what the horses leave behind on the road thats a problem with my bicycle, so far the ebikers aren't crapping in the road.
its what the horses leave behind on the road thats a problem with my bicycle, so far the ebikers aren't crapping in the road.

The automobile was seen to be a solution to horse poo accumulation on downtown streets.

Also horses don't have licence plates or VINs so when one died it would be unhitched from the wagon and left on the street. Others would have to deal with it.
Dude you make no sense...keep up...I as addressing other posters.
I make no sense :confused:
Your question revolved around addressing knowledge of the road rules without need for testing. I addressed that, you didn't like my answer; so you proceed to lead the argument in 5 directions at once, accentuated by ridiculous inference and derisive insult. See my last for what I think of that.

As for my dented door, thanks for agreeing to pay my deductible or fixing it...I will hang on to your uome.
And where did you conjure up that little gem from? haha... you're certifiable
I believe in manning up to my mistakes but what is reasonable?

On a typical vehicle a touch up or door ding would cost $500 to $2000 to fix but what if the dinged vehicle was a mint DeLorian with unpainted stainless steel fenders and there are no replacements available?

What is the cost of fabricating a new fender?

What about diminished value?

What about custom cars with paint jobs worth more than most cars?

If a person drives such a car should the average driver be held responsible for the whole shot if they do accidental damage?
Owners of such vehicles should have no one to blame but themselves if they do not ensure adequate coverage for their rare/one off pieces. If you want your transportation to be more then simply transportation, this is the reality you face, and fairly so. First world problems yo
Owners of such vehicles should have no one to blame but themselves if they do not ensure adequate coverage for their rare/one off pieces. If you want your transportation to be more then simply transportation, this is the reality you face, and fairly so. First world problems yo

uhm mmmmkay there...sense of entitlement much
certifiably irresponsible all right
Maybe first world problems and in the first world we pay for our mistakes and pay for insurance to cover us...yo

Where is 99cbrf4...I am pretty sure he would have ripped you a new one for that type of reply.:lmao:

That is likely one of the dumbest replies I have read in a are a car mechanic, so if/when you scratch an expensive car by you tell the owner oh well it was the chance you took coming to me so go fix your own car:confused:
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Move to Kitchener and you can whine about the Mennonites driving their horses and buggies on your road with no license, plate or insurance, as well. Once you've successfully lobbied that issue, you can move on to those pesky farmers and their uninsured/plated tractors and combines.

Look up the term "grandfathered", son.

No need, been on the roads with them, they keep to the side or occupy the lane properly.I
don't see them zipping around in the dark (with no candle light on) or running stop signs.

If they did hit a car, they are not running away like a cyclist can/do.

Also, I am more likely to trust them to pay for their damages than someone that zips around ignoring road rules and feeling self entitled.
I believe in manning up to my mistakes but what is reasonable?

On a typical vehicle a touch up or door ding would cost $500 to $2000 to fix but what if the dinged vehicle was a mint DeLorian with unpainted stainless steel fenders and there are no replacements available?

What is the cost of fabricating a new fender?

What about diminished value?

What about custom cars with paint jobs worth more than most cars?

If a person drives such a car should the average driver be held responsible for the whole shot if they do accidental damage?

Owners of such vehicles should have no one to blame but themselves if they do not ensure adequate coverage for their rare/one off pieces. If you want your transportation to be more then simply transportation, this is the reality you face, and fairly so. First world problems yo

Dear Nobie,

Please stop making sense and informing us proper moral and legal action one takes to remedy their mistakes.
According to Neil, if you parked your Delorian or simply driving around and he causes damage to your car it is your fault for having a nice car and you should pay for his mistake to fix your car. I am sure Neil will not respond with something to the affect that is not what he meant for him to be certifiably irresponsible.

Funny story you mention Delorian and Neil mentions not paying because it's your problem for having a nice car.
I was watching Judge Judy a few months back and guess what...lady lost control of her little wagon (red wagon thingy) with supplies in it, it rolled into the car causing a dent. She said the same damn thing Neil wasn't her fault and the rich guy can pay for his car...of course Judge Judy laughed at her and I think asked her in what world or what America was she in...and she was lucky he did not need a replacement part it was just a small ding that was fixable....and then found her guilty and ordered her to pay for the damages.
uhm mmmmkay there...sense of entitlement much

In what way??? By stating anyone with some super rare or expensive ride should have to live with the potential pitfalls of the unexpected. To expect the world to ensure you don't have a bad experience at some point, which cost poor you, is the only entitlement happening here. Again, who makes no sense? Get over yourself. FTR, I don't even own a bicycle, so I'm not sure what/how my position represents any form of entitlement.. but I'm sure you have some half wit theory.
Dear Nobie,

Please stop making sense and informing us proper moral and legal action one takes to remedy their mistakes.
According to Neil, if you parked your Delorian or simply driving around and he causes damage to your car it is your fault for having a nice car and you should pay for his mistake to fix your car. I am sure Neil will not respond with something to the affect that is not what he meant for him to be certifiably irresponsible.

Funny story you mention Delorian and Neil mentions not paying because it's your problem for having a nice car.
I was watching Judge Judy a few months back and guess what...lady lost control of her little wagon (red wagon thingy) with supplies in it, it rolled into the car causing a dent. She said the same damn thing Neil wasn't her fault and the rich guy can pay for his car...of course Judge Judy laughed at her and I think asked her in what world or what America was she in...and she was lucky he did not need a replacement part it was just a small ding that was fixable....and then found her guilty and ordered her to pay for the damages.

And the ridiculous inference continues.. lmao
In what way??? By stating anyone with some super rare or expensive ride should have to live with the potential pitfalls of the unexpected. To expect the world to ensure you don't have a bad experience at some point, which cost poor you, is the only entitlement happening here. Again, who makes no sense? Get over yourself. FTR, I don't even own a bicycle, so I'm not sure what/how my position represents any form of entitlement.. but I'm sure you have some half wit theory.

Done arguing with you..bro

You said it all right there and contradicted yourself in the process.
If someone worked and earned their possessions and you cause damage to it yet somehow you expect them to pay for your mistake just because they are 'rich'... allllrighty then. You sound like one of those douchy ppl that knocks our bikes over and take off or offer us $50 to fix it.

My inference was implied that since you do not see a problem with cyclists causing damage and not paying for it...then you can pay for my damages since you support that mentality...I mean clearly you support it based on the response above...but then again clearly you support not paying for things you damage.

And to you Sir...I bid you a good day.:cool:
What he's saying is that sometimes , in this uncertain world, unfortunate things happen. Attempting to legislate and regulate away every possible little mishap (like a bicycle scratching your car) is ludicrous and costs us all money, and makes for an ever growing government. I know YOU don't see a problem with that though...
How many bicycles have ever crashed into any of you? Way to make a problem out of anything
Done arguing with you..bro
As relived as I should be, your obvious contempt for everyone who's not agreed with you here will undoubtedly bring you back.

You said it all right there and contradicted yourself in the process.

If someone worked and earned their possessions and you cause damage to it yet somehow you expect them to pay for your mistake just because they are 'rich'... allllrighty then.
Never said that, but go ahead and disregard all context (the statement I was replying to) and fabricate statements out of thin air. Again, only you come off foolish

You sound like one of those douchy ppl that knocks our bikes over and take off or offer us $50 to fix it.
Yet again; ridiculous, baseless, and completely irrelevant inference.. You're a class act.

My inference was implied that since you do not see a problem with cyclists causing damage and not paying for it...then you can pay for my damages since you support that mentality...
I mean clearly you support it based on the response above...but then again clearly you support not paying for things you damage.
You have quite the penchant for fictitious statements; again, never once said any of that. And the fact that you infer as much out of what I did actually say, speaks more to your character more than mine.

And to you Sir...I bid you a good day.:cool:
And the big D has left the building...
What he's saying is that sometimes , in this uncertain world, unfortunate things happen. Attempting to legislate and regulate away every possible little mishap (like a bicycle scratching your car) is ludicrous and costs us all money, and makes for an ever growing government. I know YOU don't see a problem with that though...

How many bicycles have ever crashed into any of you? Way to make a problem out of anything

yup and yup.
How many bicycles have ever crashed into any of you? Way to make a problem out of anything

If a bike rider put away $10 a year, forty years later it's unlikely he has dinged a car and he has about a grand* in his bank account to cover the hit if it ever comes. * more or less depending on astute investing.
When I was about 10yrs. old, for some reason I can't remember the details, I had a hockey stick in a shopping cart which I was wheeling around a Dominion store parking lot in a rather haphazard manner and some old guy jumps out of his car going positively mental and I guess I got pretty close to his car and now that he mentioned it the paint did look pretty fresh, oh my. Can somebody help me sort this out?
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