punishment crime cancels greed crime.. everyone knows that
oh right i forgot that universal rule

punishment crime cancels greed crime.. everyone knows that
oh right i forgot that universal ruleanyway crime stats are a red herring there is no causal link to freedom of speech
so can we safely agree that freedom of speech is understood and accepted differently across the globe and not appropriate to apply one standard to another?
by law uk.. in reality uk
malaysia in my view is in line with iran on that one..
france however
they protect freedom of speech while violating freedom of religion in practice..
Can We Trust France's 'Freedom' When Hate Cartoons Are OK and Hijabs Are Not?
that to in a public space.. on the bloody street.. you wear a hijab you get fined. thats religious persecution
so nuns get a ticket for dressing as such? pretty sure no such fines have been issuedNo..get your facts correct, any overt display of religious paraphenalia or clothing in a public place in France is illegal. It is a secular country and that country has chosen to apply secular law in a way it seems fit. To be honest, I think it works on some levels and helps with integration. France has a problem with ghettoisation and this can help alleviate that.
No..get your facts correct, any overt display of religious paraphenalia or clothing in a public place in France is illegal. It is a secular country and that country has chosen to apply secular law in a way it seems fit. To be honest, I think it works on some levels and helps with integration. France has a problem with ghettoisation and this can help alleviate that.
Okay, my turn. Which of those countries (Malaysia/Iran, and UK/France) have a lower crime rate? and why?
hints its not france or uk
Here's something that happened in Germany too http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3731368.stm
Please tell me then, why are there are so many Muslims living in non-Islamic states, even the most "evil" like France and USA?
Because living in an Islamic state is to be oppressed. Many leave if given the chance. Period.
Ah, refugees from what? Religious persecution?
How many people flee from "evil" western countries and enter Islamic countries as refugees?
War's mostly, political and religious persecution falls into it
Mainly amongst themselves. Shia and Sunni tribalism
Well there is lots of different sects if islam. Whirling Dervishes are one for example and they are often mistreated
Go home jc, you're mohammered!
The father-of-three’s crime may seem innocent enough to most, but according to Saudi authorities Badawi, who set up a website for public debate, he insulted Islam.
The blogger, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1000 lashes for setting up the Saudi Arabian Liberals website, was publicly flogged last week after Friday prayers when he was lashed 50 times outside al-Jafali mosque in Jeddah.
Riduan Masmud was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl last February. On Monday, his counsel Loretto Padua revealed to the court that Masmud is now married to the young girl he was accused of assaulting. As The Daily Express notes, Padua had previously told the court that Masmud was in the process of seeking a lawful marriage to the teen in Syariah Court -- a separate court system that has jurisdiction over matters pertaining to Islamic law.