and i replied UK..
Yes you did i misread your posts my bad.
and i replied UK..
I dont have to justify it they were legal and did not call for discrimination, or acts of violences towards anyone
draw a star of david over the corpses of palestinian children and publish it.. its legal.. does not call for violence and or discriminate against anyone.. you will feel the censorship then.. whether by the government or the institution is irrelevant since we are talking about societies and countries as a whole
censorship of one over the other shows persecution by subtle methods..
Okay, my turn. Which of those countries (Malaysia/Iran, and UK/France) have a lower crime rate? and why?
hints its not france or uk
Crimes a hard subject to compare to due to issues with policing and enforcement reporting ETC. But if we look at global rankings for murder per capita
Iran: 133rd
France: 194th
England: 176th
Based on 2012 data
Crimes a hard subject to compare to due to issues with policing and enforcement reporting ETC. But if we look at global rankings for murder per capita
Iran: 133rd
France: 194th
England: 176th
Based on 2012 data
eastearn cultures are very private.. nobody is reporting nothing..
is that ranking highs to lowest murder rate?/capita?
Per per 1000000 people yea lower ranks means a higher murder rate.
your turn
eastearn cultures are very private.. nobody is reporting nothing..
so the crime rates are actually higher than the ratings suggest?
nope i meant they don't go to the cops ...
and hence not reported and the crime rates are in reality higher than listed
true.. know what happens to the criminals privately? i dowon't tell
thats also a crime...
you can't count that
why not crime is a crime..