your reason for picking the bike you are riding now...

when my zx6 tranny broke I needed a new bike fast and my current R1 was the best bike at the best price available the day I went looking for a new ride. I was after a VFR or Z750/1000 but couldn't turn down the deal on the R1.
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After spending a couple of years on my first bike (83 Virago -500) found myself looking for an "adventure" bike. The V-Strom looked perfect. Lots of positive write ups & comments with a price in budget. Getting some seat time was mandatory before laying out the cash and I spent all last summer trying demo days and dealers looking for an opportunity. I even tried e-mailing Suzuki - who did not answer.

Finally found that I could get a ride on a Honda Varadero. Took the demo ride and found I could get a new 2008 for the price on a Strom and bought it on the spot.

Love the bike and some think its uglier than a Strom. That's ok - my first car was a Gremlin.
My EX500 was the right bike at the right time. Great for commuting with the ability to tour.

The Ducati 900s was devine intervention. I wanted to spoil/reward myself and I fell in love the second I saw it, made an offer the moment I heard it.
Hey riders - would be cool if you posted up a pic of your choice ( just from the web is fine - ) worth a 1,000 words n all ;)

I had no idea what a Varadero was ...but cool bike.

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250 Ninja. Not big enough to get me into trouble, yet still capable on highways, and insurance is only $61 a month.
SV650S - love the vtwin power and sound! Also its nice that there is a massive community for that bike (svrider) and endless mods!
ninja 500. cheap as hell to insure/gas/fix. same beginner freindiness as a 250 for day to day but still has power for the highway and then some in the upper range. I can make her lug if I throw her into 6th gear and do 95. 3krpm. no problem there... but I do crave a tad more speed though. not a ton.. a bit. it must be unavoidable. it would be nice if takeoffs were a bit more powerful.
was going to upgrade this year, but I can't decide on the next bike, so I've just kept her for now. whatever I get it'll be a naked.
09 Buell 1125R. I wanted a bigger V Twin (started out on an SV650) and when HD killed Buell, I wanted to grab one before they were gone. Half price didn't hurt either. I like it because its different, I've yet to see anyone else with one in person.
BMW F800S.

Semi-sport riding position.
Light with lots of flat, usable torque.
Outstanding fuel economy.
Head turner, lots of gawkers.
Fit and finish, quality.
Easy on insurance.
3 year warranty

Yet to see another in person as well.
Awesome... Just bought one myself last year and have put 11,000 on in the first season and this year I am doubling that.

I ride a 650 V-Strom. When a salesman first said I belonged on one, I looked at the ugly lump and said, "That'll be the day!" But I read how much V-Strom riders liked their bikes, and learned it is a reliable ugly lump, and I bought it. Fifty months later I showed the dealer I had ridden it 50,000 miles. Yes, miles. A year later I see 67400 on the odometer. Ten provinces. Thirty-eight states. No problems except wear and tear, and nothing out of the ordinary in that department.

I haven't told you the best part of riding a V-Strom.
It is the same as the best feature of Newfoundland.
If you don't know that, go to Newfoundland, and you will find out soon enough.
My CBR looks cool and it makes me look cool. I love to look at mirrors and when I ride by a building with reflective glass, I stare at my reflection. It makes me think how damn cool I look. I wish I could ride 24/7 because I would be cool all the time, but I have to sleep sometimes and I can't sleep on the bike. During those times, I am a little less cool.

Haha. Nice one!
I wanted a bike I can ride across the continent in comfort and buzz through the twisties when ever they appear.
BMW R1200RT.


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1) Insurance decrease
2) I like bringing a gun to a "knife fight"
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