Y'all might want to keep an eye out for change of plans. Stealth Covid BA.2

Odds are she’s being given a Covid test and you wouldn’t be allowed to see her until it’s confirmed negative.

Can you say which hospital? PM if you prefer.
He's positive and symptomatic. I doubt they let him in as a visitor unless things were dire.

FWIW, when I was in the hospital, they brain poked me and had pcr results back in an hour.
He's positive and symptomatic. I doubt they let him in as a visitor unless things were dire.

FWIW, when I was in the hospital, they brain poked me and had pcr results back in an hour.
Same. Then they had to do it before surgery because the test is only valid for 2-3 days....Get me to the operating waiting room (have you been tested?) so the nurses had to rush down, get me tested and I went into the OR.

Last words I remember:
'Everyone wear their full PPE until we get confirmation of the negative test, then you can take off your N95s'

Woke up after that.

My wife was able to visit me 1hr/day. And book her time because the room of 4 patients, each person got 1hr b/w 12-4pm.
He's positive and symptomatic. I doubt they let him in as a visitor unless things were dire.

FWIW, when I was in the hospital, they brain poked me and had pcr results back in an hour.
I’m actually quite happy to hear that. My dad was a solid 24 hours 😫
Same. Then they had to do it before surgery because the test is only valid for 2-3 days....Get me to the operating waiting room (have you been tested?) so the nurses had to rush down, get me tested and I went into the OR.

Last words I remember:
'Everyone wear their full PPE until we get confirmation of the negative test, then you can take off your N95s'

Woke up after that.

My wife was able to visit me 1hr/day. And book her time because the room of 4 patients, each person got 1hr b/w 12-4pm.
You missed the part about the kidney donation then.

Thanks buddy!!
and you wouldn’t be allowed to see her until it’s confirmed negative.

With me being Covid+ myself right now I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to see her anyways. They’re not going to let me through the screening booth unless I needed my own medical care I’m sure.
At 74, proto-diabetic, out of shape ....over weight ...now ya know why I'm weaving and dodging.
When I got here in Jan 2021 there was nothing...7 deaths total in the whole state since day one, no masks, only contact tracing.

The Omni arrived in late Dec and numbers of cases went through the roof and deaths jumped too :-(
Think - more than the population of Aus on lockdown in one city :eek:

I don't think they will succeed...fortress Queensland has given up ... but good on them for trying.
Think - more than the population of Aus on lockdown in one city :eek:

I don't think they will succeed...fortress Queensland has given up ... but good on them for trying.
Keep an inventory of beans, rice and toilet paper. Anyone want to guess when the pendulum here will swing from "Freedom" to Lock down"?
Keep an inventory of beans, rice and toilet paper. Anyone want to guess when the pendulum here will swing from "Freedom" to Lock down"?
No time soon in Ontario. Do not expect any measures in Ontario until after the election. It should be lower in the summer anyway. Next fall/winter will be interesting. Basically we are running with "we hope the next variant doesnt make people more sick/dead".
No time soon in Ontario. Do not expect any measures in Ontario until after the election. It should be lower in the summer anyway. Next fall/winter will be interesting. Basically we are running with "we hope the next variant doesnt make people more sick/dead".
Was at a work function last night...about 100 people. 2 masks (not me).

Nice to see a lot of friendly faces, but I'm going to watch myself carefully over the coming days.
Keep an inventory of beans, rice and toilet paper. Anyone want to guess when the pendulum here will swing from "Freedom" to Lock down"?

I do not think it will happen. At this point, I don't even think it would be constructive. This version is so contagious that it's likely to affect everyone in the province over the next few weeks. We cannot truly "lock down" the way China can, and anything short of that is evidently insufficient to control spread ... and sooner or later, you have to come out of lockdown and *then* have the rampant infection wave.

It appears that most countries have abandoned trying to keep track of cases with any degree of accuracy. (Our reported number of cases definitely have no connection with reality, UK same, USA same, etc.) The Scandinavian countries probably have the best chance of reflecting reality:
- Norway had a big infection spike from mid-Jan to mid-March that dwarfed all previous case numbers, and it has since subsided: Norway COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Denmark same pattern but a couple weeks earlier: Denmark COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Finland same general pattern although it looks like it started earlier and is still continuing: Finland COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Sweden similar but to me it looks like Sweden abruptly stopped testing in early February. But, the number of deaths has been going down quickly. Sweden COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Our big infection spike started Jan to early Feb ... if the above patterns hold, we should be almost through it.
I do not think it will happen. At this point, I don't even think it would be constructive. This version is so contagious that it's likely to affect everyone in the province over the next few weeks. We cannot truly "lock down" the way China can, and anything short of that is evidently insufficient to control spread ... and sooner or later, you have to come out of lockdown and *then* have the rampant infection wave.

It appears that most countries have abandoned trying to keep track of cases with any degree of accuracy. (Our reported number of cases definitely have no connection with reality, UK same, USA same, etc.) The Scandinavian countries probably have the best chance of reflecting reality:
- Norway had a big infection spike from mid-Jan to mid-March that dwarfed all previous case numbers, and it has since subsided: Norway COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Denmark same pattern but a couple weeks earlier: Denmark COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Finland same general pattern although it looks like it started earlier and is still continuing: Finland COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
- Sweden similar but to me it looks like Sweden abruptly stopped testing in early February. But, the number of deaths has been going down quickly. Sweden COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Our big infection spike started Jan to early Feb ... if the above patterns hold, we should be almost through it.
I know more people that have been infected in the last two weeks than the first two years combined. All got infected independently, it wasn't a covid party. Thankfully, symptoms were not severe and after about a week most were recovered. My wife got a PCR. I'm going to get her to check if her results show which variant it was (my guess is even if they ran the test, results won't be available to her). Of the probably 40 people I know infected in the last two weeks, my wife is probably the only one recorded in the stats.
I know more people that have been infected in the last two weeks than the first two years combined. All got infected independently, it wasn't a covid party. Thankfully, symptoms were not severe and after about a week most were recovered. My wife got a PCR. I'm going to get her to check if her results show which variant it was (my guess is even if they ran the test, results won't be available to her). Of the probably 40 people I know infected in the last two weeks, my wife is probably the only one recorded in the stats.
Almost everyone I know has gotten it in the last couple of months. My whole family had it in January, symptoms were light, some chills, sore throat and stuffy nose for about 4-5days, missus also had body aches, kids just had stuffy nose for 3 days and that was it.
This version is so contagious that it's likely to affect everyone in the province over the next few weeks.

I think this is reality, and I also think that governments see this coming and that has a lot to do with the way they're now treating things. There's no evading it anymore, and it's (for most vaccinated people) mild and manageable at home.

Anyhow, my wife is home. She had a cardiac event of some sort that was the reason for the ambulance ride. She had a CT and about 10 other tests and procedures inside 12 hours (our system works in an emergency, despite how broken it seems sometimes) and at 1AM it all came back as either resolved (they thought there may have been a clot, but after some clot busters and such it may have dissolved if it was there), her heart rate and o2 levels had improved, and they saw no reason to keep her any longer.

She never was given a covid test - apparently in an emerg situation that's a pretty low priority anymore...they just assume everyone has it I guess.
She did test positive this morning here at home on a RAT.

I feel a little less like a sack of poo today, although 20 minutes of physical activity has me looking at an 8PM bedtime. I was going to try to change the snow tires for the summer tires on my wifes car but only got as far as opening the garage and wheeling out the jack...and boom, done. At least getting up and going for a piss doesn't feel like a marathon anymore, but my wife said that she barely had the energy to pickup her fork and feed herself dinner in her recliner...exactly how I felt on my first full day.

Sense of taste went away completely yesterday. Stopped on the way back from picking up my wifes car from the clinic where she'd left it and decided to get a sandwich from Timmies since cooking was not in the cards, and my son had gone up to the hospital to see my wife. Got the sandwich and realized it might as well have been cardboard as it would have tasted the same. Couldn't' even taste the bacon. Seems a bit better this evening but still pretty bad.

Buckleys is keeping the cough at bay. My wife picked up a 3 pack at Costco not 2 weeks ago which was perfect timing.

well I had Omicron in December just before Christmas break (we had 8 cases and 6 closed classes that week, so most likely got it at school)...hubby didn't get it and he was home for two weeks (old isolation/quarantine rules)...felt really crappy for about 3 days (fever, chills, lack of hunger) and slept tons for about 5 days...picture a cat who sleeps 23 out of 24 hours...that was me LOL

since the no masking rule on March 21, I'm still wearing mine, but only about 3 or 4 of my students wear theirs...this week alone I've had 4 of them sick (1 off all week, one off today and 2 went home today half way through the day)...as much as I don't want it again, chances are I will SIGH...the two that went home today weren't feeling well before school :( a colleague had one child vomit in class so they were sent home as well...fun times...
Well, made it to day 5.

Sense of taste and smell is about 3/4 back, got some energy back, but breathlessness and racing heart rate with the least exertion, and the brain fog, still around.

Been trying to just poke around in the garage and accomplish something (IE, get out of the house, stir craziness starting to set in after I got past the "can't move from my recliner" phase) and I didn't really manage to do a whole lot over the period of 2 days. I did get my wife's snow tires swapped for the summers yesterday, but what's usually a 30 minute job took 4 hours between needing breaks between bouts of my head spinning and seeing stars while running out of breath just walking from my driveway to the garage and back, and just going from one squirrel moment to the other and losing track of what I was doing. I probably shouldn't have opted to tackle that at this stage, but I'm stupid like that.

Anyhow, got it done. With any luck they won't fall off either. (I kid, I checked them with the torque wrench today...)

Poked around out there more today. 5 hours later I don't think I could look at any one thing and say I accomplished much, but at least I was outside. This spring sucks so far.
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