Y'all might want to keep an eye out for change of plans. Stealth Covid BA.2

Every classroom in my school was just provided with one of these...

Wank wank wank. Sadly, pretty much money lit on fire. It will help a little but it's mainly political. Try and keep it near where you spend most of your time and keep your mask on to maximize your odds.
Having air filtration is good on the good/bad scale. It's hard to say otherwise than it's better to have it, than to not have it. BUT.

Capacity 400 CFM at high fan speed.

If the classroom is (guess) 1000 square feet with an 8 foot ceiling, that's 8000 cubic feet ... 3 air changes per hour through the filtration unit. That ain't gonna do much. If one kid sneezes on his neighbor, this isn't going to help.

I betcha it's noisy with the fan set on high. It's 75 CFM on low speed.

It's a political statement "we did something" so the opposition can't point a finger at something they could have done, but didn't.

Don't expect this to make a big difference in reducing infection rates. Masks will work better ... still not perfect.

N.B. I'd say I'm 99% over it, I still get tired faster than usual but it's getting better.

I'm not taking another booster shot unless it's one tailored to these omicron strains. I suspect that by the time that's ready, everyone will have had omicron anyhow.
Good read from The Atlantic on masking,

One private school in Aus took on the air quality issue on their own with some serious inhouse expertise from parents and the outcome was superb compared to similar schools nearby.

It is being done as the pool of covid in schools is ongoing
Florida approach - just stop reporting ...

Well, we returned from an 11-day vacation to Florida on April 11th and had no issues at all. This trip included a six-day stay at a Disneyworld Resort Hotel, with a couple of days in the parks. We went shopping at the Outlet Centres as well as several other stores not located in Canada. If was nice to enjoy dining out at new restaurants and not be subjected to the daily barrage of Covin doom and gloom on the nightly evening news! We drove there and back and thoroughly enjoyed the trip, stopping along the way at various lookouts and every State Welcome Centre.

While we were there the only place you were required to wear a mask was on public transit, including all of Disney transportation modes. Shortly after our return that requirement was overturned and mask wearing is now optional, even on board US operated airplanes. The crowd levels at Disneyworld were as great, or greater than pre-Covid and the vast majority of people were unmasked.

It's been far too long to continue to change plans and delay living life because of fear of this virus. It's here to stay just like the yearly flu, so I plan to get my boosters for both and just carry on.
Masks for me - disinfect the the cart handles ....

In my case, yesterday was horrendous. Must have been horizontal for 20 hours. Running a temp, spiking at 37.5°C. Sweats. Shiverings. Achy joints, teeth, hair, balls. And an absolute funking epic headache that painkillers wouldn't touch. Today it seems more like it was 2 days ago - plus a dry cough, v runny nose, and a weird chemically taste in my mouth I can't get rid of. I've been awake for four hours now and am only just starting to dip - which is a vast improvement on yesterday when I was only managing about 20 minutes at a time. Hate to think what this would have been like without my two jabs and a booster

From another forum ....triple vaxxed - I wished him well ...fat lady MIA

BA-4 and BA-5 in the batters box
Yeah it is going around. I know a few people who've had it recently or have it now. Seems everyone has different strange symptons. One friend had the headache, another had lost sense of taste and has trouble eating solid foods.
Play safe even if the rules have been let down.
There's also a bad cold virus going around here, which we of course caught. Tested negative for COVID 3 times during it.

People I've seen have given up wearing masks, but are still keeping a fair distance away. Although, not as far as I'd like.
Yeah random things last....dottor in law has heart pain, staff squeeze has finally just started to get sense of taste back after months.
Nice ride today but masked up to order food...eat outside
Not exactly sure how but I’ve dodged this so far. Fingers crossed 🤞
I did wear my mask when required. But I’m in and out of hundreds of peoples homes in a year. Big box stores and lumber yards daily. Myself and my team have not worn masks on the job site at all through out the entire time as we deemed it pointless when we are spending so my time together using the same tools in close proximity.
Since things opened up I’ve been going to joyride 150 indoor bike park been to the gym been to sky zone trampoline park. All higher risk places.
If anyone in my work place or home has any symptoms we test daily but not one of us has tested positive. We’ve had contacts that have tested positive weeks before or weeks after we were around. I’ve had friends or Other close contact where I or someone in my bubble was at high exposure. But still no one in my house or my work team has had Covid.
Really I’m kinda surprised to be honest.
@Clutt-225 I forgot about joyride 150. Glad to hear they made it through Covid and are still operating. It’s probably been 3 years since I’ve been there but just a awesome facility that kids and adults both enjoy.
Not exactly sure how but I’ve dodged this so far. Fingers crossed
I did wear my mask when required. But I’m in and out of hundreds of peoples homes in a year. Big box stores and lumber yards daily. Myself and my team have not worn masks on the job site at all through out the entire time as we deemed it pointless when we are spending so my time together using the same tools in close proximity.
Since things opened up I’ve been going to joyride 150 indoor bike park been to the gym been to sky zone trampoline park. All higher risk places.
If anyone in my work place or home has any symptoms we test daily but not one of us has tested positive. We’ve had contacts that have tested positive weeks before or weeks after we were around. I’ve had friends or Other close contact where I or someone in my bubble was at high exposure. But still no one in my house or my work team has had Covid.
Really I’m kinda surprised to be honest.

Could have had it and been asymptomatic. I got it last year and the only reason I know is cause I felt tired enough to go to bed much earlier than usual. Then I was honest with my employer about a ‘symptom’ and had to get tested. Voila.
Could have had it and been asymptomatic. I got it last year and the only reason I know is cause I felt tired enough to go to bed much earlier than usual. Then I was honest with my employer about a ‘symptom’ and had to get tested. Voila.
I’m sure that’s a possibility but for my whole family and both of my employees to all be asymptomatic seems odd. But either way it works for me.
Oh joy
Regarding variants of concern BA.4 & BA.5
Prof. Christina Pagel* @chrischirp

We've never had less data in the face of rising new variants.

The European CDC designated Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5 as variants of concern on Friday. They expect a new wave in Europe in the next 2 months. 1/4

Continues @ twitter link

Prof. Christina Pagel @chrischirp

Director @UCL_CORU, Prof Operational Research, passionate about health care, women in STEMs. Ex Harkness Fellow. Member of @independentsage. Tweets personal
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