Y'all might want to keep an eye out for change of plans. Stealth Covid BA.2

Joined the covid club after my birthday. The present that keeps on giving. Almost on day 3 now.
For me it feels exactly like a throat infection I had back in high school. To the point I hope it's not 2 in 1 deal. Maybe the heart moving faster is only difference that started last night.

Ironically I stayed away from bars/parties and either got it at work (2 positives that I know of in past 10 days that had general interaction with) or gym, but I go later in day when it's less people.

I think the mask thing may have been working. Also I have been wearing mine whole time at work. Didn't work.

Anyone knows anything about contracting it again afterwards?

Speedy recovery to all.

Anyone knows anything about contracting it again afterwards?

Speedy recovery to all.
Good luck.

Reinfection is all percentages. For most people, most of the time, you shouldnt get it again within 60 to 90 days. A new variant could change that (or bad luck).

A nurse friend has been playing around with rapid tests. Her nasal swabs are showing negative, throat swabs are testing positive. Pcr results not in yet but she expects positive. For those using rapid tests, look for method to swab throat too, omicron doesnt pop as easily with nasal only.
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Thanks. I have a trip planned end of May (provided nothing gets canceled) and I don't want it again.

My nose swab rapid came in too vivid I would say 🙄
I’m back again to report my older boy tested positive this evening. He was out at Square One on Saturday afternoon and then to a restaurant/bar on Saturday night with the girlfriend so I’m guessing he picked it up there. Not feeling great and a bad sore throat for him. Girlfriend is the same and has yet to do a test. If they can’t get a test kit quickly tonight, we’ll be dropping some of ours off to her family.

The wife and I are all good so far .

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Death rates aren't the marker these day ....ICU is. As with battles...costs more for a wounded soldier than a dead one.
Vaxxed and death risk is low, unvaxxed not so much, serious covid still around for immunity challenged population which is surprisingly high when all categories are covered.
Masks are cheap and work ....suck it up princesses
Viewpoint: New UK Data Show BA.2 Variant Produces More Frequent Hospitalizations Than Omicron
April 6, 2022
Kevin Kavanagh, MD

Evidence shows the BA.2 variant is more infectious and virulent than the Omicron variant.

Viewpoint: New UK Data Show BA.2 Variant Produces More Frequent Hospitalizations Than Omicron

Evidence shows the BA.2 variant is more infectious and virulent than the Omicron variant.

Ontario is now seeing an estimated 100,000 new COVID-19 infections a day
With highest number of daily infections reported since the beginning of the pandemic, experts warn of increased hospitalizations in the coming weeks and call for mandatory masking in essential businesses and schools.

On Wednesday, the province reported 1,074 COVID hospitalizations, representing a 68 per cent increase in the last two weeks

By Kenyon WallaceInvestigative Reporter
Megan OgilvieHealth Reporter
Wed., April 6, 2022timer6 min. read
Click to expand...

Ontario is now seeing an estimated 100,000 new COVID-19 infections a day

With highest number of daily infections reported since the beginning of the pandemic, experts warn of increased hospitalizations in the coming weeks and call for mandatory masking in essential businesses and schools.

fat lady on leave of absence.
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At 100,000 infections per day, if we take a guess that half the population has had it, it's a couple months until everyone has had it.
What do you think the accurate data would look like?
To the moon? Raging around me. If one person gets it, the whole household gets it 72 hours later. I know more people in the last two weeks than the first two years. Thankfully all minor (some unable to function for days to a week but able to stay at home). Only two I know of are in the official stats. That's <<10% of the people I know that tested positive in the last two weeks with RAT's (and given symptoms, multiple positives and the occasional PCR confirmation, I am inclined to believe the RAT's were accurate).
I'm about 90% over things (although a running bout at work yesterday chasing a piece of paper blowing away reminded me I still have some leftover lung capacity issues apparently), but my wife is just starting to come out of things today, and by no stretch even 50% at this point.

My daughter fully recovered in about 5 days.
Looks like my work function was a source for some. 2 guys had it and I had drinks and shook hands with both. Then saw them at work the next day and again, hand shaking and all.

They both have mild symptoms, the rest of us have nothing….and we’re testing ourselves every few days.

Good reason to skip on work from office tomorrow.
I'm being let loose tomorrow! back at work in the morning. Since we're supposed to mask always for 5 days afterwards, I'm going to skip goodlife and stick to home gym for now. Got my first workout in tonight.
KPRDSB has 550 teachers off (3500 total employees in board, not sure how many are teachers) and one school had 49% of students absent. Sounds like covid is over. Don't look behind the curtain.

Sorry, link is a stupid paywall site and outline seems to have died in march.
KPRDSB has 550 teachers off (3500 total employees in board, not sure how many are teachers) and one school had 49% of students absent. Sounds like covid is over. Don't look behind the curtain.

Sorry, link is a stupid paywall site and outline seems to have died in march.
Extreme one way: If you don't feel 100% with the slightest ache, sniffle, drip of mucus and can't hit the high notes like a diva, stay home for 14 days and barricade the doors.

Extreme the other way: TFC, bouncy castles, air horns and group hugs.

Sterilize everything? I thought alcohol was a sterilizer.


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