Y'all might want to keep an eye out for change of plans. Stealth Covid BA.2

Covid still the 900 lb gorilla tho ...

Australia’s active virus caseload remains above 300,000 and there are more than 2700 patients recovering in hospitals around the country.

Authorities have again extended emergency powers in Tasmania, where almost one-third of the state has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and there have been almost 60 deaths this year.

goolnar’s brother has 3 major heart acts last Monday from blot clots. and has clots in his liver. The crazy thing is he has only miner heart damage and was released to go home last night. Very lucky.
https://www.hri.org.au/health/your-heal ... nd-strokes

One of my staff's B-inlaws....came very close to dying and he was not aware he had covid....this is a very nasty beast....and still lurking.
Hospital is seeing reinfections after 30 days now. Staff with possible symptoms that were positive more than 30 days ago are required to get PCR.
My parents just told me they got a 4th shot. I didn't even know people were going for more shots. Yes COVID is still a thing don't let your guard down just because everyone else things it's ok.
My parents just told me they got a 4th shot. I didn't even know people were going for more shots. Yes COVID is still a thing don't let your guard down just because everyone else things it's ok.
Healthcare workers aren't being pushed for shot 4 yet. Older people are grabbing it by choice. Personally, I will delay shot 4 until at least the fall. Efficacy seems to peak a few weeks after the shot and then taper off. Spread drops a lot in the summer and peaks around xmas.
I'm not getting any more shots...this is going to be around forever and we need to build up a natural immunity...there are many virologists and epidemiologists saying that over- vaxxing isn't the way to go about it...unless they mandate it for work and travel (and even for travel might not persuade me) then I'm stopping at two...
I'm not getting any more shots...this is going to be around forever and we need to build up a natural immunity...there are many virologists and epidemiologists saying that over- vaxxing isn't the way to go about it...unless they mandate it for work and travel (and even for travel might not persuade me) then I'm stopping at two...

Would you stop your kids at two for their other shots too? Some serious people with serious qualifications work this stuff out. I’d rather trust experts than a hunch. This is worked out quite scientifically but usually we have the benefit of hindsight. We don’t in this case and are actually living in the time we would normally have to work out what the correct schedule to give the correct immune response would be.
Would you stop your kids at two for their other shots too? Some serious people with serious qualifications work this stuff out. I’d rather trust experts than a hunch. This is worked out quite scientifically but usually we have the benefit of hindsight. We don’t in this case and are actually living in the time we would normally have to work out what the correct schedule to give the correct immune response would be.
Caveat: I am no doctor/scientist/ medical expert and recognize the legitimacy of both pro-vax and anti-vax stances.

Respecting the science and the individual choice, is it feasible to generalize all the different types of immunizations?
Does every bug behave the same, does the human body react in like manner to each different infection?
Kid's shots are for a different bug.

The "experts" had previously called for a series of restrictions aka lockdowns and now the same "experts" deem that lockdowns are no longer necessary.

Yes the C-19 virus is still there, yes the effectiveness of the vax decreases in a short while and yes hospitalizations and deaths due to C-19 are trending downward.
Does this indicate that the population is developing a natural immunity to C-19?

What do you think?
Caveat: I am no doctor/scientist/ medical expert and recognize the legitimacy of both pro-vax and anti-vax stances.

Respecting the science and the individual choice, is it feasible to generalize all the different types of immunizations?
Does every bug behave the same, does the human body react in like manner to each different infection?
Kid's shots are for a different bug.

The "experts" had previously called for a series of restrictions aka lockdowns and now the same "experts" deem that lockdowns are no longer necessary.

Yes the C-19 virus is still there, yes the effectiveness of the vax decreases in a short while and yes hospitalizations and deaths due to C-19 are trending downward.
Does this indicate that the population is developing a natural immunity to C-19?

What do you think?
Well the science doesn't change, but we get smarter and figure out the best path forward and adapt to the new realities.

The worst science around is the one where you find a path, stick to it, and not consider any modifications to the path in the face of new evidence.

This sentence in bold should have a few extra words added 'at this point in time and is subject to change'.

Once reinfections start really ramping up, and the hospitals are starting to feel the pinch again...those same experts may turn around and say 'yup...time to start restrictions again to protect the system'.
we need to build up a natural immunity.
ummmm there is no build up of natural immunity to corona viruses - the cold virus is an example.
A healthy immune system is a good idea but that's a different thing.
Certain flu viruses convey long term protection against that strain ( Hong Kong flu for instance ) so you get an annual flu shot for the current crop and likely will be combined with a covid shot in the near future

Medical advice is always subject to change and despite wishful thinking this particular epidemic is far from over tho most viruses do not get more deadly as they evolve.
All about risk management but the current Covid strains still pack a punch ....put a mask on in crowded venues.

Staff's mid 30s B-inlaw did not know he had covid until he nearly died from covid induced blood clots.

COVID-19 blood clots & stroke risk • HRI - Heart Research ...

https://www.hri.org.au › Health › Your health › Lifestyle

People with coronavirus are at risk of blood clots and strokes ... As well as causing severe respiratory problems
Best to avoid.
Is a jab such a hardship ??? or wearing a mask?

You wear a helmet and seat belt against low probability risks and those are individual. Wearing a mask helps others too.
Best to avoid.
Is a jab such a hardship ??? or wearing a mask?

You wear a helmet and seat belt against low probability risks and those are individual. Wearing a mask helps others too.
But if you watch people they still don't get basic hygiene. Still still see lots of people wiping their nose with hands, and sneezing into their hands, and not washing etc. and go touch stuff. 🤷‍♂️
I'm not getting any more shots...this is going to be around forever and we need to build up a natural immunity...there are many virologists and epidemiologists saying that over- vaxxing isn't the way to go about it...unless they mandate it for work and travel (and even for travel might not persuade me) then I'm stopping at two...
I'm going to wait and see. As time goes on, the opportunity and enthusiasm for politics to be involved in the data will diminish.
My family was in a decent position a few months ago, as we all had at least two shots, and had caught covid once.
I wish there had been better data gathered and more studies done, when we had the opportunity. It could better settle the nothing vs cloth vs surgical vs N95 mask debate. As far as extra shot efficacy etc, the data is still coming out. I feel comfortable at the moment not having a fourth shot. I don't think it's been recommended for me yet. That may change in the future. I would feel more comfortable if they'd spread first shots around to those who want them in the rest of the world. Are we prepared for monkeypox?
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Monkeypox a non-issue unless you are fluid swapping.

Covid remains an issue.
I rerally do not understand reluctance to take any vaccine available to your cohort. :unsure:
You're 22. You've had two or three shots of Pfizer, and one or two cases of COVID.

What are the risks/rewards in having a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh shot in a fairly short period of time?
That's not how epidemiology works and by the time you got out to 7 that's two years and perhaps 10+ variants out it's a flat out guess.

Generally preferred approach is a mix of vaccine brands as there are variation in the immunity conveyed and how they work.

Past infections with vax as well is perhaps the strongest combo to date but no guarantee against future variants, re-infection or long covid next time around.

Listen to the science, get the vaccine you are eligible for.....wear a mask in crowded venues,...not all that onerous.
That's not how epidemiology works and by the time you got out to 7 that's two years and perhaps 10+ variants out it's a flat out guess.

Generally preferred approach is a mix of vaccine brands as there are variation in the immunity conveyed and how they work.

Past infections with vax as well is perhaps the strongest combo to date but no guarantee against future variants, re-infection or long covid next time around.

Listen to the science, get the vaccine you are eligible for.....wear a mask in crowded venues,...not all that onerous.
Im starting to think your a Pfizer rep... lol Almost everyone I know has got the vaccine AND has caught the virus at least once and survived, but your still fearmongering the heck out of it...
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