Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

I've just hit a sort of plateau and have decided to change up the rep ranges. I usually have kept to around the 6 rep range and tried to life as heavy as I can for 6. this week I moved to 12 with decreased weight for 2 weeks to break it up. Is this a good idea or would there be any other suggestions on good ways to change up the workout to get continued growth?

In the past I have found that rep changes for 2 weeks then back to the usual for 4 has yielded good results but its far from scientific so I would love to hear other suggestions.
Somewhat limited in my knowledge but I would suggest you try to surprise your muscles with different exercises. Avoid using your usual machines and opt for the different one.
I've just hit a sort of plateau and have decided to change up the rep ranges. I usually have kept to around the 6 rep range and tried to life as heavy as I can for 6. this week I moved to 12 with decreased weight for 2 weeks to break it up. Is this a good idea or would there be any other suggestions on good ways to change up the workout to get continued growth?

In the past I have found that rep changes for 2 weeks then back to the usual for 4 has yielded good results but its far from scientific so I would love to hear other suggestions.

I also agree with changing to different exercises and maintain the weights and reps/sets your at. Also try changing the days your working out each muscle group. I wouldnt drop the weight range and increase reps...that seems to be going backwards.
You are contradicting yourself here. Plyometrics basically reflects the intensity of lifting heavy/low reps. Your metabolism will be heightened with heavy lifting because lifting heavy increase your metabolism for longer after a work out than a lower intensity work out would result in.

And your claims of "being proven over several bodybuilders" is bs. TONs of bodybuilders lift heavy while cutting. And only walk for cardio.

Please if you are going to refute something like that present studies from pubmed or other credible sources.

"10-12 reps shapes, shreds and cuts whereas 4-6 builds strength and mass. " like that didn't just come straight out menshealth or some other womens magazine.

Cutting and "shredding" is a direct result of diet. Not the number of reps you do.
Also endurance increases with strength.

Exactly, muscles grow or fall into atrophy. You cannot "shape" "shred" or "cut" them. That shredded look comes from increasing the size of the muscle and the reduction of fat around said muscles. And Fat reduction is the direct result of diet and the burning of calories only.
I really like GNC's Kool Whey Peach Mango and Lemonade flavours. Stuff tastes pretty much like juice to me.

GNC branded protein always does funny things with my stomach haha. That flavor sounds good, though. I got this cookies 'n cream crap from Optimum Nutrition and it tastes like friggin death.
I don't think I'll put too much faith in a guy who thinks plyometrics are low-rep, high weight exercises, thanks.
GNC branded protein always does funny things with my stomach haha. That flavor sounds good, though. I got this cookies 'n cream crap from Optimum Nutrition and it tastes like friggin death.

Its really also doesnt turn into a thick shake, it maintains the consistency of regular water. I stay away from all those Chocolate/Vanilla/Cookie Dough/Banana Peanut Butter flavours, I find them to be disgusting. Stick with the fruit flavours I find them to be a lot more natural tasting.
I don't think I'll put too much faith in a guy who thinks plyometrics are low-rep, high weight exercises, thanks.

That's not what I said. But you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Keep spouting your broscience. Why don't you tell us how much faster your gixxer is than the s1000rr. Oh wait no one gives a ****.
But who here loves to feel those endorphins after a great work out? I personally love fitness/body building... Great stress reliever and nothing beats the feeling of jumping on the bike after a good work out.... Anyone here into fitness as well as motorcycles?

I run about 30-40k a week and do lot's of stretching, core and bodyweight exercises in between. I'm usually pretty tired after a workout and don't go riding right away, especially after a tiring upper body workout. Riding is more fun when I'm fit.
best thing i started doing for workout to change up was take advice from a previous manager at popeyes. His workout was this this:

ex- biceps

1st set: want to use an easy weight that you can easily lift 2 times, do once or twice depending on you
2nd set: Basically max your weight out at 5-7 reps (you need a weight so your 5th-7th rep is all you can possibly do without altering technique to do)
3rd set: max weight for 8-10 reps again all you can do to finish the last rep
4thset: max weight you can do 12-15 reps
5th set: little lower weight should again be using your all to do 15 if not more reps

1st set 2nd set 3rdset 4th set 5th set
Standing bicep curls w/u 20 reps 5-7reps 8-10sets 12-15 15+ reps
preacher curl no w/u 5-7 reps 8-10 reps 12-15reps 15+
reverse grip preacher curl " " " "
concentration curls " " " "
standing hammer curl " " " "
55's one set 55 reps

for those who dont know (my favourite exercise to end a bicep day) try it out after you finish working biceps
55's are when you take a preacher bar and say put 20's on each side and while standing you do 1 rep, hands down at your side for 2 second break, 2 reps 2 second break, 3 reps 2 second break ........... 10 reps and drop the weights because your forearms and biceps are on fire

working out like that 1 month on 1 month different style helped me break my climaxes. With a good diet and excess powders i gained 15 pounds in 4 weeks and was very evident

edit: posted a little strange but w/u being warm up, only do on your first exercise of that muscle group
I also agree with changing to different exercises and maintain the weights and reps/sets your at. Also try changing the days your working out each muscle group. I wouldnt drop the weight range and increase reps...that seems to be going backwards.

I have been doing a 3 day push pull split for most of my work out life. I find it seems to work best for me. I've tried doing back and chest the same day and then doing arms another but I always find its awkward. Any other splits people would recommend or suggest that have worked for them? I might try the chest/back, arms/shoulders, legs type split and give it another whirl.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

My focus right now is to increase the size of my upper body...particularly my arms. I use a 5 day rotation that goes something like this:

Day 1: chest/shoulders
Day 2: back/biceps
Day 3: chest/triceps
Day 4: back/biceps
Day 5: biceps/triceps

Depending on how I'm feeling and on my progress, every 2 to 3 weeks I'll cut the volume in half and only do 3 of those 5 days up there. I've been doing this since mid december and so far the strength and size increases have been good and consistent. I'll keep doing this until it stops working LOL.
I have been doing a 3 day push pull split for most of my work out life. I find it seems to work best for me. I've tried doing back and chest the same day and then doing arms another but I always find its awkward. Any other splits people would recommend or suggest that have worked for them? I might try the chest/back, arms/shoulders, legs type split and give it another whirl.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

I do the exact same push/pull split and its great. Just switch up the exercises, instead of barbells use dumbells or vice versa. Try super setting I like doing for chest/bi days.

Incline Dumbbell Press/Incline dumbbell curls
Flat bench dumbbell press/Seated concentration curls
Parallel dips/Pull ups
My damn wife does this stuff while cooking dinner, doing her makeup and talking on the phone, its like living with a damn flamingo.

If I lived with a flamingo that looked like that dancer I'd probably have sex with it. A lot. Just sayin.....
That's not what I said. But you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Keep spouting your broscience. Why don't you tell us how much faster your gixxer is than the s1000rr. Oh wait no one gives a ****.

Is that why you keep obsessing over it?

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