Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Thats F'ing HOT... when I wheel I want to know three things right away.. baby whats your name, you single?, and how much you benching these days? and if its below 100 you can keep walking my laundry is heavy.

.. and how do the men respond to that?
Breakfast of Champions

The Zone Diet by Barry Sears was a book that completely educated me and changed the way I eat. I would absolutely recommend it as a book for anyone wanting to get a better understanding of how nutrition impacts elite performance. I no longer eat meat/fish anymore, and neither am I an elite athlete by any means, but the principles can still be applied for day-to-day healthy eating and gaining a better understanding of how food intake impacts us. Although the link below is just a summary, the actual book had a great section in the appendices that broke down a variety of different proteins, carbs and fats and presented a lot of different foods to show which ones were the best sources of each and why.

That said, the Zone diet is only geared for people that exercise a lot, otherwise you will gain a lot of weight. Not for the couch athletes.

A summary of the essentials of the Zone diet:
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Here is a few of my pics from the Arnold Classic.

Obligatory Arnold @ the Arnold's pic:

Phil Heath lookin' swole as fawk:

Me posing with the models:

Jamie looking hot as always:

Obligatory DAT *** shot:

Obligatory WTF!?!?! *** shot:

Some looser with Toney Freeman (one of the few non-manlet bodybuilders):

... got a ton more of course ...
Obligatory WTF!?!?! *** shot:

LOL...butt implants...I'm calling that right now.

Thanks for the pics. Heath is a his traps (sorta homo).
After a short absence, 20yrs or so, I'm back in the gym

I got questions, do i need to wear all black? and whats with the toques? Some guys pump really hard then drop the bar with a huge groan and let it rattle off the floor. It looks heavy but not that heavy and seems to be for dramatic effect.
And walking around with a 4 liter water bottle, with a 1/2 liter in it? and no they probably didn't drink the 3 liters.

I have so much to learn
After a short absence, 20yrs or so, I'm back in the gym

I got questions, do i need to wear all black?
Yes all black is an absolute must. It's slimming!

and whats with the toques?
Sometimes (ie in the cold of the winter). A toque can help you feel warm until you start sweating from your workout. I have worn one a couple times a long with a sweater in the gym. Sue me.
But the real question is why do you care?

Some guys pump really hard then drop the bar with a huge groan and let it rattle off the floor. It looks heavy but not that heavy and seems to be for dramatic effect.
Again if they aren't doing anything dangerous... Why would you care? I know it's douchy but going to the gym and seeing ********** is something that will happen to the end of time.

And walking around with a 4 liter water bottle, with a 1/2 liter in it? and no they probably didn't drink the 3 liters.

I have so much to learn

This certainly does not hurt anyone, and it may be that they have a 4L water intake goal for the day so they bring their water with them to the gym. But again.. why would you care?

Could be just me, but it seems like your concerns are only nosey ones.
Gym Pet Peeve #3

Dudes who handcuff their chics at the gym...use the weights to work out your arms not your chic.
After a short absence, 20yrs or so, I'm back in the gym

I got questions, do i need to wear all black? and whats with the toques? Some guys pump really hard then drop the bar with a huge groan and let it rattle off the floor.

Oh come on...they didn't have weird crap back in the 80's/early 90's? No guys in neon leotards with mullets roaming the weight rooms? This is the 21st century version of that. Along with the guys that bring in their own kettle bells and gymnastics rings.
Yes all black is an absolute must. It's slimming!

Sometimes (ie in the cold of the winter). A toque can help you feel warm until you start sweating from your workout. I have worn one a couple times a long with a sweater in the gym. Sue me.
But the real question is why do you care?

Again if they aren't doing anything dangerous... Why would you care? I know it's douchy but going to the gym and seeing ********** is something that will happen to the end of time.

This certainly does not hurt anyone, and it may be that they have a 4L water intake goal for the day so they bring their water with them to the gym. But again.. why would you care?

Could be just me, but it seems like your concerns are only nosey ones.

I'm no cultural sociologist, however I believe crankcall was using something Western civilization would generally refer to as a "joke".

I could be wrong though. I am by no means an expert.
And walking around with a 4 liter water bottle, with a 1/2 liter in it?

Excellent question.

You don't want the bottle to be too heavy, or you're wasting energy that can go to the workout.

On the other hand, holding something light that has a constantly moving center of gravity helps tune your balance and coordination so you're ready to hit those weights hard.

Keep in mind, you don't need to worry about these details till you've reached the point where you're trying to squeeze that final 0.1% of performance out of your body.

And before anyone tries to disagree, yes, everything I just said is pure BS :D
Would anyone be willing to share a full body training regimen (with exercises?)

The one that I'm doing focuses on the arms, chest & upper back. I want to really start focusing on my abs/lower back/legs because the neglect is starting to show. I ask 'cause it takes me a really long time to put a plan together. So to make one up from scratch, I'd have to wait 'til April. I don't need meal plans or anything; just exercises.

I know that some people are sort of secretive with their regimens (which is understandable). But if anyone decides to share - thanks in advance :D
I have a 4 day split. What I write here does not include any of my warm stuff. But make sure you warm up properly for any exercise. If I am lifting heavy on bench, deadlift, or squats I usually do at least 2 warm up sets with some lighter weight and high reps to get my muscles pumping full of blood and feeling warm. When I say have, it's relative to you. Do not hurt yourself listen to your body


Decline bench press 3 sets heavy weight (5-8 reps)
Incline Dumbell press 3 sets heavy weight (5-8 reps)
Cable Flies 3 sets medium weight (10-12 reps, last set to fatigue)
Skull crushers super-setted with close grip press of the bar you just
skull crushed 3 sets 8-10 reps of each exercise.
Dips (weighted if you are strong) 5-10 reps
Overhead arm extensions 5-8 reps
Tricep pull downs 3 set 5-8 reps
Finish off with pushups until failure.


Deadlifts 5 sets heavy. 4-6 reps
When done deadlifting shrug that weight (great for traps I find)
Pull ups 4 sets as many as you can. If you can do 10 weight yourself down
Bent over rows 3 sets heavy 8 reps
Rowing machine 3 sets medium (5-10 reps)
Do a bunch of bicep stuff ( I have the shittiest biceps in relation to
the rest of my body because I don't care much for bicep workouts.

Legs days:

Squat 5 sets heavy (5-8 reps)
Lunges with dumbbells in hand to weigh you down 3 sets (10 lunges)
Leg press and calf press 3 sets 10 reps. You can go really heavy on
leg press. Be careful with ankles on calf press.
Small 5 minute run after (may be broscience, but I feel better after doing this)


Dumbell military press heavy 5-8 reps
Lateral raises light 10 reps (I have bad shoulders so this is sometimes hard on me)
Backwards flies medium weight 10 reps
Shoulder shrugs medium weight 10 reps

Bunch of ab stuff everyone does their own thing. I usually change it up just about everytime anyway. One of my favourites though is hanging from the pull up bar, flex your abs so your body levels out flat with your legs straight up in the air, and then start a controlled swing all the way right, and then all the way left. Great for abs and obliques. Will probably give you jacked looking love handles though, some people avoid these kinds of exercises due to that. But aside from that just weighted crunches and **** like that.
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