Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Would anyone be willing to share a full body training regimen (with exercises?)

The one that I'm doing focuses on the arms, chest & upper back. I want to really start focusing on my abs/lower back/legs because the neglect is starting to show. I ask 'cause it takes me a really long time to put a plan together. So to make one up from scratch, I'd have to wait 'til April. I don't need meal plans or anything; just exercises.

I know that some people are sort of secretive with their regimens (which is understandable). But if anyone decides to share - thanks in advance :D

Do you want to train your entire body in one session or do you want to do a split like what Freestyle listed?
Thanks Freestyle

Do you want to train your entire body in one session or do you want to do a split like what Freestyle listed?
Definitely a split. I'll probably slightly modify what you guys give me into a 3 day split. My rear deltoids are really stubborn, so I usually have to add in a couple of extra exercises.

Btw, I have this problem with my right tricep when I'm doing extensions. The right one sort of pops and a couple of reps after, it'll just give out on me at the top of the extension. I tried lowering the weights, but it's just not going away...and because of that, I haven't been able to increase for like a month. Any clue what that might be?
Thanks Freestyle

Definitely a split. I'll probably slightly modify what you guys give me into a 3 day split. My rear deltoids are really stubborn, so I usually have to add in a couple of extra exercises.

Btw, I have this problem with my right tricep when I'm doing extensions. The right one sort of pops and a couple of reps after, it'll just give out on me at the top of the extension. I tried lowering the weights, but it's just not going away...and because of that, I haven't been able to increase for like a month. Any clue what that might be?

Does it hurt when your elbow pops (i'm assuming this is what you're talking about)? If there's pain then don't force it. The last thing you want to do is develop chronic tendonitis in any of your elbows. Try close grip bench presses in the smith machine if you want to load your triceps with a lot of weight. Skull crushers are good but may also aggrevate any elbow issues you have. Cable machine pull downs paired up with tricep kick backs make for a nice finisher. I can also show you something that you can do with that assisted pull-up machine that's pretty badass too.

As for a 3-day split....something like this might work:

Day 1: Chest/Back
Day 2: Legs/core
Day 3: Shoulders, Bi's, Tri's
Either a tremor, de-training or you just need muscular endurance. Guidelines for different types of training vary such as Strength, Hypertrophy, Power1, Power2, Endurance. So for endurance you want to work under 67% of your 1 Rep Max for 13 - 20 reps at 30 seconds rest between each exercise. (calculate a 1 rep max for any exercise, for example "extensions". 1RM = 50lbs, you take 50 x.67 = 33.5lbs)

13-20 reps with 33.5lbs roughly with 30 seconds rest.

Do you get muscle twitches? Could be electrolyte imbalance. Not big on nutrition but any questions for workouts I could answer - have many programs and exercises you probably havent seen yet that will take your lowerbody to a whole new level too. Going to school for Kinesiology, worked with the general population and currently working with Mississauga Majors (OHL) as a strength coach.
Thanks Freestyle

Definitely a split. I'll probably slightly modify what you guys give me into a 3 day split. My rear deltoids are really stubborn, so I usually have to add in a couple of extra exercises.

Btw, I have this problem with my right tricep when I'm doing extensions. The right one sort of pops and a couple of reps after, it'll just give out on me at the top of the extension. I tried lowering the weights, but it's just not going away...and because of that, I haven't been able to increase for like a month. Any clue what that might be?

Where is the pop? Around your elbow and is there pain? If its tendonitis you would likely experience discomfort.

If its just a muscular imbalance you are referring to my suggestion is to avoid barbell exercises and go with DB's to ensure both of your arms are taking on equal load. Aside from dips, my go to exercise is lying down, DB Tricep extensions. I bet these will be feel much better for you compared to any overhead extensions. Focus on technique then weight and you'll see what I mean.

If you'd like to do a 3day split, my opinion is to not do the chest/back, Legs, Shoulders/Tri's/Bi's split. I have done a split like this in the past but it is my opinion that this sort of split, if you are a natural athlete training with high intensity is not as efficient as going with a more push/pull oriented split. You could very well be overtraining your shoulders/Tri's/Bi's with this option.

I prefer Legs, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Back/Biceps type of split as it allows more time for resting your muscle groups and for example, you won't need to do that much for your biceps after you've properly worked your back. If you are doing chinups/pullups you're bound to feel the work on your biceps already. This is just my preference, experiment, log your results and do what works for you!
So I am going to start my cutting phase now and I would like some critique from some of the knowledgable posters here.

Goal: Lose 50lbs of FAT by the end of June
Diet: 1500 calories a day, 5/300 calories meals a day, 70% protein/30% carbs (high fibre)
Workout: Looking to burn 1000 calories a day
Cardio: 60 minutes of low intensity cardio first thing in the morning (7 Days a week), and the Spartacus workout (41 minutes) in the evening (4 days a week)
Weights: 3 days a week (Chest/Biceps) (Back/Triceps) (Legs/Shoulders)

I understand that these are really aggressive goals and the diet and workout routine looks intense, but I enjoy going to the gym and the workouts wont be a problem. The diet might be an issue but I think with effective pre-planning and discipline it can be done.
good for you if you can keep that up till june. i dont do 60 mins of cardio a yr lol and it shows, With those cals a day try to get a lot of protein or ur gonna drop muscle mass real quick instead of fat
good for you if you can keep that up till june. i dont do 60 mins of cardio a yr lol and it shows, With those cals a day try to get a lot of protein or ur gonna drop muscle mass real quick instead of fat

Yeah I plan to take in about 200gms of protein a day. I REALLY REALLY dont want to lose any muscle, and if possible gain lean muscle as well as drop the fat.
Yeah I plan to take in about 200gms of protein a day. I REALLY REALLY dont want to lose any muscle, and if possible gain lean muscle as well as drop the fat.

1500 cals a day? Dood that's not a lot of anything....

I highly suggest PM'ing roasted and getting his take on what you should do.
Yeah I plan to take in about 200gms of protein a day. I REALLY REALLY dont want to lose any muscle, and if possible gain lean muscle as well as drop the fat.

Hey man,

If you are interested in body recomposition, check this guy's site - Martin Berkham -> /

I have been using his techniques and I am very happy with the results. It's cetainly not the only way to drop fat and change your body composition but by far, I find his methods to be the easiest to live with on a daily basis so you don't necessarily have to be miserable while dropping those extra pounds of fat. I think thats an important part of any sort of eating regime - adherence. Even if you don't take on his approach, there are some interesting information on the site.

The plan that you've listed above Im sure will yield you some results but man, you are going to be one miserable guy doing all that and I think you might just hit the wall and burn out after a few weeks of that. All that stress on your body is bound to have some negative effects like elevated cortisol levels which leads to abdominal fat for dudes.
1500 cals a day? Dood that's not a lot of anything....

I highly suggest PM'ing roasted and getting his take on what you should do.

1500cal a day is actually not that bad for the average person to cut weight on. I know you are a big boy so it seems like nothing. But some of us actually cut just fine on 1500 calories. I usually only go that low when on keto, but I do diet that low all the time. I bet you Roasted went that low near competition time too. I could be full of it, but 1500 calories in clean food is actually not bad.
I bet you Roasted went that low near competition time too. I could be full of it, but 1500 calories in clean food is actually not bad.

Nope, even the last week pre-contest my calories have never dipped under 3000/day and I think that was STILL a little too aggressive. Will try cutting at 3300/day next time around.

But than I have the metabolism of a raver consantly doped up on e.

1500 cals/day is fine IMHO .............. for a girl. Start around 2200 and tweak as neccessary depending on how much you're loosing every week (if you're loosing >2lbs a week up your cals, if youre loosing <1 lbs a week, drop cals).

70% protein and 30% carbs is VERY unrealistic imho. 0% fat? First, you actually need some fat for proper hormone production, second, I dunno if those numbers would be even possible to hit while eating any real food (which you should be). I'd aim for at least 15% cals from fat.

Also, good luck having any sort of a trace of a social life with that workout schedule unless you're unemployed.........and even than....
So I am going to start my cutting phase now and I would like some critique from some of the knowledgable posters here.

Goal: Lose 50lbs of FAT by the end of June
Diet: 1500 calories a day, 5/300 calories meals a day, 70% protein/30% carbs (high fibre)
Workout: Looking to burn 1000 calories a day
Cardio: 60 minutes of low intensity cardio first thing in the morning (7 Days a week), and the Spartacus workout (41 minutes) in the evening (4 days a week)
Weights: 3 days a week (Chest/Biceps) (Back/Triceps) (Legs/Shoulders)

I understand that these are really aggressive goals and the diet and workout routine looks intense, but I enjoy going to the gym and the workouts wont be a problem. The diet might be an issue but I think with effective pre-planning and discipline it can be done.

50lbs of fat by june is slightly unrealistic to be honest, that is a lot!
Also you dont need to be eating such small meals so frequently, thats a load of crap and its just a myth.
You need to have some fat in your diet regardless of your goals, i would do more of a 40/40/20(fats) split.
1000 cals burned a day is quite a bit, if your dedicated its do able but if your only eating like 1500 cals your going to lose a lot of muscle as well. Keep in mind its easier to cut out 500cals with diet then with exercise so you may be spending a ton of time in the gym when you could just clean up your diet better and you would achieve the same thing.
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1500cal a day is actually not that bad for the average person to cut weight on. I know you are a big boy so it seems like nothing. But some of us actually cut just fine on 1500 calories. I usually only go that low when on keto, but I do diet that low all the time. I bet you Roasted went that low near competition time too. I could be full of it, but 1500 calories in clean food is actually not bad.

I don't think Moreno is that least from what I remember from previous posts. It may not be that bad, but it's a pretty drastic drop in calories from the get go. It might be hard if not impossible to maintain that, let alone progress. I agree that 1500 cals from good food sources vs 1500 cals from "just whatever" is a worlds apart, though.
Goal: Lose 50lbs of FAT by the end of June
Diet: 1500 calories a day, 5/300 calories meals a day, 70% protein/30% carbs (high fibre)

1500 calories is to low. What is your current weight? If I assume you are 5'10" and 200lbs for illustrative purposes, you need about 540 calories per meal to lose 1-2 lbs per week, with 4-5 hrs of "moderate" exercise. Weight loss "faster" than than is considered unhealthy. With weight loss faster than that, I would be concerned that your body would start consuming lean muscle along with fat reserves.

You would need about 2500 calories throughout the day, or about 200 more in each of the 5 meals you allow yourself.

Here's a guideline.
To lose 1 pound fat per week
Current Weight Calories
280lbs (127kg) 610cals x 6 meals = 3700 cals
260 lbs (118kg) 560 cals x 6 meals = 3400 cals
240 lbs (109kg) 510 cals x 6 meals = 3100 cals
220 lbs (100kg) 460 cals x 6 meals = 2800 cals
200 lbs (91kg) 410 cals x 6 meals = 2500 cals
180 lbs (81kg) 360 cals x 6 meals = 2200 cals
160 lbs (72kg) 310 cals x 6 meals = 1900 cals
140 lbs (63kg) 265 cals x 6 meals = 1600 cals

And just for reference, I started at ~17% body fat on September 1st, and was down to 6% on Dec 18 using the above formula, using resistance training only, 4-6 hours each week, eating only "good" calories, and never cheating/snacking between meals.

If you're really serious about losing the weight, if you don't already, start to love skinless boneless chicken, can tuna, brocolli and cauliflower. You'll be eating a LOT of it. ;) And a good multi-vitamin. And drink lots of water.

And I HIGHLY RECOMMEND a "cheat" meal once or twice a week. I'm sure others will disagree, but the "cheat" meal is very important to keep metabolism high, IMHO!.
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INCLUDE FLEXIBILITY. It is a MUST! (each day if you have the time (15min), not just after the strength workouts) Variety of exercises too to keep stimulating your body and so you dont get bored - I have a whole list of non traditional exercises that you might like. Are you working out at home or do you have a membership at a commercial gym (goodlife etc)?
Nope, even the last week pre-contest my calories have never dipped under 3000/day and I think that was STILL a little too aggressive. Will try cutting at 3300/day next time around.

But than I have the metabolism of a raver consantly doped up on e.

1500 cals/day is fine IMHO .............. for a girl. Start around 2200 and tweak as neccessary depending on how much you're loosing every week (if you're loosing >2lbs a week up your cals, if youre loosing <1 lbs a week, drop cals).

70% protein and 30% carbs is VERY unrealistic imho. 0% fat? First, you actually need some fat for proper hormone production, second, I dunno if those numbers would be even possible to hit while eating any real food (which you should be). I'd aim for at least 15% cals from fat.

Also, good luck having any sort of a trace of a social life with that workout schedule unless you're unemployed.........and even than....

Pre-contest? What show were you in?
The horrible thing about all this math, is some people are individuals. I know there are 3600 cal in a pound of fat, and it takes so many calories to do a certain exercise at a certain intensity to move a certain amount of weight (either your own or a mechanical resistance). However, some peoples metabolism just isn't as boosted as someone elses.

I work out minimum 5 times a week, it's usually 8 or 9 times a week I'll have a work out. Running, crossfit (love it!), weighted marches, lifting weights, and sports such as hockey, ball hockey, motocross etc. It's a very broad spectrum and I like that as it keeps it interesting and will put me as a more rounded athlete, not just a lifter and not just a runner.
My issue is my diet... Fast food specifically. I'm constantly on the road so it's handy. When I go back home the house is packed with bad food (can see where I get my habbits when I go back there).
I haven't bought cookies or chips or anything like that in about 2 years when I go grocery shopping so I can't just easily grab that bag when I get the munchies at 9pm.
Just finished my first week of no fast food. My diet is a healthy cereal, some yogurt, tuna, chicken, whole weat bread, fruits and veggies. Generally I feel good, my GI feels normal, I have more energy when I'm working out. However, I'm REALLY craving a pizza and garlic cheesy bread at the moment lol.

For the guy going on the really drastic plan... That sounds really difficult to manage, especially if you're going directly to that plan from a not so great lifestyle. That is A LOT of working out, you really should give yourself a bit of time for your body to re-build, and that diet will really, really suck. I would assume that right now with what I'm eating I'm at just under 2000 a day and that is barely enough with my activity level. With taking in that few calories, you just won't be able to work out as hard as you would like.
Not trying to be discouraging, but when you set the goals too high and you don't reach them, some people just give up totally.
The goal is to be healthy, not to damage yourself to look good. I might be a bit heavy (30 lbs or so but it's hard to tell with my body structure) but I feel healthy and that is what is important to me. I'm able to go for a 10km run whenever I feel it and perform at a fairly good level with my sports so I'm happy... I'm just improving on that now for my racing performance. Plus, wouldn't mind it when I get changed at the track to have the girls checking me out lol.
The horrible thing about all this math, is some people are individuals. I know there are 3600 cal in a pound of fat, and it takes so many calories to do a certain exercise at a certain intensity to move a certain amount of weight (either your own or a mechanical resistance). However, some peoples metabolism just isn't as boosted as someone elses.

I work out minimum 5 times a week, it's usually 8 or 9 times a week I'll have a work out. Running, crossfit (love it!), weighted marches, lifting weights, and sports such as hockey, ball hockey, motocross etc. It's a very broad spectrum and I like that as it keeps it interesting and will put me as a more rounded athlete, not just a lifter and not just a runner.
My issue is my diet... Fast food specifically. I'm constantly on the road so it's handy. When I go back home the house is packed with bad food (can see where I get my habbits when I go back there).
I haven't bought cookies or chips or anything like that in about 2 years when I go grocery shopping so I can't just easily grab that bag when I get the munchies at 9pm.
Just finished my first week of no fast food. My diet is a healthy cereal, some yogurt, tuna, chicken, whole weat bread, fruits and veggies. Generally I feel good, my GI feels normal, I have more energy when I'm working out. However, I'm REALLY craving a pizza and garlic cheesy bread at the moment lol.

For the guy going on the really drastic plan... That sounds really difficult to manage, especially if you're going directly to that plan from a not so great lifestyle. That is A LOT of working out, you really should give yourself a bit of time for your body to re-build, and that diet will really, really suck. I would assume that right now with what I'm eating I'm at just under 2000 a day and that is barely enough with my activity level. With taking in that few calories, you just won't be able to work out as hard as you would like.
Not trying to be discouraging, but when you set the goals too high and you don't reach them, some people just give up totally.
The goal is to be healthy, not to damage yourself to look good. I might be a bit heavy (30 lbs or so but it's hard to tell with my body structure) but I feel healthy and that is what is important to me. I'm able to go for a 10km run whenever I feel it and perform at a fairly good level with my sports so I'm happy... I'm just improving on that now for my racing performance. Plus, wouldn't mind it when I get changed at the track to have the girls checking me out lol.

Very good point my friend. I started this thread wondering how many riders were also physically active and into fitness.. Was really interesting to hear everyones opinions, routines, etc.. Now a little about me.

Train 5 to 7 times a week.
148 lbs
4.3 % bodyfat.
Change my workout routines every few months. There is no "ONE" way to train. I range from really heavy weight lifting to low weight high reps.. I can sit here and say 1000 different techniques I do.. But it comes down to 1 thing.

Do not spend too much time in the gym. 45 min is all you need. However, do not try to take more then 1 minute breaks between sets.

I wasn't planning on putting any pictures up of myself on this site and have created this thread a while ago, but here it goes anyways. A pic from my last show (yes I compete) I still have self improving to do... But just like everyone and everything in life.

I'm glad to have read all the comments on this thread and want to tell everyone keep up the great work.

God bless



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