LOL are you talking about that "outer" head of the quad muscle? Damn son, if you're gonna be all latin and what-not at least post a pic. 
Anyway, go on the leg extension machine and do the motion, but mid-way turn your feet outwards (as if you're forming a 'V' with your feet). Not sure if you'll get what I mean there...
But ya, generally speaking, get some size on those legs before you worry too much about the individual quad heads. If you're looking to get some sweep on those legs, and you're as skinny as I think you are, the basic exercises will do you just fine.

Anyway, go on the leg extension machine and do the motion, but mid-way turn your feet outwards (as if you're forming a 'V' with your feet). Not sure if you'll get what I mean there...
But ya, generally speaking, get some size on those legs before you worry too much about the individual quad heads. If you're looking to get some sweep on those legs, and you're as skinny as I think you are, the basic exercises will do you just fine.