Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

LOL are you talking about that "outer" head of the quad muscle? Damn son, if you're gonna be all latin and what-not at least post a pic. :p

Anyway, go on the leg extension machine and do the motion, but mid-way turn your feet outwards (as if you're forming a 'V' with your feet). Not sure if you'll get what I mean there...

But ya, generally speaking, get some size on those legs before you worry too much about the individual quad heads. If you're looking to get some sweep on those legs, and you're as skinny as I think you are, the basic exercises will do you just fine. :D
Haha yeah...that's the one that I meant. Shows how little I know about working out legs...

Ahh...thanks. So I guess start the feet slightly inwards or straight? (I was told to start them pointing slightly outward to avoid injury). I find that I'm progressing really quick with weights, but the outer quad heads don't get much burn when I do the exercises.

Does sweep mean size? Haha stfu, they're slim jeans, dammit. But surprisingly, my legs are really strong for someone who never used to work them out...they just need to get bigger.

& another question that I have is that I ride a bicycle & run for cardio. Is that counter-productive to trying to build bigger legs? Would changing the order make a difference? Or separating the days that I do cardio/work out my legs? As it stands, I'm working them out, then doing my cardio last. Or do I really have to give those activities up to get any real gains in my legs?
Ya I start with my toes pointing up and usually swing them outwards about mid-way. Swing the toes inwards if you want to target that inner quad head. Watch your knees with this stuff, though. That leg extension machine can wreak havoc on them if you're not careful. Keep the weights light, don't let your legs go all the way back down (partial reps), and keep the tension focused on the target area as much as possible.

But before you get all fancy with this stuff, focus on exercises that will let you lift as much weight as you can. This exercise is more of a finisher that you tack on at the end of your workout for the pump or whatever.

Which gym do you go to, Knowledge?
Squats, Deadlifts and lunges are all good basics that should be part of any leg workout. With all the variations of each available they should never get boring.
Thanks for the suggestions. It looks like the key's in the feet. As for dorsi flexion, I'm also gonna try and put a weight plate under my toes so it angles my feet up a little bit - it sounds like it might isolate it better (i'm not gonna lie, I'm still working on my crappy form when it comes to leg exercises).

Flashmonkey: I'm at parkview goodlife. You?
Flashmonkey: I'm at parkview goodlife. You?

Kennedy goodlife.

And the knees have a say in it as's a combination of a number of things really, but experiment with it and see what works best for you. I'm sure if you did a search on youtube you'd find videos somewhere.
Squats, Deadlifts and lunges are all good basics that should be part of any leg workout. With all the variations of each available they should never get boring.

DO this! You gotta do the big functional moves. Don't worry so much about isolation because you are likely going to be wasting your time if you do.
Hack squats with feet together is good for the sweep too but as others already mentioned, if you've only been working out your legs 2 months I wouldn't worry about focusing on different parts yet, just squat, dead, legpress, etc heavy and gains will come.

ALso, brahz, been cutting for the past 7 weeks. I'm probably around 7% bf now. Lean as fawk. ARms look like this when I wake up in the morning with ZERO pump. If I even touch carbs my arms get juicy as fawk cuzzzz.


The scary part is that I've got 6 weeks of cutting left....
My hat is off to you. I lack the discipline to ever try and cut down to the low single digits of BF.

Cutting is MUCH easier for me than putting on size but yeah, still a crapload of work....especially outside of the gym. The looks of WTF you get being that lean are hilarious though. lol
You competing again? Do you find the contest prep easier the second time around?
Cutting is MUCH easier for me than putting on size but yeah, still a crapload of work....especially outside of the gym. The looks of WTF you get being that lean are hilarious though. lol

I can only imagine. I've added some size over the winter and have leaned out only a little (athletic build but far from 'cut')and I get reactions from friends I haven't seen for a while.
You competing again?


Do you find the contest prep easier the second time around?

It's pretty much the same crap. Actually a bit worse this time around simply because of the date (mid-July, vs mid-May last time). I find it a bit harder to cut through the summer since there is more stuff going on that you have to say no to (friends going out more, drinking, camping, etc.).

I've cut so many times now though (even prior to competing) that it's very routine for me now.
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Gotcha. Cutting during the summer does seem like a larger PITA than normal, so I can understand the difficulty.

Good luck! Don't forget to grace us with more thong pics. ;)

It's pretty much the same crap. Actually a bit worse this time around simply because of the date (mid-July, vs mid-May last time). I find it a bit harder to cut through the summer since there is more stuff going on that you have to say no to (friends going out more, drinking, camping, etc.).

I've cut so many times now though (even prior to competing) that it's very routine for me now.

What show you doing? WBFF in aug? I'm doing chin in July .. Media launch party for it is this wed..

I'm thinking WBFF in aug and ur fave Fstar in sept..

We will c how it goes between now and then...
Hack squats with feet together is good for the sweep too but as others already mentioned, if you've only been working out your legs 2 months I wouldn't worry about focusing on different parts yet, just squat, dead, legpress, etc heavy and gains will come.

ALso, brahz, been cutting for the past 7 weeks. I'm probably around 7% bf now. Lean as fawk. ARms look like this when I wake up in the morning with ZERO pump. If I even touch carbs my arms get juicy as fawk cuzzzz.


The scary part is that I've got 6 weeks of cutting left....

Lookin good.. U just motivated me to take a cell phone snap shot right now as well... Took this 30 sec ago...


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What show you doing? WBFF in aug? I'm doing chin in July .. Media launch party for it is this wed..

I'm thinking WBFF in aug and ur fave Fstar in sept..

We will c how it goes between now and then...

IDFA Ottawa and Toronto in July. I have no interest in competing in the WBFF....maybe the UFE or OPA (naturals only).
IDFA Ottawa and Toronto in July. I have no interest in competing in the WBFF....maybe the UFE or OPA (naturals only).

Cool... OPA has a natural tested division ? that's news ... UFE i may consider halloween mayhem.. We will see.
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