Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

taleb & roasted: good job guys. What do you eat for work snacks/lunch ? what's your overall diet like?

Yeah seriously! Cause now that I think of it....I don't remember seeing Taleb actually eat a burrito at any of the tuesday BBoyz meets... :laughing8:
taleb & roasted: good job guys. What do you eat for work snacks/lunch ? what's your overall diet like?

When cutting:
about 3200 cals/day (might increase this next time....still too low lol)
about 150 grams of carbs (might increase this also)
250+ grams of protein....probably....I don't count protein, just generally eat high protein and count cals
the rest fat

This is typically made up of foods such as: chicken, beef (that's right, RED MEAT!), salmon, tuna, calamari (unbreaded), spinach, brocoli, natural peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, pita bread, avocado, oatmeal, eggs, etc. Also a single protein shake in the morning only (zero protein shakes the last 2-4 weeks before a contest). Early on I also eat a lot of cheese which I cut out the last 4-6 weeks (brie, goat cheese, cottage cheese).

Work food is typically a steak/chicken/salmon with some brocoli and avocado/cheese/seeds, and than a small chicken wrap later or sometimes a bit of sushi.

That's for cutting only.....9 months of the year I eat basically everything in sight (4500+ cals) but try to eat moderately clean (high protein moderately low fat, and no simple sugars....I haven't had a non-black coffee in over a year). DO NOT copy my callorie ranges though. My body is about as fuel efficient as a Harley. Most people would become fat ***** eating as much as me. If I didn't lift I'd be a buck forty (I'm 6'1)
Damn man... Your cutting diet is still more calories by almost a thousand than I target for myself daily.
I work out daily. At least our normal workouts at work, plus extra stuff at night a few nights a week and my weekends are spent on the MX track. My body just loves to hang on to it's extra weight, despite having the muscle mass to burn the calories AND a proper diet.

The last month has sucked... I've been in the bush, eating rations and the cook's tasty food from the trailer, sittin on my arse either in the field medical tent or my amb waiting for something to happen, so I've hit another set back... urgh.
taleb & roasted: good job guys. What do you eat for work snacks/lunch ? what's your overall diet like?

Thanks bro..

Snacks would be goji berries... Almonds... Coco (unsweetened) nibs seasoned with cinnamon ... (make my own trail mix)

I also snack on fruit salads (berries).. Yogurt.. Tuna... Grilled chicken wraps... protein bars ...

Meals very depending if I'm doing a show or not... I compete in fitness muscular categories so there is no "off" season as I'm on season 12 months of the year.. However my meals 6 to 1 weeks out before a show is high carbs ... (healthy good fats as well..) the last week I cut out ALL carbs and just focus on HIGH protein meals...

I am naturally lean so I can get away with cheating... However I do train 7 days a week .. My work outs are not longer then 45 min... Heavy heavy weights .. 5 to 8 reps.. That's it! I don't take much time between sets... That's what works for me... So my type of training + diet has been working thus far... Mind u I big out a lot when I'm not really prepping for a show, however not that it makes a BIG diff in my appearance; but it does effect my energy and motivation levels... So I tend to eat healthy to stay energetic and alert to keep me always pumped for the gym with proper energy levels... However if I don't eat proper, I also do tend to lose definition.. ( I won't get fat) but Muscle fibres and vascularity will not show... And it's the fibres and vascularity that is recognized by judges (dialed on stage)...

So just like roasted said... If training and dieting was not the way it was, then I too would be scrawny thin... I was 120 lbs before focusing on what I do..

I now am 153 lbs - 5'6 height - 4.3% bf.
Yeah seriously! Cause now that I think of it....I don't remember seeing Taleb actually eat a burrito at any of the tuesday BBoyz meets... :laughing8:

Haha... Common now! I always eat the burritos ! Lol. Mind you I get small size.. chicken... Brown bread wrap.. Load up the veggies.. And a juice (no pop) .. Not that it really matters because the glucos (sugars) are still high even in the juice.. But I do try to get the best out of the worst LOL...

Now.. Does it still have lots of carbs???! YESSS!! Lol... It's ok I'm good with that.. :)
Haha... Common now! I always eat the burritos ! Lol. Mind you I get small size.. chicken... Brown bread wrap.. Load up the veggies.. And a juice (no pop) .. Not that it really matters because the glucos (sugars) are still high even in the juice.. But I do try to get the best out of the worst LOL...

Now.. Does it still have lots of carbs???! YESSS!! Lol... It's ok I'm good with that.. :)

lol had a small burito the other day, thing weighed like two pounds... couldn't even finish it and I always finish my food. So yummy though.

I love this thread.... you guys look awesome:)
Out of curiosity: what do some of you guys eat for your pre-workout meal? I find myself losing steam in the final quarter of my workout
Out of curiosity: what do some of you guys eat for your pre-workout meal? I find myself losing steam in the final quarter of my workout

What I do personally (maybe its completely wrong but it works for me) is I eat at least 2 hours before going to the gym then have a protein shake an hour or so before the gym and one right after.

Every now and then I'll run a pre-workout supliment NO2 enhancer with caffeine as I find mid day (the only time I have to work out now that I have 2 kids) I get tired so it gets me over those humps. Having 2 young children I'm a caffeine addict so I'm probably a very bad example.
I'm big into Nutrition and I work out 4-5x a week outside of summer. I wouldn't say I'm into body building as I have a tough time building muscle, but I do everything I can to live a healthy lifestyle.
I've lost a bit over 50lbs since Christmas.

The first 45 or so was from eating right and good steady workouts.. the last 6 or 7lbs has been in two days from having food poisoning or a stomach flu of some sort. In retrospect, its been a lot less physical work for the last 6 or 7lbs. I should have just eaten at taco bell once a week this whole time. Bah! if only they posted more pics ;)

Found one!

lol had a small burito the other day, thing weighed like two pounds... couldn't even finish it and I always finish my food. So yummy though.

I love this thread.... you guys look awesome:)

Like :)
Out of curiosity: what do some of you guys eat for your pre-workout meal? I find myself losing steam in the final quarter of my workout

Might want to try eating a complex carb meal about an hour before heading to the gym. It works for me. I find that I lose energy half way through my workout and eating an hour before is optimal for me as the carb load kicks in right when I need it. Experiment and see what works for you. Avoid simple carbs as they are quick fixes and can cause you to run out of steam.
Just wondering where do you guys buy your protein bars/shakes from?

A quick tip. Never supplement protein bars/shakes unless you find it hard to eat and get your requirement throughout the day using real food.

Back in the day people used to say have a protein shake after a workout as this is your anabolic window for growing muscle. This has been proven false. Visit for more info. Nutrient timing does not matter. Also, the old school thought of 6-7 meals a day to keep metabolism high is also proven false. Does not matter what time or when you eat as long as you eat right.

Another myth is not to eat before bed. Also, false. Eat whenever and where ever you want. Keep in mind your goals (weight loss, muscle mass) and eat accordingly.

If you can try to make your own protein bars, the ones sold commercially are not all that good, too much simple carbs.
Just wondering where do you guys buy your protein bars/shakes from?

Where are you located? There's this place called 'Healthy Planet' out in Parkway Mall in scarborough if you're out in the east end. Great prices and selection.
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