Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Rmemedic.. Amazing my friend.. Yes would love to see the before and of course after pics as I know you will do fantastic.. Keep up the amazing determination.. You sound motivated and I'm sure you are gonna reach your target!
Here is my latest pic (no flexing)
Thanks bro.. Much appreciated. keep Training hard my friend.
Hey guys,

I have a guilty pleasure of eating McDonalds once every couple of weeks...but when I do, I go all out. It's especially hard 'cause I'm the type of person that has to eat before I can go to sleep.The angus burger with bacon + large fries is just so damn good. But is it really THAT bad for me, especially since I work out? I do cardio 2-3 times a week, so my concern isn't really the calorie or carb's more about the actual crap that I'm putting in my body. I know that it's bad for me, but is it bad enough to set back whatever progress I might have made during the week?


tl;dr can I still eat McDonalds every other week, or do I really need to give it up?
tl;dr can I still eat McDonalds every other week, or do I really need to give it up?

Depends on your goals. What exactly are you trying to achieve here (size, hawt abs, larger penis)? How does your body respond to the crappy food?
Hey guys,

I have a guilty pleasure of eating McDonalds once every couple of weeks...but when I do, I go all out. It's especially hard 'cause I'm the type of person that has to eat before I can go to sleep.The angus burger with bacon + large fries is just so damn good. But is it really THAT bad for me, especially since I work out? I do cardio 2-3 times a week, so my concern isn't really the calorie or carb's more about the actual crap that I'm putting in my body. I know that it's bad for me, but is it bad enough to set back whatever progress I might have made during the week?

There is a saying in some bodybuilding circles that goes something like this; "Don't feel guilty for ordering that burger and fries. Feel guilty you didn't order five."

Occasional cheat days are fine, and encouraged by many. I incorporate 2 cheat days a month into my strict diet and still lost ~45lbs last year, while gaining a lot of lean muscle.

If your thing is McD's, have at it, and enjoy, in MODERATION. If you are still moving towards your goals (gain mass, gain muscle, lose fat, whatever) don't worry about the bi-monthly pigout.

I cheat with Bulk Barn. Yogurt covered peanuts, raisins, almonds and chocolate Bridgemix mostly, and Trail Mix, soy nuts, dates or figs.

Damn I'm hungry again!
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Depends on your goals. What exactly are you trying to achieve here (size, hawt abs, larger penis)? How does your body respond to the crappy food?
All of the above :D. I've been bulking, but now that I'm at a size that I'm happy with, I've been doing cardio to get the last 2 abs out.

Oddly enough, McDonalds doesn't give me the *****...but I do feel like crap after the food kicks in (if I stay up). The good thing about my angus burger runs is that I go to sleep right after I eat.

Thanks guys...looks like I should be fine with the cheat days. If anything, I'll just do a little more cardio that week. I hope you guys hit all your goals this year :D
So I finally got my *** back in the gym after three years. When I stopped I was 190 about 11-12%bf at 5'7, now I'm 155 and skinny as hell...pretty much lost all my muscle! My goal now is 170-175 10-12%bf.

So I'm doing this I'm on week two and loving it, I would def recommend. There's a huge thread on it and apparently it produces results. So we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck
All of the above :D. I've been bulking, but now that I'm at a size that I'm happy with, I've been doing cardio to get the last 2 abs out.

Oddly enough, McDonalds doesn't give me the *****...but I do feel like crap after the food kicks in (if I stay up). The good thing about my angus burger runs is that I go to sleep right after I eat.

Thanks guys...looks like I should be fine with the cheat days. If anything, I'll just do a little more cardio that week. I hope you guys hit all your goals this year :D

LOL sorry man I missed this post....anyway seeing as how it's been like a month since you posted this, I hope things are going well.

You're young, though, and I'd like to give you a bit of wisdom: focus on one thing. You're gonna waste a lot of years trying to do everything at once.

If you want my opinion, I"d say focus on getting strong right now. Lift a lot of weight, eat lots of whatever food you can find. It's easier to get stronger when you're younger, and easier to get bigger when you're older. If you can move a crap ton of weight right now, you'll grow like a damn weed when you hit your mid twenties.

Do it while you can because gaining fat gets shockingly easier as you progress into your late twenties and bulking gets somewhat more complicated. And trying to lean out before you have muscle is just dumb haha.
4th, and 3rd,'s in the article:

LOL sorry...I didn't get past your pic :p

Congrats man! You feel good about those placements?
LOL sorry...I didn't get past your pic :p

Congrats man! You feel good about those placements?

NOt what I was hoping for but considering the lineups? I can't really argue. Could have placed a spot higher in each but I didn't deserve higher than that. A lot of tough competition out there (especially in my weight class).
LOL sorry man I missed this post....anyway seeing as how it's been like a month since you posted this, I hope things are going well.

You're young, though, and I'd like to give you a bit of wisdom: focus on one thing. You're gonna waste a lot of years trying to do everything at once.

If you want my opinion, I"d say focus on getting strong right now. Lift a lot of weight, eat lots of whatever food you can find. It's easier to get stronger when you're younger, and easier to get bigger when you're older. If you can move a crap ton of weight right now, you'll grow like a damn weed when you hit your mid twenties.

Do it while you can because gaining fat gets shockingly easier as you progress into your late twenties and bulking gets somewhat more complicated. And trying to lean out before you have muscle is just dumb haha.
Thanks...I've slowed down a lot and I can't go as hard any more (but I still go regularly). I started getting stretch marks lol so I think I'm gonna stay around 155-160 for the time being. I guess I'll just work on definition now.

I've managed to cut out the McD's as I stopped having cravings for it after I posted (lol...I guess that's all it took)

& the last part of my body that's in dire need of attention now is rear delts. Any exercise recommendations from you guys would be greatly appreciated :D

Also a reminder to everyone about how important eating properly is: I lose a little definition & size every weekend because of my work schedule + I can't eat right/on time. It's actually pretty shocking how big of a difference there is. EAT PROPERLY!

Roasted, are those really the only exercises that you do? I might give that a try...
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