Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

There were words in that article? I just saw a bunch of pics. Nice back by the way

I actually injured myself pretty bad a couple months back and I'm still recovering. Strength is down about 30% across the board on left side and I'm getting really stupid imbalances....right side getting bigger than left, especially in the delt and lat area. I've been going for massages, etc. Will call up a chiro this week too. As of this week I'm taking a couple weeks off the gym, maybe just working out legs. It's pretty damn depressing to be benching like 225 when I'm used to 365. NOt really being able to go hard as usual (not my cawk you pervs), etc. Oh well....not much more I can do.

And as for rear delt exercises, bent over latteral raises are a good one. You can also do a ton of stuff with pulleys. THere was a vid of Lee Priest doing an exercise for rear delts I saw the other day. I'll post it if I find it again.

Roasted, are those really the only exercises that you do? I might give that a try...
Some weeks my routine is EXACTLY like that exercise for exercise but as mentioned there, sometimes I switch it up and throw in some other stuff.
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What do you guys think of the Sauna? I tried it for the first time yesterday and I'd like to do it consistently after each cardio session to burn more calories. Do any of you guys that cut use this technique? In theory, I can't see it being bad...but maybe I'm wrong?
What do you guys think of the Sauna? I tried it for the first time yesterday and I'd like to do it consistently after each cardio session to burn more calories. Do any of you guys that cut use this technique? In theory, I can't see it being bad...but maybe I'm wrong?

Don't think you'll burn any calories in the sauna. You burn calories with an increased sustained heart rate. You will loose water weight though and that will give you the appearance of being leaner. Of course this is only superficial. I wouldn't stay in longer that ten minutes, I read something about increased estrogen levels if you stay in to long, and you also don't want to dehydrate your self. Personally I go in about three times a week, its good for cleaning your pours out and acne.
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So I finally got my *** back in the gym after three years. When I stopped I was 190 about 11-12%bf at 5'7, now I'm 155 and skinny as hell...pretty much lost all my muscle! My goal now is 170-175 10-12%bf.

So I'm doing this I'm on week two and loving it, I would def recommend. There's a huge thread on it and apparently it produces results. So we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck

This threads been dead for a while but I thought I'd bump it up to see how everyone's doing.

I finished that program above and got some absolutely stoopid results from it, I can't even say enough and highly recommend it if your serious. I ended up at 168 and around 8-9% bf. I'm bulking right now and will be doing the same program again to cut. Currently sitting at 187 around 10-12 bf%. Haven't felt this great in a while.
I've been doing a lot of plyometrics and switched back to a heavy push / light push regime that isn't full-body. Full-body was making me too tired and over-worked, I think... was taking it to an extreme, however. I'm down about 15 pounds but I have visibly more muscle everywhere, body composition is much superior to where I started. And lots of core strength.

Also been playing about two hours of squash on average in a week.
Awesome to hear u finished the program. Yea lots of people hibernate during the winter... I'm still going strong, with the exception of a few days here and there...

But never a workout that I don't enjoy! Gets the blood moving.. And the results are def rewarding!
Is this workout for advanced level guy's in body building. I just started working out a month ago and I want to get fit. Do you think this program will suit me.. I'm in late 20's male, healthy.. thought this may help when replying
Has anyone had any experience with Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program?

Never used it myself but I've heard from some guys at the gym that they were doing it and it worked well. Not something I'd do for any extended period of time though....maybe 6 months when starting out max. The main concept of concentrating on strength though is a good one. I dunno if I agree with hitting the same lifts so many times a week though.
I don't, it was working for me but only for a short time. After a little while I was getting over-trained and my weights plateaued and even went down. For about six weeks it worked great, though...
Has anyone had any experience with Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program?

started october
around ~154 lbs
squat was 115
bench 90
deadlift don't remember, 135?


squat : 265
bench :165

*I got hit by a stomach bug, compliments of Cuba, so January I couldn't eat and took a huge str hit.

I just injured my shoulder on squat last week, so it looks like i'm out for awhile...

Key is eating, lol. and form!
started october
around ~154 lbs
squat was 115
bench 90
deadlift don't remember, 135?


squat : 265
bench :165

*I got hit by a stomach bug, compliments of Cuba, so January I couldn't eat and took a huge str hit.

I just injured my shoulder on squat last week, so it looks like i'm out for awhile...

Key is eating, lol. and form!

Amen to that. I'd add rest also.

Sucks about the injury tho, looks like you were making some solid progress.
Does anyone have a good link/site for something that'll give me a crash course in nutrition? I'm finally at the point where it all comes down to nutrition (started off at 5'10 & 145lbs, now I'm at 165lbs & I don't want to get any bigger). I just want my bottom 2 abs out (5th & 6th, I'm not even dreaming about the 7th & 8th).

Started counting calories & cutting down on carbs (which kills me to do 'cause I eat a lot of rice)...but I know that I could do better. I just want to get my body fat down to a percentage where I only have to do cardio once a week 'cause I'm eating right.

& thanks for the review, dizzy. That looks like a decent workout plan...I'm thinking about starting that one up in the summer. Do you think it's one of those things that need to be followed strictly? I can only do 3 days a week so I'm thinking it'll take about 5 months instead of 3...

Also, I'm working on getting you guys a hilarious video of these guys that work out together. They spot each other during pushups. Lmao he basically sits on top of his friend and pulls him up and they do like 100 reps all while grunting & motivating each other.
As long as you understand it's not just about cutting carbs/calories. You've also got to make sure you're doing the right kind of cardio, at the correct output level, for the right amount of time, and at the correct time. This has a big effect on how much (if any) fat you're going to be burning. This has to be timed with your nutrition.
As long as you understand it's not just about cutting carbs/calories. You've also got to make sure you're doing the right kind of cardio, at the correct output level, for the right amount of time, and at the correct time. This has a big effect on how much (if any) fat you're going to be burning. This has to be timed with your nutrition.

I cut with no cardio.......just sayin'
How do you cut with out cardio? Do you just shorten the rest time and make sure when you're doing the wieghts your heart rate stays up?

Nope.......all diet. If anything I do less volume (less exercises/sets) and try to lift equally heavy as when I'm not dieting down so I loose as little lean mass as possible while dieting (high reps for cutting is complete and utter bullsheit).

The difference is that I eat ~3300 +- 100 cals every single day no matter what (I weigh my food), I don't drink, I don't eat crap, I eat roughly the same amount of carbs every single day (which last time was pretty low ~150g a day), etc.
There is so much misinformation and contradiction in the realm of nutrition, it's not even funny.

The bottom line is lots of people achieve great results using very drastically different techniques.

Some people do very well with a low carb, higher fat meat+vege paleo/primal diet but on the flip side you have some very fit vegans/vegetarians that probably eat a high carb diet with questionable protein sources like soy.

You got guys that do well with the typical 6 meal a day bodybuilder diet and then you have guys that use intermittent fasting/warrior type diets and are ripped and thrive eating one or a few bigger meals a day.

Just be sure to question anything you are told or read and pay attention to the source and see if there is any other reason somebody might be telling you something...

Nutrition/health is my favorite topic to read about and I do so daily but what has become so apparent is that talking about it can sometimes yield the same ridiculous arguments as talking religion/politics with people.
There is so much misinformation and contradiction in the realm of nutrition, it's not even funny.

The bottom line is lots of people achieve great results using very drastically different techniques.

Some people do very well with a low carb, higher fat meat+vege paleo/primal diet but on the flip side you have some very fit vegans/vegetarians that probably eat a high carb diet with questionable protein sources like soy.

You got guys that do well with the typical 6 meal a day bodybuilder diet and then you have guys that use intermittent fasting/warrior type diets and are ripped and thrive eating one or a few bigger meals a day.

Just be sure to question anything you are told or read and pay attention to the source and see if there is any other reason somebody might be telling you something...

Nutrition/health is my favorite topic to read about and I do so daily but what has become so apparent is that talking about it can sometimes yield the same ridiculous arguments as talking religion/politics with people.

Yep, agreed. Meal timing, ideal carb ranges, etc. is largely subjective and there is no proof really that one way is better than others. Most of the arguments are Athlete X does Y and it works for him so it MUST be right. I think some of the basics such as calories consumed a day and a minimal amount of protein are a must. Everything else you can experiment with. I've cut on low calories, low carbs and high fat and the same calories and fairly high carbs and low fat and I've been successful with both. *shrug* But if you find something that works well, might as well stick with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Nomsayin'?
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