Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Not by bodybuilding standards, if I stepped on stage at 12-13% bf I would get laughed off stage, and rightfully so.

But I partially agree, I think I look (and feel) best around 9% bf, in the 205-210lbs range not in the 5-6% range like in that pic but that's what it takes to step on stage and do well.
Not by bodybuilding standards, if I stepped on stage at 12-13% bf I would get laughed off stage, and rightfully so.

But I partially agree, I think I look (and feel) best around 9% bf, in the 205-210lbs range not in the 5-6% range like in that pic but that's what it takes to step on stage and do well.

Can you dehydrate yourself before going on stage to look even more ripped, or is that frowned upon?
I feel like I deserved 3rd. I had FAAAR better conditioning than that guy (ie. leaner, more vascularity, striations, or lol more "rippled" and "scarry" ) and a better back than that guy (actually I had a better back than 2nd place guy too) but he had me on legs so it's subjective but the 1st and 2nd place guys had me, no arguments. No I didn't get robbed. This was my 2nd competition and both times was with the IDFA. The judging was fair in bodybuilding. BUT there was some BS happening in the women's fitness category which made me wonder what the hell the judges were smoking. The thing is, the girl that won is a friend of mine so I know she didn't "use her connections" or suck up to anyone but although I'm happy for her, I don't think she deserved the win and she kind of knows it too.

Also, the light weight category was a joke, if I was shrunken down to 5'4 so I weighted in under 155 I would have destroyed every single one of those guys.

Awesome bro.. Well.. We know how it is... It is what it is.. Once again congrats on your accomplishment.. You look fantastic... Btw did you do protan? Dream tan ? ... I'm wondering what type of tan I should do for my next show...
Can you dehydrate yourself before going on stage to look even more ripped, or is that frowned upon?

LOTS of people do it. I've done it before....not this time. I don't think it's necessary for a natural competitor like me. Maybe if you're bloated from running HGH, Test, and god knows what else. You just end up looking smaller as there is water inside your muscles too and you're essentially cutting ALL water.


Be my trainer haha


Ummmm, thanks? lol I think I would be a terrible trainer, though. I'm pretty impatient with people.
Awesome bro.. Well.. We know how it is... It is what it is.. Once again congrats on your accomplishment.. You look fantastic... Btw did you do protan? Dream tan ? ... I'm wondering what type of tan I should do for my next show...

I did three coats of pro tan the night before and 1 coat of dream tan #2 on top of that day off. My colour was pretty good. I did dream tan #1 only before and I was WAAAY too light. Plus, I like the colour of #2 better.
Depends on how fat you are to begin with. You should be shredded on the 4-6% bf range. Some guys cut 70 lbs, some guys cut 20 lbs. I'm naturally a pretty lean and, believe it or not, kind of a small guy, so I'm on the bottom of that range. I started a hair under 220lbs 13 weeks ago and cut to about 198lbs on the same scale week off....although I was 190 lbs according to their scale *** naked....weird. Most people were telling me how lean I was back when I was 215-220 lbs but most people have no idea what the hell shredded looks like. :p

217 lbs in this pic:

198lbs in ths pic:

I hear ya.. I'm generally 5 to 6 % all year.. Usually around 4.5 on show day... The way I train and diet is a 12 month cycle for me as I need to be photoshoot ready within days when called... (I'm in fitness muscular categories)..
I did three coats of pro tan the night before and 1 coat of dream tan #2 on top of that day off. My colour was pretty good. I did dream tan #1 only before and I was WAAAY too light. Plus, I like the colour of #2 better.

Awesome .. Good to know.. I think I'm gonna go that route my next one.
I hear ya.. I'm generally 5 to 6 % all year.. Usually around 4.5 on show day... The way I train and diet is a 12 month cycle for me as I need to be photoshoot ready within days when called... (I'm in fitness muscular categories)..

This is a 365 day a year gig for me too but I'm always trying to get bigger, which is a lot harder for me than cutting, so my "diet" 9 months of the year is basically trying to stuff as much food down my throat as possible while still eating relatively clean. ;) I could EASILY coast in the 8-9% bf range but that's not my goal. 4-7%? I have ZERO desire to stay in that range and only do it for comps.
This is a 365 day a year gig for me too but I'm always trying to get bigger, which is a lot harder for me than cutting, so my "diet" 9 months of the year is basically trying to stuff as much food down my throat as possible while still eating relatively clean. ;) I could EASILY coast in the 8-9% bf range but that's not my goal. 4-7%? I have ZERO desire to stay in that range and only do it for comps.

I hear ya... I'm the opposite.. I only fluctuate about 5 to 7 lbs per year ...
That was a compliment I understand a certain body fat forCompetition but the higher weight LoisBetter for everyday...

Just a regular shot.. No editing... Not for a show..
That was a compliment I understand a certain body fat forCompetition but the higher weight LoisBetter for everyday...

Absolutely. my bf level for all year is not healthy. More chance of getting sick and injury.
Very niiice taleb.....As for me just got back into a routine of clean eating... Bootcamp 2x week, lap swi In between, gym in between that... Really enjoy sport moreVball, tennis... Goin to take up rollerblading... Snowboard in winter as others said best workout was boxing with a pro.... I miss that!Jenn
Just a regular shot.. No editing... Not for a show..
Very niiice taleb.....As for me just got back into a routine of clean eating... Bootcamp 2x week, lap swi In between, gym in between that... Really enjoy sport moreVball, tennis... Goin to take up rollerblading... Snowboard in winter as others said best workout was boxing with a pro.... I miss that!Jenn

Awesome! Yes you are doing the best and healthiest way! Keep up the good work.

My show 2 weeks ago... Sorry for the bad quality.. It was a spectator shot..


And that was just the front stage spectators.. Times that by 2 as there was just as many spectators left and right of the stage.. Lolol !
That was a compliment I understand a certain body fat forCompetition but the higher weight LoisBetter for everyday...
I was kidding....but yeah, I agree 8-10% for me personally is best. The before pic is too high, after pic is too low. Although getting stares of WTF? Everywhere you go is kind of fun. LoL

Edit: taleb.....solid delts and back. Most of the fitness guys seem to have zero v taper which looks like turd imho
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I was kidding....but yeah, I agree 8-10% for me personally is best. The before pic is too high, after pic is too low. Although getting stares of WTF? Everywhere you go is kind of fun. LoL

Edit: taleb.....solid delts and back. Most of the fitness guys seem to have zero v taper which looks like turd imho

Thnx bro!
And I'm back on the wagon... Figure I'll post up for some self motivation... No pics, nobody wants to see it lol.
Life has finally gotten back to a stage of "normalcy" so I can get back in to a routine. No weeks in the bush to interfere, and a change of venue with no distractions (and means I'll hit the gym to avoid boredom) and a few people are using this same time to cut down.
I'm on course right now, until the end of January. Goal is to cut 30lbs, but 40 would make me very very happy.
Diet is always the hardest part, especially since right now all we get is restaurant food from the hotel. Luckily, there are some healthy choices and they will cook stuff in ways we ask, but the portions are huge and I was brainwashed as a kid to eat all your food.

My routine is 5 days a week, lifting on monday, tuesday is crossfit style workouts, wednesday is a spin class and core workout, thursday is a "fun" day so swim or play a sport, friday is my 30 minute get in fast and hard set of manmakers, basically a burpee with dumbells in your hands and involving a row after the pushup. That way friday is free, do it as soon as I'm out of class and it's over and done with.

My body type is basically a Gerard butler style. Naturally big shoulders/chest and my legs really don't need a big work out as they are already defined and somewhere around 24". In highschool I couldn't find jeans that were small enough around the waist and would still fit my thighs/butt, I was good on the defensive line in football for only being 5'7".
So the Butler in 300 look is what I'm going for, but I just don't need to be that cut to be happy.
My weak spot is my lower back, it always has been. I can very easily over work it, so I have to build it up properly.

If I can manage to do this I'll put up the before, during then after pics so that maybe it helps someone else out.
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