Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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The NDP literally gave every woman and person of color a yellow card that they could hold up to interrupt any white man who was speaking, or get in line for any part of the event in front of a white man. Even presenters could be yellow-carded. I kid you not, this is the level of woke identity politics in the NDP at the moment. If you're a white man, you don't matter in the NDP at all.

Incidentally any historian in the world can tell you that white men are the ones who built modern society as we know it today... but our priveleged views of the world should not be tolerated and we have no place in the NDP except to fund them, should we be so selfless to do so.

Naturally the big media didn't do much to cover this.
what a joke.
what a joke.
NDP is irrelevant in Ontario, at the federal level they have Trudeau nuts in a vice.

I expect they will be reduced to non party status in the next federal election.

I spent a week in a traditional stronghold this month, every NDP/ Charlie Angus supporter I’m used to jousting with had changed to hard right, they are loving the fact PP regularly comes to town and understands their views.
The Hamilton gal that got booted from the NDP , despite being a woman of Color and handicapped, gave a wake up call to the NDP supporters that were , for lack of better prose , more normal thinking . Many NDP appear to see you can be too far offside and they don’t like it .

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Incidentally any historian in the world can tell you that white men are the ones who built modern society as we know it today...
I have a lot of fun with these blanket statements of yours. Movable type and gunpowder, wanna take a guess at who came up with those??
It’s not always who comes up with a great idea , it’s who exploits the heck out of it . White English did a simply awesome job showing how superior firepower works in India, Africa, Caribbean Islands and for a North America.

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they are loving the fact PP regularly comes to town and pretents to understand their views

Fixed that for you.

Poilevre pretends to be an everyman. Just like you and me. He "understands our pain". Cowboy hat and blue jeans when in Alberta, Khakis and a beat up old Tshirt when he's "family man" in Ontario.

But I don't believe for a second this man really understands anything close to the reality of 99% of the population, as he's part of the 1%. Lets not forget that he's never had any meaninful job outside politics his entire life, certainly nothing that even remotely comes close to blue collar unles you want to call him being a paperboy as a kid I guess - it's fine and dandy to play blue collar, and say you understand blue collar, but when you've never worked a day of a blue collar job in your life, much less do it for a few years to understand the realities, I don't for a second believe he "understands" it no matter how many times he says it. His little "shack in Niagara falls" incident was a slip up that shows how out of touch with the "everyman" group he purports to understand. His idiocy at the trucker protest in Ottawa also highlighted how out of touch he really is with actual reality.

He's a multi-millionaire (one of the wealthiest politicians in the country), owns investment rental properties that he rents for market rates, has been in politics in one form or another for almost his entire working life, claims that fixing the PM's residence (or replacing it) is a low priority, yet gladly moved into Stornoway, a 19 room 8 bedroom 5 bathroom $4.5m mansion paid for by taxpayers and funded to the tune of $70K/year by, yes, taxpayers, and staffed by 3 full time employees including a chef, also taxpayer funded. The hyprocracy goes on and on, and yet he has the balls to complain about Trudeau spending a dime of taxpayer money to go on vacation over Christmas.
Fixed that for you.

Poilevre pretends to be an everyman. Just like you and me. He "understands our pain". Cowboy hat and blue jeans when in Alberta, Khakis and a beat up old Tshirt when he's "family man" in Ontario.

But I don't believe for a second this man really understands anything close to the reality of 99% of the population, as he's part of the 1%. Lets not forget that he's never had any meaninful job outside politics his entire life, certainly nothing that even remotely comes close to blue collar unles you want to call him being a paperboy as a kid I guess - it's fine and dandy to play blue collar, and say you understand blue collar, but when you've never worked a day of a blue collar job in your life, much less do it for a few years to understand the realities, I don't for a second believe he "understands" it no matter how many times he says it. His little "shack in Niagara falls" incident was a slip up that shows how out of touch with the "everyman" group he purports to understand. His idiocy at the trucker protest in Ottawa also highlighted how out of touch he really is with actual reality.

He's a multi-millionaire (one of the wealthiest politicians in the country), owns investment rental properties that he rents for market rates, has been in politics in one form or another for almost his entire working life, claims that fixing the PM's residence (or replacing it) is a low priority, yet gladly moved into Stornoway, a 19 room 8 bedroom 5 bathroom $4.5m mansion paid for by taxpayers and funded to the tune of $70K/year by, yes, taxpayers, and staffed by 3 full time employees including a chef, also taxpayer funded. The hyprocracy goes on and on, and yet he has the balls to complain about Trudeau spending a dime of taxpayer money to go on vacation over Christmas.
Some facts about the senior civil servant I know.

She makes more than the private sector.

She has benefits far beyond the average citizen.

She never goes to McDonald's or other fast food places.

She is 1% of the population that, as a group, is supposed to serve the other 99% that are collectively her masters but she knows little about the 60% of the citizens she is supposed to SERVE that do go to McD's.

She doesn't own any residential rentals so LTB problems are not her problems.

She has no children so as long as she can keep the ball rolling another 20 years it doesn't matter to her if the planet implodes.

If she gets bogged down and behind schedule, the people she serves have no choice but to wait. In the private sector if you don't get served in time you go elsewhere. Not with the government.

IMO the NDP are basically prostitutes that will hop into bed with anyone that throws them a crumb.

Poilievre is entertaining and has enough momentum to boot JT out. Then he will have to show his true colours and abilities instead of being an armchair quarterback. JT makes it easy for PP to look smart.

Does PP have the leadership charisma to get people to rally and make Canada great again? I don't think so.
Public tolerance is short lived and four years isn't long enough to fix the problem unless someone has a trillion dollars to donate to the cause.

The PM is like a coach. If the team members are inept or hog the puck the team will lose. If he has to pay back his supporters with thousands of free tickets the arena goes belly up. My main fear is that again, one of his fringe back benchers will mouth off and again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Because an election isn't imminent one can't expect PP to play his hand because JT will say "That's what we were going to do and we'll put whipped cream on top."

It will get worse or it will get ugly, maybe both.
My wife and I have an odd hobby of watching 70’s tv shows on YouTube. We were just watching an episode of “The Six Million Dollar Man“ when a thought occurred to me. How much would it cost the federal Liberal government to build Steve Austen today? Bear in mind that it would probably get contracted to GC Strategies who would sub it out and get a 20% commission like they did in the Arrivecan scam, Anyone care to take a guess?
JT & company has added ~$620,000,000 to the debt while in office. He's been in office ~3200 days. He's only costing us $200,000 a day. A month at $200,000 a day = $6,000,000. ROI looks good.
Fixed that for you.

Poilevre pretends to be an everyman. Just like you and me. He "understands our pain". Cowboy hat and blue jeans when in Alberta, Khakis and a beat up old Tshirt when he's "family man" in Ontario.

But I don't believe for a second this man really understands anything close to the reality of 99% of the population, as he's part of the 1%. Lets not forget that he's never had any meaninful job outside politics his entire life, certainly nothing that even remotely comes close to blue collar unles you want to call him being a paperboy as a kid I guess - it's fine and dandy to play blue collar, and say you understand blue collar, but when you've never worked a day of a blue collar job in your life, much less do it for a few years to understand the realities, I don't for a second believe he "understands" it no matter how many times he says it. His little "shack in Niagara falls" incident was a slip up that shows how out of touch with the "everyman" group he purports to understand. His idiocy at the trucker protest in Ottawa also highlighted how out of touch he really is with actual reality.

He's a multi-millionaire (one of the wealthiest politicians in the country), owns investment rental properties that he rents for market rates, has been in politics in one form or another for almost his entire working life, claims that fixing the PM's residence (or replacing it) is a low priority, yet gladly moved into Stornoway, a 19 room 8 bedroom 5 bathroom $4.5m mansion paid for by taxpayers and funded to the tune of $70K/year by, yes, taxpayers, and staffed by 3 full time employees including a chef, also taxpayer funded. The hyprocracy goes on and on, and yet he has the balls to complain about Trudeau spending a dime of taxpayer money to go on vacation over Christmas.
I'm surprised it's only $70 K per year. How much could they make on the empty rooms with Airbnb?
JT & company has added ~$620,000,000 to the debt while in office. He's been in office ~3200 days. He's only costing us $200,000 a day. A month at $200,000 a day = $6,000,000. ROI looks good.
Try again. Your numbers are about three orders of magnitude off. $200M a day in the dumpster fire.

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JT & company has added ~$620,000,000 to the debt while in office. He's been in office ~3200 days. He's only costing us $200,000 a day. A month at $200,000 a day = $6,000,000. ROI looks good.
I think you might be off by a few zeros. $620,000,000,000 and $200,000,000/ day.

It’s a staggering number.
Is it a thousand million or a billion? At some point we may have switched from the former to the latter.
Is it a thousand million or a billion? At some point we may have switched from the former to the latter.
I posted the link from stats can. Numbers in the table are $xxx,xxx. To get actual numbers, you multiply by 1,000,000.
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