That's a good video. I'd watch again just to here the soothing voice. But I need something explained to me. I see the staggering amount of wealth by the 1% and am not as upset as I feel I should be. In 1976 we didn't have the world economy as we do now. Earning a small profit from vast amounts of people is going to generate that kind of wealth. It's just pure numbers. If it's earned honestly while paying a good wage, why not?
Some of the people who made that money did so by gaming the system, or simply working outside of it, to the point that they broke the world economy. The issue is that there really isn't a whole lot of extra wealth. It's just distributed differently.
Not only is the point of "a good wage" contentious; so is the "earned honestly" point. I have no issue with someone having more than me. That he might have an obscene amount of wealth because he damaged the resources that are used by others is a different story. One key point; outsourcing.