The Dems left billions of dollars surplus (remember Bill Clinton) what did Bush Junior do?, left the country in economical shambles, the stock market was below 7 points and things were going down fast, guess who came to save your country from that mess rich cowboy left?Rather than spewing an emotional response, Please identify the logic flaw in the dialog.
P.S. The Dems are currently running the bus over the cliff, not the Pubs.
Let me guess, you are an American, from the south most likely?
Spending power has to be in the hands of those who actually spend in the real economy, raising the minimum wage put more money on the hands of the people that buy products.... translation = Good
A higher minimum wage would also help to mitigate the abusive, exploitative working practices of a number of employers, who take advantage of the currently low minimum wage to seek cut-rate help
Sure there has to be a balance between what people has the right to earn and what small companies can afford to pay, but who is going to decide what the right amount is? those companies? yea right because history dictates that companies and corporations really care about the wellbeing of their employees
Now, If we are talking US specifically:
From the LA times:
Currently, an individual with a full-time job at the minimum wage and a family of three to support will fall below the federal poverty line. These workers, despite putting in regular hours, are struggling to provide basic necessities for themselves and their families. By allowing the minimum wage to remain at a nearly unlivable level, we have deemed certain jobs not worthy enough to meet even our country's minimum standard of living
The most common objection to raising the minimum wage is that it destroys jobs. But a slew of recent studies have pointed out that although raising the minimum wage does increase earnings and reduce poverty, it has a limited, almost negligible, effect on employment. Studies have also illustrated that restoring the dignity of work through higher wages reduces worker turnover and increases productivity
I will leave this here an exit this thread because to be honest, to me discussing politics with a republican is not something I would lower myself to.
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