Why are hardcore Toronto bicyclists ******-bags?

That guy's a world class prick. All the cyclists he smoked out were obeying the rules and keeping single file to the far left as much as possible. If someone was to shoot him in the face I'd laugh hysterically while p*****g on his corpse.

Read some of the comments.

Stereotypical dumbass redneck 'muricans.
Realistically, a good middle ground would be to require for adult cyclists to show proper photo ID in case they get pulled over for a traffic infraction. Make under 16 exempt, but 16+, you gotta have SOME ID. That way, if they get pulled over, the infraction is in their name. Many just give a fake name/dob when they get stopped.
I ride a fixed gear bicycle and was a former bike messenger. Sure I ran reds, did stupid stuff, raced in alleycats and such. But I don't do that anymore. It was fun while I was young and dumb. I understand what all of you are talking about, and I share the road now. Be it signalling with my hands, giving proper room to cars that are behind me and staying in my proper lane. However, when you see a cyclist riding on a main street without a bike lane, please give space when passing. It's not fun when a car passes you with inches to spare or brushes you with their mirror. Some people use a bike to commute to work and it's their only form of transportation, give them some respect.

The hooligans only represent a small portion of the cycling community, don't take out your anger on some random cyclist going down the street.
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The non-hardcore bikers are just as bad. Either because they don't know the laws or don't care. I see people going the wrong way (into traffic on the right side) all the time on roads with HEAVY traffic. I have people making rights that don't even stop even if there is heavy traffic and just come whipping out of a side street in front of cars, somehow expecting to not die. I encounter people on bikes passing me on the right as I am half way through my right hand turn. They think bikes always have the right to do this when in reality the first vehicle to the intersection has the right of way and the bike either has to wait behind the turning car or pass it on the left.

Then again, it seems people that use their signals are a minority in this city as well. Oh, and a right turn only lane seems to mean if traffic is heavy you can just go straight anyway and cut into the left lane in the middle of the intersection. And the shoulders are meant for you to pass. And if you want to make a left you can just pull up beside whoever is actually turning left and turn left at the same time as him and then honk and give him the finger and then it's ok. Supersport motorcycles don't come with turn signals at all.

Cyclists, car drivers, and motorcyclists all ride/drive like crap.
Ok, heres my only experience with the rude bike guy >
First week in Toronto, starting up my business, driving down queen st in a 97 vette with the roof off.

Your security services have been revoked.
Too bad, i hear Brooklin is a baaaad place.... :cool:
You admit that he had the right of way, and then you tried to pass him on the right as he moved over for you.

He was right and you were wrong.

Get over it, and do something to improve your driving.

Does anyone else see a connection with motorcycles and cages?
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I've seen 2 cyclists blocking a 2 lane road (1 each direction) and wouldn't budge while I was driving. I pass them and they finger me.

I'm sure that is more effective than giving you the finger
I've seen 2 cyclists blocking a 2 lane road (1 each direction) and wouldn't budge while I was driving. I pass them and they finger me.

How did they proposition you if you passed them at speed?
I have written about it before, but my personal favourite occurred this summer when lareg groups of cyclists on back rosds chose to ride toward me in my lane, but it was ok as they were participating in a charity ride :rolleyes::angry1::angry1:
Yeah when I lived out in the boonies you had to watch out because you'd go over a hill or around a corner and suddenly there would be 4 riders side by side blocking the whole lane on an 80 kph road.
Yeah when I lived out in the boonies you had to watch out because you'd go over a hill or around a corner and suddenly there would be 4 riders side by side blocking the whole lane on an 80 kph road.

Unless there's zero risk of injury to the driver in avoiding them, I say let Darwin take his course
dont forget whenever a car and a bike get in to a fight, its always the car who is at fault...honestly the cycle community is nuts. not all, but those nazi types.

i cant wait for bicycle licensing, at least for the d-bag couriers. They need some sort of accountability for using sidewalks when it suits them to running stop signs and lights downtown.
**** that *****
dont forget whenever a car and a bike get in to a fight, its always the car who is at fault...honestly the cycle community is nuts. not all, but those nazi types.

A surprisingly high number of drivers that collide with bicycles don't get charged. If a cyclist gets hit at night without any lights, the driver is not charged. How can you avoid something you can't see yet so many cyclists don't use lights at night? This is the mentality of the urban cyclist.
dont forget whenever a car and a bike get in to a fight, its always the car who is at fault...honestly the cycle community is nuts. not all, but those nazi types.

i cant wait for bicycle licensing, at least for the d-bag couriers. They need some sort of accountability for using sidewalks when it suits them to running stop signs and lights downtown.
**** that *****

Seen that twice, both times pointed at something at at about neck level.

SMIDSY Mr. courier.
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A surprisingly high number of drivers that collide with bicycles don't get charged. If a cyclist gets hit at night without any lights, the driver is not charged. How can you avoid something you can't see yet so many cyclists don't use lights at night? This is the mentality of the urban cyclist.

And then he gives you the 1-digit salute for almost t-boning him while he's blasting through a 4-way stop, unlit intersection, dark clothes.. In their minds, they're kings of the road :cool:

Driver charged with 2 counts of harassment, impeding the flow of traffic, , and improper use of a horn. Aparently others have reported the same black SUV doing the same to them.

I vote shoot him on the side of the road.

Driver charged with 2 counts of harassment, impeding the flow of traffic, , and improper use of a horn. Aparently others have reported the same black SUV doing the same to them.

I vote shoot him on the side of the road.

I guess I'm just lucky that I've never really had any bad experiences in a few thousand km on my road bike.

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Can any of you guys wheelie on your bicycle? If you can, tips would be appreciated. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong and I wanna learn it so badly

My gearing's 46/19 (63 gear inches). If I go 2 up to 46/21, that'd bring me to 57 gear inches...but then it'd be a little slow when commuting

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