Physical keyboard is far superior "for me"
Im typing this at the Apple store.
$999 for a Mac book with 13" screen, 2.4 core duo, 2g mem and 250g harddrive.
I just bought my dad a Sony Vaio, with 15.5inch screen, intel i3 chip, 4g mem, and 400g harddrive, hdmi out, for $649.
I'll stick with the Sony, thanks.
Specs aren't everything.
Not really, his comments on his latest post are fair and as long as people are open minded about the products they purchase I will respect their opinion, I have only called poser and iridebikes fanboys..for obvious reasons, and it's not an insult as they are very proud apple product users.Careful, someone might start calling you an Apple fanboi.![]()
...anything the Iphone can do bettter than an outdated 2 year old phone like the pre OS
Thats the key point here. I will gladly pay more for a computer to run OS X, and not some hackintosh. You can compare specs all you want, but at the end of the day it comes down to the OS your using, at least for me it does. OS X for me is worth a premium over Windows XP/Vista/7.
I would pay a premium too, but to spec out an equivalent macbook to what we paid for the Sony would be about double the price.
That's ridiculous in my eyes.
I've done the Apple thing and the PC thing. Win7 is just fine. There is no no no way the Apple is worth double.
But I guess you have to be an Appleholic to "get it".
The funny thing is that I have called them both out to show me something...anything the Iphone can do bettter than an outdated 2 year old phone like the pre OS and they can't, how sad it is to have such a devotion for a product and not realize for the price they pay they are not getting the best![]()
I would pay a premium too, but to spec out an equivalent macbook to what we paid for the Sony would be about double the price.
That's ridiculous in my eyes.
I've done the Apple thing and the PC thing. Win7 is just fine. There is no no no way the Apple is worth double.
But I guess you have to be an Appleholic to "get it".
All-flash storage.
“Wow, that was fast.” With MacBook Air, you’ll find yourself saying that a lot. Because flash storage is two times faster than a conventional hard drive,2 everything you do is more responsive — browsing a large photo library, launching applications, opening files, and waking MacBook Air from sleep, for instance. And flash storage doesn’t have any moving parts. Which means it’s more reliable, and it’s also quiet. Lightning fast, durable, silent — fitting qualities for an ultracompact notebook like MacBook Air.
What does this have to do with Android vs iPhone? I am not getting why you basically copy and pasting info on unrelated Apple products here. I don't see the relevance.
What does this have to do with Android vs iPhone? I am not getting why you basically copy and pasting info on unrelated Apple products here. I don't see the relevance.
Win7 is an alright OS, but for how I work its just not good enough. I have Windows 7 Ultimate running via bootcamp and VMware Fusion on my i5 MacBook Pro. Again, its a nice OS, but OS X gets the job done, efficiently and makes me incredibly productive, out of the box, no add ons, no downloading of different apps from different makers to achieve the same results. Its again subjective, for some Windows 7 is the bees knees and it fits their work environment perfectly and they couldn't imagine working with anything else. You cannot compare or even stipulate that OS X is not worth the price tag, it obviously is to many people, one of who is me. For some people they say the price tag is not worth it for a BMW bike. I love my GS, best bike I have ridden. Its worth it to me, but some would say get a V-Strom or the new Yamaha Super Tenere. Both good bikes, somewhat comparable. My preference is the GS, though I am always willing to get other bikes a try, I am not locked into any brand loyalty.
That's what happens when drinking Kool Aid makes you completely lose your objectivity and you find religion cubed![]()