Why Android is better than iPhone.

Let me pull some of Poser antics and copy and paste a bunch of crap. However I am doing it on the apples perspective

WebOS Review from an iPhone Perspective — Smartphone Round Robin

Synergy Contacts, Multitasking Cards, and Non-Modal Notifications

Three areas where webOS absolutely kills are their Synergy contact system, their Cards visualization for multitasking, and their non-modal notification system.
Synergy, as far as I can figure out, takes all of your online data points, sucks them in while maintaining them as separate silos, then aggregates them, filters out duplications, and presents you a unified view of the data. So, for example, you have Facebook friends, Gmail contacts, a couple of Exchange accounts, and an old Yahoo! setup. Synergy will take all that, figure out that 700 of them are the same, create a unified contact that has all the information for each of those 700 (while leaving each untouched on their own service), and present you a single contact list containing those 700 as well as all the other (unique to Yahoo! or Gmail, etc.) contacts. I can’t explain it as elegantly as it works most of the time (on occasion it won’t match and you’ll have to do some work to help it), but it’s the future of contact management as far as I’m concerned — with a few caveats.
If I don’t want Google’s terrible, promiscuous email retention polluting my phone contacts (or Facebook messing up my Exchange) that needs to be easily managed (it might be on webOS, I didn’t get into it but hope it is). Also, an easy way to export the final, Synergy-zed contact list for backup — or replacement of other online contact data bases! — would be nifty. That webOS’ approach allows them to elegantly handle multiple Exchange accounts is testament enough.
Cards for multitasking is likewise the future. If you’ve used Pages on the iPhone Safari — where you can keep several web sites available at the same time and easily zoom out, see all the pages, swipe across to change them, and then zoom back in — then imagine that but taken to the ultimate, logical, extreme. That’s webOS Cards. Instead of just web pages, every app including web pages gets its own Card and you can zoom out to see them all, swipe to change between them, and tap to zoom back in. Yes, that means webOS supports multitasking for 3rd party apps, something only Apple apps are allowed to do on the iPhone.
It works well on the Palm Pre. It works mind-bogglingly well on the Palm Pre Plus (Dieter had 50 apps up all at once). It works so well, in fact, it kind of makes me sad I can’t drag and drop elements from one Card to another. Why give me that fantastic visualization, why make a windowed multitasking interface for a small screen, if the biggest advantage of doing it — drag and drop — isn’t implemented. Unless, of course, that’s the “next step”. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for webOS 2.0…
Notifications, in terms of webOS, means once again I have to complain about the iPhone’s current, modal implementation. Modal, if you’re not familiar with the term, means that once the notification pops up, you have to either “dismiss” (and lose it forever) or “view” (and interrupt whatever you’re doing) immediately. There is no later. And if another notification comes in, it obliterates the previous one entirely. With webOS, like Android, you’re told about a new notification but you’re free to ignore it and the system will just keep track of them for you until you choose to take a look at them. That difference means everything, especially when you start getting a ton of notifications coming in.

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He's right webos is way better... just look at how big of a market share it has and how many people are buying Palm phones!!!


Look at that friggin INNOVATIVE charging system never seen that isht before!






Palm, INNOVATING into the future!
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:lmao: I never said Palm is the only one to have it, I said another nugget of palm awesomeness, if this is not true then quote where i said Palm was the only one or even the inventor.

Really this is what you come back with? I asked you so many times to come back and show me how the IOS is better and you have failed to do so, instead you chose to take my post out of context

And every-time an Apple fanboy is losing an argument they always go back to their favorite two arguments - Number of apps and market share - I already said Palm had terrible marketing and low quality hardware, hence why they had to be bought by HP, but I am pretty sure all my arguments have been based on the software..no?

Go on!!!

Why is this so difficult for such a superior product?, just show me a damm Iphone IOS doing something better than the Webos
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hey guys palm rocks check out this wicked CHARGING station its so awesome... you totally can't get that anywhere for 15 bucks!!!

you wanna see innovative? macbook magsafe charging cable.

Boom. Headshot!
hey guys palm rocks check out this wicked CHARGING station its so awesome... you totally can't get that anywhere for 15 bucks!!!

you wanna see innovative? macbook magsafe charging cable.

Boom. Headshot!
lol, you are such a child but I actually like you :)
Dude, so much talk and blablabla...

Not only i am ready, i already had it on Webos, seriously, you should use a filter and really think before you post lol

go make a new thread about webos, you gonna kill this one, ppl are getting bored.
i didnt even know what webos was till it was mentioned in this thread, and if i dont know.....thats bad.
cause i shouldve known......dont give me wrong, i heard of palm phones before, wasnt impressed.
too busy posing at timmies.
my iphone told me saturday is gonna be 8-10°C
Oh, believe me, I get all that. This all stems from the fact that it doesn't come pre-installed on many computers. You can get them, but they're very obscure. You also don't have to download it, as you can order cds shipped to you (for whatever amount you want to donate).

I get that this isn't something for most people (in fact, I wouldn't even recommend Ubuntu for most users). I think the point that firestart was trying to make, however, is that you don't have to tinker with open source projects to find them useful. I think a better example of a good, open source project that requires no tinkering at all would be open office. It's free, open, and easily obtained/installed. Most importantly (to this discussion), I'm most certainly not an advanced user of office software, but in my opinion it is as good, or even better than its expensive MS equivalent. You can't try to tell me that installing open office is too technical for most users. It's no different from installing ms office, except that it's generally downloaded rather than using a cd. :)

Regarding OpenOffice, I agree. I recommend it for many people, including those that aren't computer-savvy. I recommend a lot of open source applications like that. But for operating systems, it's just not the same thing. Sure, you don't have to download it. You just have to do some research, find an email address to request the CD, make a donation, and wait for the CD to arrive in the mail. Then they have to install something, and figure out if they want it on a partition, bootable flash drive, or replace their existing OS. Again, we're missing the point - people don't want to do any of this, if they don't need to. And they don't need to.

--- D
You are just changing your statement, you never said the most powerful you said that "others do not yet match apple". I only got involved in this entertaining thread because of that statement and to prove how wrong it was.

ok, since you think i changed my statement, i'll say it again, "the ui/iOS of apple products is well designed and user friendly. for ease of use, others do not yet match apple".

apple may not have any advantage in terms of components, or build quality, but they have the design, marketing, and ui down pat. apple-nuts can (and do) switch seamlessly from ipad to ipod to iphone to mbp, and i have seen senior citizens who after years of avoiding technology are now wired.

your comment about multi-tasking and that "you'd like to see apple do that" and the first video you linked, led me to believe that you were claiming that the palmOs/webOs was more powerful and thus capable of something that the apple os could not do. . .am i wrong?

as i wrote, if the webos actually works that well, and is truly intuitive out of the box, then iOS has a challenge on its hands. if however, it isn't, and my own past experience with palm has shown me this, then i wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

in fact, i will make it a point to find a palm webos device when i'm out today, and try it out. then i might reconsider my statement.
Putting in a CD or a memory stick and clicking on "next" a few times isn't all that complicated. The 2 most complicated decisions for a typical computer user would be choosing the username and choosing the password.
Choosing a theme is no different than downloading a Winamp skin. In any case, once I found a theme that works for me, I just kept it through 3-4 versions of Ubuntu.
Stock Ubuntu is just a plain install, where I didn't go with a different desktop environment, make any modifications to the kernel, I just installed it from the memory stick.
As for desktop effects.. They are in the settings menu (1 click to get to it), and you just choose whether you want a rotating cube, whether you want wobbly windows, animations, blurs, fades etc etc etc, by checking off boxes.
STB = Set Top Box = media player.. I run this program called XBMC on it, and with it I am able to watch movies, play music, look at pics and watch some streaming content (mostly Mythbusters and National Geographic). The good thing about it is that the only time I use anything other than the remote control on that computer is when I run system updates (which are simpler than updating a Windows system). Here's what it looks like:

I don't remember the steps to get it to boot into XBMC.. I just googled it, selected a link from the first page and it involved a couple of clicks and a selection from a dropdown menu. Ahh ok.. I just logged out, and changed the session to XBMC on the login screen. I knew it was simple enough, easily googlable and not worth remembering since it's not like I'll be messing with it again.
Taken from the XBMC wiki page.

By the way, the geek living in his mother's basement is easily approachable via chat/email and you can shoot ideas back and forth with him until you're blue in the face. Try getting such direct access to someone with such a level of control over a Microsoft or Adobe package.

Try a test. Print out this email, go to the mall, approach a random stranger, and ask them to read it. Try to choose someone who looks like they're on they're way to work, or someone who has a couple of kids in tow. Let me know if they get real excited by the simplicity of what you've written.

People may say that all Apple has is "marketing", but they understand that this kind of stuff has little or no appeal to the average person. What they market, is a computing experience that doesn't include having to know what environments or kernels are.

--- D
ok, since you think i changed my statement, i'll say it again, "the ui/iOS of apple products is well designed and user friendly. for ease of use, others do not yet match apple".

apple may not have any advantage in terms of components, or build quality, but they have the design, marketing, and ui down pat. apple-nuts can (and do) switch seamlessly from ipad to ipod to iphone to mbp, and i have seen senior citizens who after years of avoiding technology are now wired.

your comment about multi-tasking and that "you'd like to see apple do that" and the first video you linked, led me to believe that you were claiming that the palmOs/webOs was more powerful and thus capable of something that the apple os could not do. . .am i wrong?

as i wrote, if the webos actually works that well, and is truly intuitive out of the box, then iOS has a challenge on its hands. if however, it isn't, and my own past experience with palm has shown me this, then i wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

in fact, i will make it a point to find a palm webos device when i'm out today, and try it out. then i might reconsider my statement.

Careful, someone might start calling you an Apple fanboi. :)
Careful, someone might start calling you an Apple fanboi. :)

yes, too late.

ironically, i can't stand apple products, to be honest. if i'm going to pay the premium, it might be for the iphone. the mbp is a pure rip off, imho.

normally, i like to get the most bang for the buck, and that means apple is out of the question.
Im with him ^^^^

Cept for the part about the iphone4. Doesn't do anything for me, but does have a nice display.

The Macbooks are pure ripoffs.

iPad is overpriced too. For my $600 I can get a far more powerful and capable laptop.

Im with him ^^^^

Cept for the part about the iphone4. Doesn't do anything for me, but does have a nice display.

The Macbooks are pure ripoffs.

iPad is overpriced too. For my $600 I can get a far more powerful and capable laptop.


How's the touch screen on that laptop? They manage to fit all that in a package as small as the iPad? Give me some pricing and location on that bad boy, I'll go pick one up today if I can.

--- D
Physical keyboard is far superior "for me"

Im typing this at the Apple store.

$999 for a Mac book with 13" screen, 2.4 core duo, 2g mem and 250g harddrive.

I just bought my dad a Sony Vaio, with 15.5inch screen, intel i3 chip, 4g mem, and 400g harddrive, hdmi out, for $649.

I'll stick with the Sony, thanks.


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