I just wanna include a bit of perspective.. Just because a platform is open, don't automatically assume that you'll
need or even
want to tinker with it. I have a laptop (personal toy) and a nettop (used as an STB) running stock Ubuntu. The nettop had 0 tinkering because, other than to run updates, it never leaves XBMC, even boots directly into it. The only tinkering that I did on my laptop was to install a different OS theme and tweak my desktop effects a bit.
I like it when my regular workhorses do their jobs without any complaints and hassles. That was the reason I switched from Winblows in the first place.
The reason I generally prefer open platforms (as long as they can do the job with a minimal amount of fuss) is that they are
actively maintained. You don't have to beg a faceless corporation to implement a feature and then wait for some pencilpusher to run a CBA before you get your answer on whether it will be implemented or not. You can either implement it yourself (
way over
my head lol) or see if it'll appeal to some random geek with enough coding knowledge to make it happen. I have been actively involved (mostly bug reporting, end-user support and brainstorms) in some medium-sized FLOSS projects, where my ideas were considered by the developers and some got implemented on my "pretty-please with sugar on top."