Why Android is better than iPhone.

Buddy all I see here is how poor/cheap you and your friends are, and how big of a nerd you are.

And that's a great argument for Apple's superb level of quality.. Attempting to insult me really proves your point :rolleyes:
I bought my HP (not that the brand matters, but the internals were what I needed) in the fall of 08, and haven't had to repair one bit on it after over 2 years of daily use. That's not something unexpected as I can't remember when was the last time I had a hardware failure. As for going with Linux.. My computer was preloaded with Vista, and I installed Linux precisely so I don't have to do any extensive tinkering (other than installing my packages and choosing a theme) with it.
It's been working great for me and I can run the OS legally on any piece of hardware that I want :cool:
I'm partial to blackberry bold.
Feel free to compare battery life (and swapability), voice quality, durability (CSA standard of 1 metre drop onto hard surface), interoperability to microsoft exchange (calendar, contacts, and mail), and ability to use PIN.

If all you want to do is make calls and receive email with a QWERTY keyboard that is BB's game and they do it well. Most consumers now expect more from their smartphone hence why RIM has dropped its market share and continues to lose ground. Most end users would like a better scree, better media integration and a better web browsing experience. Again its all about what you are looking to get out of a device.

Both Android and iphone handsets have no problem integrating microsoft exchange with calendar, contacts and mail. I receive my meeting updates on my iphone. Many BB users believe BB is the only phone that can do it which isn't true.

BBM and the PIN system is probably the only thing RIM really has going for them but there are many APPs that allow you to do the same thing across multiple platforms (iOS, Android etc) so it really isn't a big deal anymore and most people I know are switching away from BBM as the market shifts away from being BB dominated. BBM is useless when your clients/friends don't use BB.
I bought my HP (not that the brand matters, but the internals were what I needed) in the fall of 08, and haven't had to repair one bit on it after over 2 years of daily use

I bought a 9614 Pavillion in the Fall of 08. The optical drive was DOA. Took it back the next day and got a replacement. That one works fine (other the waste of my time, and the battery won't last much more than 10 minutes now). All this really shows is that anecdotal evidence (yours or mine) is pointless in these discussions, as there will always be someone with differing results.
And that's a great argument for Apple's superb level of quality.. Attempting to insult me really proves your point :rolleyes:

I know huh, its not very fun when the insults are directed at you PC nerds for a change eh?

Accept the following: Apple makes good products, otherwise they wouldn't be as successful as they are. They also rank #1 in overall customer satisfaction.

You can argue till you're blue in the face, but good, high quality products come out of that company! Yes, they're often more expensive than the competition but you also get more for your money.
I'm not saying that Apple products suck. I'm saying that they're way overpriced for what they offer. People are paying a lot of money for the fashion accessory aspect and for the creation of the marketing machine - to be among the cool kids. When I buy a device, I buy it for its utility value and other devices just give me a significantly better bang for the buck.
By the way, I don't really feel insulted, but you still failed to make a point with that post :cool:
Then why bring it up in discussion over which one is better? What does the marketing strategy have to do with it??

i repeat, again, marketing is what apple products benefit from (and a idiot-proof os). incorporated into this is a pretty design/form factor. for some, aesthetics and the apple culture are valued. since so many of you have argued about the value of 'perception', then it definitely matters.

Another nonsensical argument that backs up exactly what I was saying. The domestic manufacturers have realized their mistakes and made massive changes. Ford/Buick/Cadillac all have extremely high customer satisfaction records. Check the sales of Hyundai and Ford this year. They listened to the customer, they listened when the customer said your products are trash and voted with their wallets.

the point was that the perception of japanese car/apple reliability and superiority does not match reality, a reality that includes domestic/non-apple manufacturers that are equal to, or better in terms of reliability. apparently i need to use simpler sentences to be understood. . .

Nobody cares what you would do, anecdotal evidence is pointless and useless. This is also false, because even if it was true it wouldn't explain the strong brand loyalty Apple users have. If they are so unhappy with their MBP that they paid sooo much for...why would they go out and buy another one


This ludicrous line of blaming the consumer for either being to fashion conscious, to uneducated tech wise, now we are on to blinded by the "price" they paid, this is what this discussion has been reduced to "the consumer is wrong"...lol. Its never the fact that Apple makes fantastic products that put the customers experience and satisfaction first.

if you bother reading the line below the one you bolded for emphasis, you'd see why brand loyalty is so high. simple os, that anyone can use. been writing this for days now. as for "anecdotal", i don't think you know what that word means. the correct word is "hypothetical", as i was suggesting a possible scenario, not based on personal experience.

reading fail. i was responding to a direct quote that claimed that "Apple kicks *** in the consumer market. People WANT their products". . .apple does not kick @ss in the computer market. it is getting better, but just cracked 10% market share. hardly kicking @ss.

lol, citing product loyalty or product satisfaction sources does NOTHING to prove i'm wrong. it shows a completely different, unrelated point, lol, so well done for that. unless of course, you thought that quote said "some people want their products", in which case, i agree--current apple owners want apple products, which is basically what your sources demonstrate.
Typical reactionary rhetoric, and more assumptions to toss on the growing pile.

interesting how you neatly sidestep addressing the rest of that post.

any apple lovers want to address how they apparently get superior build quality out of the same foxconn factories that pump out ipod/iphones next to nokia/se/dell/hp products?? no?
should we chalk it up to more apple 'pixie dust'/magic/voodoo and call it a day?
And brand loyalty, along with the right amount of marketing hype will increase the perception of quality/reliability, even when it's not really all that exceptional.
I'm not saying that Apple products suck. I'm saying that they're way overpriced for what they offer. People are paying a lot of money for the fashion accessory aspect and for the creation of the marketing machine - to be among the cool kids. When I buy a device, I buy it for its utility value and other devices just give me a significantly better bang for the buck.
By the way, I don't really feel insulted, but you still failed to make a point with that post :cool:


apparently if we don't buy all of the apple hype and agree wholeheartedly, they will release all the hyperbole, logical fallacies, and rhetoric they can, and it is all believable, simply by throwing the word "fact" at the end of the post.

the apple premium is high but possibly justifiable for the iphone4 and the 4g ipod touch.

the apple premium is too high and frankly unjustified, imho, for the new mb, mbp, or imacs.

. . .no surprise that the first two have solid market share, and the latter is still a fringe player
I'm not saying that Apple products suck. I'm saying that they're way overpriced for what they offer. People are paying a lot of money for the fashion accessory aspect and for the creation of the marketing machine - to be among the cool kids. When I buy a device, I buy it for its utility value and other devices just give me a significantly better bang for the buck.
By the way, I don't really feel insulted, but you still failed to make a point with that post :cool:

It has been my experience that the only people who would buy/build certain computers/gadgets to be "cool" are ultra-nerds who play WoW all day and build expensive PCs with glowing cases so they can show them off to their friends at LAN parties.

To suggest that anybody buys an iphone or macbook or any other apple product because they wanna be "cool" is laughable. You're obviously a deluded PC nerd who can't see the bigger picture, the one that doesn't include spec sheets but instead includes things such as usability and intuitive interfaces. Techies just never got it.
the apple premium is too high and frankly unjustified, imho, for the new mb, mbp, or imacs.

In your nerdy techie opinion you'd rather have a POS Asus running POS Windows because you're a techie geek. People who want their computers to work properly without tinkering, without bs malware, without bs bloatware, will buy a Macbook or an iMac. They work, they're well built, and they're extremely well backed.

To you nerds its not a big deal if something breaks of if you gotta format and reinstall Winblows for the umpteenth time because its "fun". To the rest of us its a needless chore.

Not just that, but OSX is so much better than Winblows for every day use its not even funny...


Both suck, Webos is where is at.....why because even android is copying its UI for its tablet.
In your nerdy techie opinion you'd rather have a POS Asus running POS Windows because you're a techie geek. People who want their computers to work properly without tinkering, without bs malware, without bs bloatware, will buy a Macbook or an iMac. They work, they're well built, and they're extremely well backed.

To you nerds its not a big deal if something breaks of if you gotta format and reinstall Winblows for the umpteenth time because its "fun". To the rest of us its a needless chore.

Not just that, but OSX is so much better than Winblows for every day use its not even funny...

lmfao, and i'm the one being criticized for making 'assumptions'. . .

do you have anything to add but supposition?

not only are you able to express your opinion, now you are a mind reader, and have accurately surmised my opinion. . .well done kreskin. . .

thanks for the chuckle. . .

Both suck, Webos is where is at.....why because even android is copying its UI for its tablet.

If this was Dec 2011 when WebOS has new products you might be right but as it stands today they aren't even in competition. I'm curious to see what HP can bring out next year.
If this was Dec 2011 when WebOS has new products you might be right but as it stands today they aren't even in competition. I'm curious to see what HP can bring out next year.
You are absolutely right, currently with their outdated hardware they are not ina position to even show in the radar.

According to Jon Rubinstein, they are bringing a tablet and various new phones (the hardware desperate needed) they just wont say what. The only thing he said was that they are focusing on integration of all their products for an amazing user experience Their pockets are now deep with the HP backing, just hope they don't screw their marketing campaign again.

They have IMO the best OS but no one knows about it due to the stupid job they have done marketing it. We'll see what 2011 has to offer.

It wont be easy with two awesome phones like the Nexus S and the Iphone 4 out there but I truly believe they still have the best OS; hence why I use a Pre that has a modified Kernel running at 1GHz instead of 500Mhz stock, it's like putting a 1000 engine on a 250 lol. This thing is fast, so Unless Iphone or Android or anyone else comes up with something better than Webos I will keep on using it.

Nice talking to someone that knows its stuff :)

Everyone else keep on going on about your Android vs Iphone fans
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No, they have the advantage over all.

Apple is CONSISTENTLY at the top of the charts for overall quality and customer satisfaction.

There's no better built phone on the market than the iPhone and there's no better built laptop on the market than a Macbook Pro.

Macbook Pro might be cool, but my Macbook Air is cooler(no really, it doesn't get hot, it has no vents, no need)
i wanna brag for a bit, hope i'm allowed to,.....my MacBook Air(MBA) takes a whopping 6 seconds to startup,..... if i'm shutdown(rarely, but mostly use sleep),..... when waking from sleep, it's instant on (meaning....ready to work as soon as the lid flips open), its ridiculously underweight, effortless to hold(hence being a portable computer), battery life is wonderful(6-7 hrs), i can go on and on.

either way, you win and i win.

just wanna say, thank you Windows for all the things you did for me and my family, when i needed you, you were there, always had my back, but i'm all grown up now, and can make my own decisions,..... So i've chosen to take my talents to MAC OS X.

watch the video http://www.apple.com/ca/macbookair/
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