iirc (since I can't be bothered checking back), that was directed at iridebikes. And to be fair, for all we know that could have been directed at him not because he disagrees, but because of his repeated childish insulting comments regarding "techie nerds" (which is pretty funny coming from someone who claims to have spent so much time working in IT).
I've overplayed my hand? What does that even mean in this context? Is this some sort of game where I'm supposed to keep my cards hidden?
My comments are neither specious, nor an ad hominem attack. I am simply pointing out that your arguments are all over the place, using all kinds of mockery, insults, and sarcasm to dismiss the opinions of those who disagree with you. You might also take note of the fact that I recognize you to be generally intelligent in your posts. It's a compliment, and a recognition that this seems strangely out of character for an otherwise articulate person. I simply asked you to take a step back and get some perspective on what this conversation is really all about. There is no hyperbole in my posts.
I never criticized you for discussing computers or other Apple technologies in addition to phones. I don't really care who finds faults with poser's posts. If he was making arguments worth countering, I suppose those who disagree with him should counter them. That's as honest as I can be regarding your questions.
I'm not suggesting that your posts are worthy of an infraction or violate the terms of use of the site. I'm only suggesting that you're getting really bent out of shape over this discussion and you're not even making sound arguments - just all kinds of personal comments (for example, insinuating that those who disagree with you, must live in their parents' basement).
--- D
actually, it was in direct reference to being told something was a "fact, son". . .which if you read my post carefully, was fully explained. it is a crass diminution and i wrote what i believed to be the possible explanation for it.
as for being all over the board. . .have you read the posts responding to me? some of them are so bizarre, and many of them demonstrate either a lack of comprehension, a failure to read, or a misunderstanding of my words. a lot of my posts are sadly repetitious because, rather than addressing issues that i bring up, they fixate on something they can take on a red herring, and fly with it.
it is the equivalent of nailing jello to a wall in the world of discourse.
introducing the element of my posts as being 'attacks', and me being offensive is definitely ad hominem, because it focuses on me, rather than addressing my ideas.
i am pointing out the hypocrisy that poser's posts revealed, simply because that is typical fanboi behaviour, which so many apparently deny they are guilty of. . .
frankly, my point of view has been moderate from the beginning, without a pure anti-apple bias, but i object to the knee-jerk authoritarian treatment that any dissent from true apple love is met with.
yes, i am sarcastic. but for that, i can only say this:
oscar wilde may have said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but at least that demonstrates a sense of humour, which imho, is sadly lacking from a lot of apple fanbois.
finally, yes this is only about a cellphone. long ago, i commented that for most users, their service provider was more significant to their overall satisfaction than the miniature computer in their hands. i leave that one (again) for the iphone zealots to ponder. . .