Why Android is better than iPhone.

Out of the 40 smartphones on the market, the single Apple device controls a 25% share of the segment.


And their 15 minutes is almost up.

Android is dominating the headlines, and gobbling up market share in such a short period of time.

oh, btw....that is FACT.

nahh iPhone4 replaces the 3Gs, are you taking into account obsolete HTC models as well?
No.. 3GS and 4 are both sold right now. 3GS for $99 in the states

Back off from what? I posted a graph showing the latest OCTOBER 2010 numbers from the same firm you used. It's right there in plain English. So what do you do? Scurry off to Google to find some stats from some other arcane, unheard of company's site that support you position. Keep grasping.

Never heard of "Gartner" or "Nielsen"? Here, educate yourself..

O.k. After reading through everyone's opinions of the different brands - even those who don't own a phone who somehow manage to judge it for the worse - the wife will be getting a crackberry because that is what she is used to, and she also wants a real keyboard.

Iphone I could probably talk her into, but she doesn't like that it has so many apps and finds the touchpad harder to use.

Android sounds way too technical for someone who hasn't set up their voicemail for 3 years.

When the android luddite os comes out she may be interested.
Never heard of "Gartner" or "Nielsen"? Here, educate yourself..

Go back to last Thursday.
Read post #248 (*hint* the one that I brought up Nielsen surveys).
Ask yourself if maybe that was kind of a stupid question.

You really need to try and keep up with the discussion before trying to "educate" anyone.
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And their 15 minutes is almost up.

Android is dominating the headlines, and gobbling up market share in such a short period of time.

oh, btw....that is FACT.


aright check this out, i have 5 kids, and each of them have an iOS device, and knows how to use it better than their mom.
what im trying to hint out here is,.... that it is very user friendly and easy to learn.
my 3 yr old toggles thru that thing very quickly, he knows all the basics.
my 10 yr old knows how to play 2 player games via bluetooth setup, between 2 iOS devices.
my 6 yr old was playing with my djay app on the ipad, and she was even mixing and scratching.
my 8 yr old masters airplay to apple tv.
my 13 yr old, i have to tell him take a break.

teaching my daughter how to use my macbook air was a breeze(BREEZE), also how to hook up the macbook to the hdtv via hdmi and using the bluetooth keyboard and trackpad wirelessly.

me having fun with iOS and Mac, lets hope that 15 mins go into overtime, cause i aint looking back and hoping to get this win.

although i dont know android, i plan to in the future,...... but i will have iOS in the other pocket.
Go back to last Thursday.
Read post #248 (*hint* the one that I brought up Nielsen surveys).
Ask yourself if maybe that was kind of a stupid question.

You really need to try and keep up with the discussion before trying to "educate" anyone.

hahha... You apple fanboys are funny... You're worst then religious nutjobs.

I included the wikipedia link for Neilsen because your comprehension is obviously not up to par with the rest of us.

I'm unsubscribing from the thread. I feel dumber every time you reply.
I'm unsubscribing from the thread.

Yeah, If I made a smarmy linked post directing someone to look up something they had already been discussing in the same thread a week earlier, I'd stop posting in it too.
If anything,

I personally like all the competition that this is generating. The whole Android is better than iPhone is better than Blackberry OS is better than a toaster argument, is irrelevant. At the end of the day, we as consumers will win. (my optimistic thought of the day).

Case in point, Blackberry acquired a couple of GUI and OS companies to help make it's OS more user friendly. Why? Because it's playing catch up with droid and iOS. this is good. Then when (if) they catch up or surpass them, it will prompt the iOS and droid to get better, faster, stronger, more awesome, yadda yadda blah blah.

also, the phones are only as good as the providers too, so ****** coverage with a ****** network, doesn't mean crap with the greatest phone. can't wait for LTE :-D
iPhone is made by CEO of the Decade, Rockstar of the tech industry and god of all things quality...

no comebacks!!! YET
oh, you forgot to mention FACT!
Too bad 140,000 of those activations are people upgrading their 3 month old HTCs and Motorolas to the latest android flavour of the month rofl

fact, son!
Just read Paul's message on etiquette, saw the video.
The section on trolling was interesting.

Im amazed at how easy it is to find a catchy but controvesial headline on the internet.
You could just waste time attaching them to messages with an added little dig and attempt to create controversy.

You wouldnt even have to know anything at all about the topic. If someone were to question your post, you could send another link and say there you go...

I only own one of the two type of phones discussed and won't be buying the other any time soon. I'm gone.
Too bad 140,000 of those activations are people upgrading their 3 month old HTCs and Motorolas to the latest android flavour of the month rofl

fact, son!

And not to mention any new customers might not even be able to update to gingerbread within the lifetime of their device. Samsung isn't even sure it will roll out an update for older devices.
I know isn't that awesome? You drop 400 on a shiny new Android phone and its outdated the first time you turn it on..... and odds are you won't even be able to update it, ever. LMAO, junk.
I know isn't that awesome? You drop 400 on a shiny new Android phone and its outdated the first time you turn it on..... and odds are you won't even be able to update it, ever. LMAO, junk.

Apple still rolling out iOS updates for the original iPhone? For that matter, how well did the iOS 4 update work on the 3G and 3GS?
I know isn't that awesome? You drop 400 on a shiny new Android phone and its outdated the first time you turn it on..... and odds are you won't even be able to update it, ever. LMAO, junk.

Apple still rolling out iOS updates for the original iPhone? For that matter, how well did the iOS 4 update work on the 3G and 3GS?
iOS4 works wonderfully well on 3GS are you trying to make a point here somewhere? It also works on 3G, it just doesn't work on the original phones... and why would it? They're too old to keep up, the hardware is outdated.

Android on the other hand.... hrmmm, Sony ships their X10 with 1.6 (when other phones are already 3 version ahead) and 7 months later they finally roll their first upgrade out to 2.1.... when 2.3 is already on the market.

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