Why Android is better than iPhone.

poor little iPhone is dying off....

That's odd. The same source (Nielsen) shows different numbers.


Wait, the misleading graph you chose to use conveniently ends 2nd Q 2010 when everyone wanting to purchase an iOS device was holding off making their purchase until the iPhone4 was released in 3rd Q 2010.

Nice try, though. Thanks for playing!
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ok then... Poor little iPhone... all the way down there in Q3 of 2010

Wait, the misleading graph you chose to use conveniently ends 2nd Q 2010 when everyone wanting to purchase an iOS device was holding off making their purchase until the iPhone4 was released in 3rd Q 2010.

Nice try, though. Thanks for playing!

Nielsen: Android dominates U.S. smartphone sales
As of the end of August, Android represented 32 percent of smartphones purchased in the U.S. in the past six months, says The Nielsen Company. By comparison, Research in Motion (RIM) represented 26 percent during that period with its Blackberry phones, and Apple iOS (iPhone) accounted for 25 percent of the market. The period was said to include the first month of iPhone 4 sales.
it's funny you back off when I show you Q3 numbers...

Back off from what? I posted a graph showing the latest OCTOBER 2010 numbers from the same firm you used. It's right there in plain English. So what do you do? Scurry off to Google to find some stats from some other arcane, unheard of company's site that support you position. Keep grasping.
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Ipad launch - April 3, 2010
actually, at launch, was hopelessly OUTDATED. AKA, "Dead on Arrival"

You realize you only make yourself look stupid when you post this drivel.
How can a device be outdated when there was nothing on the market like it? The ipad practically created the tablet market. Before it no one had any interest in using a tablet and most manufacturers mocked apple for the ipad now all of those companies are scrambling to try and ride the wave that apple created. Doesn't sound outdated or DOA to me. I'm starting to realize that you might just not understand the meaning of words that you choose to use.

Now the world must "wait" and all the Apple iGoofs can go line up and buy a iPad2. Boy, no wonder Steve-o has built up such an empire. LOL.

And we are still waiting on the Playbook aren't we. It looks like the ipad2 should ship around April. Funny that RIM has been trotting out the playbook for 4-5 months now and it still isn't on the shelves for Christmas. Sounds like either some really poor planning on their part or they are scrambling to add features because every Playbook demo event it seems to have added new specs. When is the playbook in store shelves?
lol! go into a store and you can walk out with 10 different android devices, go into 10 different stores and you may walk out with one iPhone4 if you are lucky! I wonder why there is more devices out there running android OS? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Hum.. iPhone 3Gs and 4

nahh iPhone4 replaces the 3Gs, are you taking into account obsolete HTC models as well?

The arguements went from geeks screaming about open source to quarterly sales can we make up our mind here?
16 pages.
You people are hilarious.
Let me introduce you to a concept that seems foreign to this discussion: SUBJECTIVE VALUE.
I suggest you all go read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", then "Lila" (by Persig).
I don't understand what the beef is, really.

They ALL play Angry Birds. Isn't that what these phones are all about?

:-D fack, I'm addicted to that damn game.....
I don't understand what the beef is, really.

They ALL play Angry Birds. Isn't that what these phones are all about?

:-D fack, I'm addicted to that damn game.....

Lol...actually they "ALL" dont play Angry Birds...Some lower end Android phones can't play Angry Birds yet. And this is RIM's version of Angry Birds

I'm hoping for a Mac app store Monday, wish me luck.
It's really rather simple... the only reason iPhone doesn't have even more than (the already staggering) 25% of the market is availability. Up till now it was only available with AT&T in the US, and even then manufacturing couldn't always keep up with demand. Look how long it took for the iPhone 4 to actually be readily available to people who wanna buy it... even now you gotta call a bunch of stores ahead of time to be sure they have it in stock.

Conclusion? Everybody wants an iPhone, but not everybody can actually get one... so they settle on android or (lol) blackberry. Fact.
Conclusion? Everybody wants an iPhone, but not everybody can actually get one... so they settle on android or (lol) blackberry. Fact.

You really like to play fast and loose with the word "fact" there, eh? I don't want an iPhone. Neither do any of the 5 people I just asked. And I honestly asked the first 5 people I saw. So guess "Everybody wants an iPhone" isn't a fact after all, is it?
Hey man Im just here presenting facts... one of them facts is that the iPhone is the single most successful phone on the market since the smartphone craze started, and its the one all other phones are compared against. Out of the 40 smartphones on the market, the single Apple device controls a 25% share of the segment.

#1, whether you haters like it or not. Apple is successful because they build top quality products and their phone is no different. The HTCs and Motorolas and Blackberries come and go every other month... the iPhone remains.
download "rocketdock" for windows pc.

FAQ here: http://rocketdock.com/Help/English/

Don't forget to setup a lil bit more, atleast 1 feature to enable, would be the auto-hide feature, this way it appears only when you put mouse pointer over it.
Just toggle with other settings, by clicking dock settings.
An amazing addition to windows users, trust me, dont think about it, get it.
Dont forget you can drag and drop icons(from desktop) into the menu bar of rocketdock, this way you can free up your desktop of clutter.
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You really like to play fast and loose with the word "fact" there, eh? I don't want an iPhone. Neither do any of the 5 people I just asked. And I honestly asked the first 5 people I saw. So guess "Everybody wants an iPhone" isn't a fact after all, is it?

just in case someone wants an iphone 4, i overheard the genius behind the counter at upper canada mall apple store(newmarket), said they got a big stock,....... but call first, as im just relaying a OVERHEARD and didnt ask.
i like this

Qualcomm to ship 1.5GHz QSD8672 Snapdragon processor in Q4

And you thought a dual-core 1.2GHz chip was quick. If all goes to plan (that's a big "if," by the way), Qualcomm will one-up its Computex standout before the end of this year, with vice president of product management Mark Frankel affirming that his company is on track to ship a 1.5GHz dual-core QSD8672 chip prior to the dawn of 2011. He's quoted as saying that the blazing new Snapdragon could find a home in smartphones, low-cost laptops and tablet PCs, and while we're led to believe that the vast majority of said products won't actually greet consumers until early next year, a few aggressive partners may get wares out "by Christmas." For those unfamiliar, the fancy new 8672 is based on an ARM design and will be crafted using a 45nm process technology, and the individual voltage scaling will enable each core to be clocked independently of the other in order to maximize battery life and performance. Naturally, 1080p video playback will be supported, as will DDR2, DDR3 and HDMI interfaces. Oh, and don't sweat it -- you've still got plenty of time to get on Santa's 'good' list.
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