Yet over a year later RIM is still trying to play catchup. I still don't see the 'Playbook' in stores.
Um, how many years did it take Apple to come out with their phone long after the Blackberry was on the market?
Yet over a year later RIM is still trying to play catchup. I still don't see the 'Playbook' in stores.
Um, how many years did it take Apple to come out with their phone long after the Blackberry was on the market?
BB is in the mobile communications market. Apple was not. When they decided to get into the market the got in huge and are still beating BB at the mobile communications game. BB still doesn't have a quality touch screen phone. I was using the torch over the weekend and it is generations behind current android phones and iphone4.
Since when was BB in the computer/tablet market???
Check out Consumer Reports latest issue. They rate the Androids, BB OS6, and Torch as equal and in "some ways better" than the iPhone.
hahaha BBOS is a joke... I wonder how much RIM had to pay consumer reports to say that its in some ways better than iOS or Android..... its about 3 years behind, if not more. Clunky piece of garbage OS with hardly any developer support? No thanks. Try again, Waterloo.
The janitors at apple and google can probably build a better OS in their spare time...
My source is having used the OS extensively (unlike motostark). Its years behind Android and iOS, fact!
No kidding. I always assumed BBOS was close to the other three until I borrowed a friends Torch to play with. Yikes! its not even close. Not to mention the camera on the torch sucks. Maybe the one he had was broken but it couldn't take an infocus picture. The guy actually asked me to use my phone to take their picture (it was at a party) and email it to him after several failed attempts. Never has such a bad experience with an android device or iphone.
My source is having used the OS extensively (unlike motostark). Its years behind Android and iOS, fact!
a) your opinion, as much as you might wish or think it to be, is not fact.
b) saying fact! also does not make it fact.
c) You could easily have said that you've used it extensively, and think it is years behind the competing systems without coming off as a dick. The implication of bribery and the statement that "the janitors...could build a better OS in their spare time" make you sound arrogant. And childish, I might add.
By the time their playbook comes out, iPad 2 is around the corner
Ipad launch - April 3, 2010
Hasn't even reached it's first birthday and ALREADY, actually, at launch, was hopelessly OUTDATED. AKA, "Dead on Arrival"
Now the world must "wait" and all the Apple iGoofs can go line up and buy a iPad2. Boy, no wonder Steve-o has built up such an empire. LOL.
Anyways, this is all besides the point, going back the first post, its "Android vs iPhone"
Keep posting guys, I couldn't pay for better entertainment.