Why Android is better than iPhone.

If Android was a single device like an iPhone your argument would be valid, but its an OS thats packaged on no less than 50 current smartphones on the market. So no, the public isn't voting with their dollar, they're being given the choice between 50 Android devices to 1 iPhone. That, contrary to the point you're trying to drive, really means that the iPhone is a far far more successful product and platform.
its funny how some (unknowledgable) people are getting so worked up over this argument. Why is it so hard to comprehend that different people have different tastes?

There's no "best" unless you're talking about raw performance and specs. Everything else is just preference.
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Ahh yes the invaluable "everyone has different tastes" post... at least we got that out of the way for this particular page!

well, most of the collateral being referenced in this thread is neither technical nor objective at all, unlike video card/cpu showdowns where brute computing performance can be compared, or bike showdowns where HP figures can be used as a dick measuring contest.

Instead, we have stupid **** like "men like android phones, women like iphones", or "ipads are for 6 year old kiddies". Journalism sure knows the sweet spot when it comes to the fan boys.

How do you measure how intuitive a UI is? What about usability, security, etc etc?

At the end of the day, the only thing concrete that can be compared is the hardware, and nobody cares about that anymore.

What some people dont understand about technology these days, with respect to software, is that in order to do something welll, you need to give something up. You want a huge library of software? No problem, just so long as you accept the fact that a portion of that software is gonna be **** or viral. You want an (bloated) OS that can do everything, you give up performance. You want simplicity, you give up functionality.
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well, most of the collateral being referenced in this thread is neither technical nor objective at all, unlike video card/cpu showdowns where brute computing performance can be compared, or bike showdowns where HP figures can be used as a dick measuring contest.

Instead, we have stupid **** like "men like android phones, women like iphones", or "ipads are for 6 year old kiddies". Journalism sure knows the sweet spot when it comes to the fan boys.

How do you measure how intuitive a UI is? What about usability, security, etc etc?

At the end of the day, the only thing concrete that can be compared is the hardware, and nobody cares about that anymore.

What some people dont understand about technology these days, with respect to software, is that in order to do something welll, you need to give something up. You want a huge library of software? No problem, just so long as you accept the fact that a portion of that software is gonna be **** or viral. You want an (bloated) OS that can do everything, you give up performance. You want simplicity, you give up functionality.

The discussion on this thread is one that is taking place all over on forums worldwide.

Nobody is forcing anybody to click on this thread.


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well, most of the collateral being referenced in this thread is neither technical nor objective at all, unlike video card/cpu showdowns where brute computing performance can be compared, or bike showdowns where HP figures can be used as a dick measuring contest.

Instead, we have stupid **** like "men like android phones, women like iphones", or "ipads are for 6 year old kiddies". Journalism sure knows the sweet spot when it comes to the fan boys.

How do you measure how intuitive a UI is? What about usability, security, etc etc?

At the end of the day, the only thing concrete that can be compared is the hardware, and nobody cares about that anymore.

What some people dont understand about technology these days, with respect to software, is that in order to do something welll, you need to give something up. You want a huge library of software? No problem, just so long as you accept the fact that a portion of that software is gonna be **** or viral. You want an (bloated) OS that can do everything, you give up performance. You want simplicity, you give up functionality.

There is a way you can measure those...its called customer satisfaction. Thats the only thing that matters in devices that are geared for the retail consumer. Tech specs, tech concepts, tech issues are meaningless in this discussion, because the retail customer doesnt give two shiiites. Your phone/computer/tablet needs to work like your toaster. You turn it on, it does what you ask it to and then you turn it off. Thats it.
If Android was a single device like an iPhone your argument would be valid, but its an OS thats packaged on no less than 50 current smartphones on the market. So no, the public isn't voting with their dollar, they're being given the choice between 50 Android devices to 1 iPhone. That, contrary to the point you're trying to drive, really means that the iPhone is a far far more successful product and platform.

Really dude? Like you're still talking? *sigh*
I dunno...

With the rapidly increasing market share of Android, I'd say the buying public is voting with their dollars. Apple actually lost market share recently. I wonder if the Apple-hysteria is starting to die down as the next greatest thing has arrived?


Also........going back on the post about women and iphones.......the more I think about it, I know plenty more girls that own iPhones then men. And I don't know any girls that own Androids. :)

Edit : I noticed that the figures posted above were from July. However, I found another article with more recent figures.

"Compared to the third quarter of 2009, RIM appears to be in a serious backslide: its market share has declined by 53 percent since then. Likewise, Apple's iOS share has declined by 21 percent since Q3 2009."

Whatever the case may be..... Android is on the march, and shows no signs of slowing down.


Someone's grasping at straws and digging up some questionable surveys by unknown and unreliable sources. Some unknown hack from he Vancouver Sun? To quote you, Please. And who/what the hell is Source: comScore Mobil ens? Try someone with a bit more recognition, public trust, and practice at these survey things.......like maybe Nielsen.

Oh, wait, their results don't fit your agenda. Oops.



Like I said before, this is a funny thread.
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Someone's grasping at straws and digging up some questionable surveys by unknown and unreliable sources. Some unknown hack from he Vancouver Sun? To quote you, Please. And who/what the hell is Source: comScore Mobil ens? Try someone with a bit more recognition, public trust, and practice at these survey things.......like maybe Nielsen.

Oh, wait, their results don't fit your agenda. Oops.


Like I said before, this is a funny thread.

Quote taken right from your highly vaunted Nielsen site.....

"Women planning to get a smartphone are more likely to want an iPhone as their next device, with slightly more males preferring Android."

Wasn't this same factoid quoted from one of my "questionable surveys by unknown and unreliable sources."??

Women like fashion. iPhone is a fashion statement. Lots of women I know own an iPhone. Fads change. Fashion changes. Also, it appears the iphone is most popular with the 18+ crowd. Wasn't it mentioned before that kids like these i-toys? The Nielson survey just reinforces these facts.

The Nielson survey, again, proves that in such a short time, Android is closing in and moving on in for the kill over the iPhone.

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Quote taken right from your highly vaunted Nielsen site.....

"Women planning to get a smartphone are more likely to want an iPhone as their next device, with slightly more males preferring Android."

Wasn't this same factoid quoted from one of my "questionable surveys by unknown and unreliable sources."??

Women like fashion. iPhone is a fashion statement. Lots of women I know own an iPhone. Fads change. Fashion changes. Also, it appears the iphone is most popular with the 18+ crowd. Wasn't it mentioned before that kids like these i-toys? The Nielson survey just reinforces these facts.

The Nielson survey, again, proves that in such a short time, Android is closing in and moving on in for the kill over the iPhone.


And that's what I (we) find so ironic. That you contend one phone is for "girls", yet you continue to run around the thread arguing about it like a little girl.
Quote taken right from your highly vaunted Nielsen site.....

"Women planning to get a smartphone are more likely to want an iPhone as their next device, with slightly more males preferring Android."

Wasn't this same factoid quoted from one of my "questionable surveys by unknown and unreliable sources."??

Women like fashion. iPhone is a fashion statement. Lots of women I know own an iPhone. Fads change. Fashion changes. Also, it appears the iphone is most popular with the 18+ crowd. Wasn't it mentioned before that kids like these i-toys? The Nielson survey just reinforces these facts.

The Nielson survey, again, proves that in such a short time, Android is closing in and moving on in for the kill over the iPhone.


LOL...wow!! Do any of women in the thread want to tackle this amazingly sexist remark or should we just leave it for the stupidity it is?

Oh and since when is 18+ considered a kid?

Last time I checked

Apple’s iPhone and devices with the Android operating system were the “most desired” among likely smartphone upgraders, with Apple showing a slight lead among those age 55+ , 18 to 24, and 25 to 34.

These are kids now? Just stop dude...
LOL...wow!! Do any of women in the thread want to tackle this amazingly sexist remark or should we just leave it for the stupidity it is?

Oh and since when is 18+ considered a kid?

Last time I checked

Apple’s iPhone and devices with the Android operating system were the “most desired” among likely smartphone upgraders, with Apple showing a slight lead among those age 55+ , 18 to 24, and 25 to 34.

These are kids now? Just stop dude...

It was more of a generalization than an offensive remark. Just sayin' homie.
It was more of a generalization than an offensive remark. Just sayin' homie.

Reducing a woman's entire decision making process to "what looks pretty" is plenty offensive and straight up dumb.
Not to mention ridiculous, considering Apple absolutely kills the other manufacturers in the market segment. Just look at that graphic... Apple has 28% of the smartphone market with a single current generation device and 3 previous generations, whereas Android has under 23% of the market with about 20 current generation devices and like 50 previous generation devices..

Blown clear and away by a superior Apple product. Clearly. The consumers have indeed spoken.
someone mentioned death grip for iphone4 and its reception issues, "oh well", there is a different phone doing it now, and it runs android, its an htc, "just saying".

and maybe RIM might catch my eye, with their recent addition of assigning TAT to update their UI.
Not to mention ridiculous, considering Apple absolutely kills the other manufacturers in the market segment. Just look at that graphic... Apple has 28% of the smartphone market with a single current generation device and 3 previous generations, whereas Android has under 23% of the market with about 20 current generation devices and like 50 previous generation devices..

Blown clear and away by a superior Apple product. Clearly. The consumers have indeed spoken.

I can spin arbitrary numbers too.

According to the same company, looking at recently acquired phones (within the last 6 months) as of Aug this year, Android has 32% market share vs iPhone's 25% (http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire...system-in-u-s-among-recent-smartphone-buyers/). Moreover, given that the majority of users have only one phone at a time, it really doesn't matter how many devices an OS is on (people are no more likely to have 3 Android devices than they are to have 3 iPhones). Nobody is debating that android is on more handsets (in fact, some are arguing that that is one of the benefits). Look at both of the graphs there. Seems pretty clear that Android market share has been growing, and Apple market share has been declining.

"Consumers have indeed spoken" indeed. And continue to do so.

Regardless, this whole debate has fallen apart. People are only arguing market share at this point. This doesn't tell us anything of importance. If it isn't abundantly clear by this point that each system has its strengths and weaknesses, then it's never going to be. Each user has a different requirement for their device, and each consumer should make their own decision about what will work best for them. At thirteen pages, it doesn't seem to me that anybody has been convinced to change their mind, so I'm going to go ahead and agree to disagree with the iPhone people, and stick to my Android devices.
I think you missed the point.

A hypothetical shopper walks into a smarthphone-superstore.... there is 1 iOS phone on display, there are about 6 RIM phones on display, and about 15 Android phones on display.

The fact that the sole Apple product has 25 or 30% of the market share out of all 22 products is what made me draw my conclusions and make my post. 1 out of 4 hypothetical shoppers picks the Apple phone over all the others, despite the Apple phone being outnumbered by 21:1. Get it? If market share was equal (or even close to it) the iPhone would have like a 5% share at most.
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