Why Android is better than iPhone.

This thread reminds me of when my sister and her friends would get in screaming matches over the attributes of David Cassidy vs. Bobby Sherman.
Will try Mr Rogers and Ma Bell, but the salesmen sometimes get better commissions on certain phones, because they are horrible and don't sell.

Of the phones out right now available on Bell and Rogers I'd probably say the Samsung Galaxy S is the best one. The Rogers version (Captivate?) looks and feels nicer to me than the Bell version. I've held and used both. Out of the box they aren't the best but with some 'tinkering' of software etc they are a fantastic phone. The other issue as I've posted above(post 208 ) is there is an issue with the GPS on some units. I personally liked the feel and shape of my iphone4 better but it was a really good phone none the less.
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It has a lot to do with it, I bought the iPhone at first because of his ninja like marketing abilities. Its a solid phone but once he started thinking that he has the consumer market cornered, I'm boycotting apple stuff altogether. Minus the MacBook Pro I use. That's my personal preference.

So lemme get this straight... you have an iPhone and a Macbook Pro, which you clearly think are solid products... but now you're gonna boycott Apple because the CEO thinks (rightfully, mind you) that he has the consumer market cornered.

It has a lot to do with it, I bought the iPhone at first because of his ninja like marketing abilities. Its a solid phone but once he started thinking that he has the consumer market cornered, I'm boycotting apple stuff altogether. Minus the MacBook Pro I use. That's my personal preference.

It is your personal preference, in the end it always is. Still doesn't make any sense to me though why the CEO's opinion or ideas on his product effects your buying.

So why the exception for the MacBook Pro? You boycott unless its something you really need? Not much of a boycott. I think everyone needs to buy what works for them, who cares what the CEO thinks. The only thing I try and do is not support companies that have some sort of shady business practises in 3rd world countries, which makes buying cloths pretty difficult.
Learning a lot from this nerd fight. Go nerds!

I'm afraid iridebikes is correct. Apple used to follow RIM, now RIM is following Apple.

RIM has been stating to shareholders for years that China will be their savior. Do you really think the Chinese are going to pay $300 US for a handset? No. They tore the back off the Blackerry with no respect for patent, copied it, and created Redberry which sells for $20

HP/Palm will be the 2011 story.

RIM should have been bought out by Microsoft. That may yet happen if they keep missing on earnings (which they will). Microsoft/RIM would be a good partnership.

Now back to fighting nerds. :-)
RIM has been stating to shareholders for years that China will be their savior. Do you really think the Chinese are going to pay $300 US for a handset? No. They tore the back off the Blackerry with no respect for patent, copied it, and created Redberry which sells for $20

Now back to fighting nerds. :-)

Oh puh-leeeeeeze.

For shiggles........ type "iphone clone" or "ipad clone" in google.

What does a brand of cellphone have to do with your need to wear a skirt?
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Oh puh-leeeeeeze.

Looks like those RIM kneepads are a bit stained these days. It seems your guru is taking a page out of his nemesis' book.

Kik Messenger is a popular cross platform messaging client (2.5 million users in one month!) that was recently removed from RIM’s App World. It caught on like wildfire for Blackberry users because it was free–and it would enable users to chat with Kik contacts on iPhones and Android devices. Why was Kik removed suddenly? Rationale would explain that the app was in direct competition with RIM’s BBM (Blackberry Messaging) service.
RIM Sues KIK for Patent Infringement in Canada
Looks like Co-CEO Jim Basillie (he doesn’t like apps) is taking things up to another level and suing Kik for patent infringement. But it doesn’t stop there. New court documents allege that Kik CEO, Ted Livingston, a former RIM employee used his position (Technical Management Product Coordinator) within the BBM group (2007-2008 ) to his benefit. It is alleged that Livingston had access to proprietary BBM info and violated his confidentiality agreements.
The statement of claim also alleges that:

  • as part of the Blackberry Alliance Program in 2009, Livingston told RIM he was creating a music sharing service to integrate with BBM–instead, he used this info to create Kik
  • Kik made false and misleading statements against BBM/RIM in its marketing
    • E.G. “Similar to Blackberry Messenger”
  • Other allegations are that the app itself accessed user address books and other confidential info, sent that info to Kik servers, and then used for purposes of spam.
The following Canadian Patents are being infringed upon: 2353161, 2485791, 2472474. You can read the statement of claim here.
The issue here is that Livingston was a former employee of RIM, and had insider access to proprietary BBM info, and allegedly used that to his benefit in the creating of Kik.
What do you think? Is Kik just a BBM knockoff? RIM needs to start innovating here. BBM is on its way out out the door as other competitors such as WhatsApp blow it out of the water.
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That is a great list of phones too bad only one of them is available on a major carrier here. So if he was hoping to have a carrier subsidized handset he is out of luck. Now he could hit up ebay and try and find a non abused unlocked phone or pay full price in the states for an unlocked phone but most people don't want to go that route.

You can hate apple all you want but the iphone4 for is one of the best if not the best handset available in Canada.

On a seperate note it looks like BB might be trying to become relevant again in the non business market.
Its the first step on the right path lets see how it comes along. At least they are in essence admitting that their current OS isn't up to par in the UI dept.
LOL at RIM....disgusting!!!



Lets que the excuses now shall we.

1) Its a bias article Survey (Yet it was done by PC WORLD magazine)
2) Too small a sample size, the results arent accurate. (79,000 people were surveyed)
3) Oh yeah, well my friend's cousin's aunt's boyfriend bought a Macbook Pro it blew him and his whole family up when he started it. This was after his iPhone shattered into pixie dust upon unboxing the product.
4) Waaa, but, but Steve Jobs hurts baby caterpillars in his spare time...

Now for some facts. Apple customers have always been satisfied with their products. Apple is thriving because of this and only this factor...customer satisfaction and loyalty. OSX users have known this and now the general populace will know it to with iPhones and iPads. It isnt about "marketing wizardry", it isnt about "the cool factor" or the "IT factor" that crap only lasts until after you open the box and use the product. This is the excuse that tech nerds love to throw out because they know that this is all they have.

LOL @ checking for permissions of an app before downloading it. LOL @ blaming the user for downloading a Virus....and you guys wonder why people have shunned this crap in the past and will continue to do so.


RIM just lost to Apple AGAIN.
LOL @ checking for permissions of an app before downloading it. LOL @ blaming the user for downloading a Virus....and you guys wonder why people have shunned this crap in the past and will continue to do so.

Why is that funny? I'd much rather be able to see what my apps want to do before installing them. If an app claims to manage wallpapers, and it wants permission to send sms messages, I'd like to know about this. And why wouldn't you blame the user? If a user downloads and installs a random program from the internet, you'd be pretty quick to blame them for the ensuing virus, wouldn't you? Why should apps be any different?

In a closed market where a group of "specialists" get to look over all the merchandise before allowing it to be sold, this may not be a necessity. But the android market is open. That's it's goal. No higher power vetting everything and telling users what they are and are not allowed to buy. For better or worse, it's a different model, and needs a different approach. The tradeoff for being able to choose for yourself what you get to install is that you have to be more careful about what you install. You can debate all you want about it being better or not (personally, I think it's better, but that's just me), but the point is that according to the numbers, and Android's continually increasing market share*, a number of people like it.

*This is anecdotal. I can't be bothered looking up market share history, but seem to recall seeing these stats over the last year or so.
The point is that the majority of consumers don't want to bother having to do that crap... just as they don't want to bother cleaning malware and viruses off their Windows PCs but they do it anyway and its a goddamn nuisance.

The last thing I want to carry with me 24/7 is a device that needs constant attention and regular maintenance. That's why I ditched Winblows in the first place, couldn't be happier after the fact. Android is going down the same path and Google needs to tighten that crap up, stat.
From reading all these posts I have come to the conclusion that the title should be edited by the mods to read "why iPhone is better than android"
From reading all these posts I have come to the conclusion that the title should be edited by the mods to read "why iPhone is better than android"

I dunno...

With the rapidly increasing market share of Android, I'd say the buying public is voting with their dollars. Apple actually lost market share recently. I wonder if the Apple-hysteria is starting to die down as the next greatest thing has arrived?


Also........going back on the post about women and iphones.......the more I think about it, I know plenty more girls that own iPhones then men. And I don't know any girls that own Androids. :)

Edit : I noticed that the figures posted above were from July. However, I found another article with more recent figures.

"Compared to the third quarter of 2009, RIM appears to be in a serious backslide: its market share has declined by 53 percent since then. Likewise, Apple's iOS share has declined by 21 percent since Q3 2009."

Whatever the case may be..... Android is on the march, and shows no signs of slowing down.

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