Don't get me started on simplicity and reliability ..... last time I was shopping I told the guy, keep your smartphones (I have one, but only because I have to ...) and rather show me a simple phone which has a battery which will last more than a year, and is able to be in a standby for 5 days (with barely any usage ...). I'd also like a phone loud enough ...... simple. but his answer was "I have no clue" and kept showing me one with fancy touch screen and keyboard. I said I don't need that and walked away ...
The other side of the argument is, how many text messages do you have to send to express what you can convey in a minute of conversation? look at this board, often times you can write 20 posts what a 5 minute conversation would fix pronto.
As you said, I hate often times the modern gadgets and really feel sorry for the dudes who always run and stand in the lineup to be the first to get raped on latest smartphone data plan rate in Canada ... But I guess, one man's meat is another man's poison.