Why Android is better than iPhone.

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And what does Woz use on a daily basis right now? Two iPhones. Until Andriod get's it's act together, it's still playing catch-up.

I dont think Android is playing catchup, they have enough momentum to do their own thing really and not just follow Apple. At the beginning yes, Apple had a strangle hold on the smart phone market in a sense.

I would hardly say the iPhone is for sheeple. I find it quiet interesting how attached people get to their choice of tech and how if your not using what I say is the best, you must be a mindless zombie just buying because the TV said so. Why do so many care? Its pretty simple, buy what works for you. My iPhone 4 is great, I like the eco system, the way it works and connects to my digital life. Guess that makes me a sheeple because I use a product that works really well for me.
"Apple cofounder: 'Android will win smartphone race'"


"But Android phones have more features." According to Wozniak, "the iPhone is not for everyone. Android offers a much wider range under the motto for everyone."

Translation...... the iPhone is for sheeple.

You do realize that the source of that article was a dutch sensationlist type paper. Woz has gone on record that the paper took the words out of context and left out a lot in order to post a sensationalistic headline. Looks like it worked out well for them.
^^^ what he said

Motostark needs to do more reading and less posting methinks. Oh well at least he's consistent when it comes to being wrong about everything.
You do realize that the source of that article was a dutch sensationlist type paper. Woz has gone on record that the paper took the words out of context and left out a lot in order to post a sensationalistic headline. Looks like it worked out well for them.

Backpedalling....clarification.... whatever you want to call it....

Woz's revised and clarified statement according to him...

"Woz did say he lightly prognosticated that Android would become more popular "based on what I've read," but that he expects Android "to be a lot like Windows... I'm not trying to put Android down, but I'm not suggesting it's better than iOS by any stretch of the imagination. But it can get greater marketshare and still be crappy."

Oh well at least he's consistent when it comes to being wrong about everything.

Only in your apple loving eyes.


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Just another example of why its important for an OS maker to control their product.

Ok people. It is clear that most of you have no clue what open source is all about, so let me explain.

An open source project has a main line development tree and a maintainer. In case of a small project this could be a single person, or in case of larger projects it could be multiple people responsible for separate areas of the project. The maintainer is (as the name suggests) responsible for maintaining the project (or as you call it 'control'). The maintainer will most likely make project's architectural decisions to move it forward.

Maintainers have control over the code that goes into the project. So when you want to submit your magical changes to the main tree you submit it to the maintainer for review. If your code passes this process, ie code is deemed 'good', it is then merged into the main tree by the maintainer.

Since the project is open source (and for the sake of this discussion let's assume it is released under GNU GPLv3 license), you can download the source code and change it anyway you see fit, given that you publish those changes. So just because Sony (for example) gets this source code and munges it around to work on its phone, publishes the changes and releases the phone, doesn't mean that its changes will EVER make it into main dev tree.

Now the advantage of this model is that a project can grow very rapidly as code contributions can come from many sources. But, as I mentioned in another post most companies that make use of open source software don't care to make meaningful contributions to open source projects. This is the disadvantage.

Now I know what you are thinking. But proprietary software is so great. The company controls everything and all is well. Well, not quite, let's take the most popular OS out there, windows. When a hardware manufacturer makes a new device (say video card), they release device drivers for that device. Microsoft does not write all the device drivers available for that OS. Microsoft relies on those hardware manufacturers to support its product (windows) and I think open source projects should expect the same (maybe someday).
Not sure why you bothered typing any of that out... nobody here is confused about what open source means. Some of us are just saying that a proprietary system such as Apple's iOS is far better suited for a device you carry around and depend on 24/7. I like the idea of buying the hardware and the software from the same company where countless millions have been spent on research and development to pair the two together... as opposed to a one-size-fits-all OS being jury-rigged onto all kinds of different platforms by all kinds of different manufacturers.

It has become quite clear that Android is a 'fragmented' (or whatever word you wanna use) system. Lots of manufacturers with an even bigger number of platforms and different versions of operating systems. Sony's X10 is a perfect example that phone took FOREVER to upgrade to a modern version of Android, and even when it finally did they managed to screw it up and its still outdated. HTC barely bothers to keep their handsets up to date because by the time one needs an upgrade, a new model is already out. Thanks, no thanks. At least with Apple you know where they stand and you know roughly when the next model will come out. Not to mention their legacy support is top notch. Good luck getting support and updates for your old HTC or Samsung in a year or two.
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I have nothing against Apple or iOS. The phone is nice to use and any time I used it I had no problems. The only thing missing is a more affordable option. You want apple goodness, unfortunately you have to pay (more than I want to).

I only have a problem with people blaming Android problems on open source. Open source is only a concept/tool. Reason I "wrote all that out" is because many in this thread crying about Android can't grasp one simple concept: Have a problem with your HTC phone, blame HTC not Google for not "locking down" Android. HTC chose to use Android, chose to munge up the code to the point where it's impossible for them to release updates in a timely fashion, etc. Is that so hard to understand?
Good luck getting support and updates for your old HTC or Samsung in a year or two.

I've been saying this for a while... RIM is going under. Their stranglehold on the enterprise market is going to dwindle away, and since they're completely incapable of creating a competitive smartphone for the consumer market, they will eventually go out of business. Its only a matter of time now. Its a shame because they're a Canadian company, but they simply aren't keeping up.

Yeah.... they along with RIM will be out of business soon. LOL.

Wait, let me get up off the floor..... LOLOLOL.

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I have nothing against Apple or iOS. The phone is nice to use and any time I used it I had no problems. The only thing missing is a more affordable option. You want apple goodness, unfortunately you have to pay (more than I want to).

I only have a problem with people blaming Android problems on open source. Open source is only a concept/tool. Reason I "wrote all that out" is because many in this thread crying about Android can't grasp one simple concept: Have a problem with your HTC phone, blame HTC not Google for not "locking down" Android. HTC chose to use Android, chose to munge up the code to the point where it's impossible for them to release updates in a timely fashion, etc. Is that so hard to understand?

The problem with an open source platform with a mobile device is that once it get popular (which Android has) your gonna get Viruses. And with no single place "market place" the unwitting masses can be duped into downloading these viruses from a variety of places and ways. Second with no governing body or set of rules your gonna get more and more viruses and spam flooding the appscene. Now I ditched Windoze because I got sick and tired of the cat and mouse game of viruses/anti-viruses and spam/anti-spam. Now imagine doing that on a phone...no thanks.

Secondly when so many different manufacturers have so many different hardware sets out there with such varying degrees in the specs your going to run into fragmentation. Devs are going to end up either not developing for a certain hardware spec or start having to put out stripped down versions of their apps.

Google has to really start enforcing some standards and regulations if they want Android to thrive. Or they may get relegated to RIM status in a few years.
The problem with an open source platform with a mobile device is that once it get popular (which Android has) your gonna get Viruses. And with no single place "market place" the unwitting masses can be duped into downloading these viruses from a variety of places and ways. Second with no governing body or set of rules your gonna get more and more viruses and spam flooding the appscene. Now I ditched Windoze because I got sick and tired of the cat and mouse game of viruses/anti-viruses and spam/anti-spam. Now imagine doing that on a phone...no thanks.

Secondly when so many different manufacturers have so many different hardware sets out there with such varying degrees in the specs your going to run into fragmentation. Devs are going to end up either not developing for a certain hardware spec or start having to put out stripped down versions of their apps.

Google has to really start enforcing some standards and regulations if they want Android to thrive. Or they may get relegated to RIM status in a few years.

I agree with some of your points, like the cons of open source, but thats the price you pay for anything thats open and free. Like free speech we get hate mongers and the rest who can spout off whatever they want, but in the end the freedom is great. That said I prefer the iOS over the Android, thats my personal preferences.

I seriously doubt you will see Android dip and lose ground anymore, they are solidly planted in the market with enough to keep it going and a contender/leader of the pack. Rim has always had a terrible UI and in a market that is more dominated by consumer users then business users, thats a real down side of the Blackberry OS.
My god....this geek talk is still going on ? Seriously guys, time to get some booty.

Did I mention my if you type in 3045 on my calculator and turn it upside down, it spells shoe. Tell me thats not awsome to the extreme.
Here are what my friends with iPhones brag about.

1) My iPhone has a great app that calculate what I should tip....mmm I just calculated what the tip is before u can launch your app.
2) Wow, the resolution on you HTC Magic looks like crap compare to my iPhone 4.....really...no kidding, u are a freakin genius.
3) hey porn looks great on my iPhone....

Apple makes really pretty and very functional products.
My next phone will be the HTC Desire HD.

Can I be your friend, I wanna show you what my iPhone can do.
My iPhone is better than your other friends iPhone, I can prove it.
My god....this geek talk is still going on ? Seriously guys, time to get some booty.

Did I mention my if you type in 3045 on my calculator and turn it upside down, it spells shoe. Tell me thats not awsome to the extreme.

Yeah having a legitimate discussion about tangible things is so retarded, we should go endlessly post in the circle jerk thread desperately trying to get laid on the internet...
Wait a minute....can you really watch porn on the Iphone? REALLY????? this changes everything.....all I can do with my calculator is type in 8008......looks like boob. Ya that gets me off most of the time....but it ain't INTERNET PORN.....AWSOME.....IPHONE HANDS DOWN THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.
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