The Jobs era Apple as we knew it is *done*.
This is funny, when Jobs was alive the competition never gave him any credit. It was always he was lucky, it wasn't just him, etc. etc. Now that he's gone, the anti-Apple fanboys give him more credit than the Apple fanboys ever did.
Somehow, the anti-Apple folk have created this myth that Jobs was infallible, a god. Everything that he oversaw was perfect out of the box. Of course Apple is doomed without him
I hate to shatter this magical image that people have of him, but it's just not true. Jobs has had a huge amount of achievements, but there have also been missteps. MobileMe, Final Cut Pro X, NeXT, antennagate come to mind. There were also the products that people considered a failure at launch which then went on to huge success. The iMac was a bit of a joke at launch (what do you mean it doesn't have a floppy drive?), the Macbook Air (what do you mean it doesn't have an optical drive?), biggest of all was the iPad.
When the iPad launched, no one knew what to make of it. The anti-Apple guys had an absolute field day with it. Everything from the name, lack of ports, lack of full blown OS, etc etc.
Guess hindsight really is 20/20